diff --git a/bin/build.sh b/bin/build.sh index 0db0604a..d3c86603 100755 --- a/bin/build.sh +++ b/bin/build.sh @@ -1,50 +1,51 @@ #!/bin/bash set -e if [[ $1 == "--podman" ]]; then echo "Building with podman" shift podman build docker/swoole/ -t apheleia/swoole podman build docker/base/ -f almalinux9 -t apheleia/almalinux9 podman build --ulimit nofile=65535:65535 docker/webapp -t kolab-webapp \ ${KOLAB_GIT_REMOTE:+"--build-arg=GIT_REMOTE=$KOLAB_GIT_REMOTE"} \ ${KOLAB_GIT_REF:+"--build-arg=GIT_REF=$KOLAB_GIT_REF"} podman build --ulimit nofile=65535:65535 docker/meet -t kolab-meet \ ${KOLAB_GIT_REMOTE:+"--build-arg=GIT_REMOTE=$KOLAB_GIT_REMOTE"} \ ${KOLAB_GIT_REF:+"--build-arg=GIT_REF=$KOLAB_GIT_REF"} podman build docker/postfix -t kolab-postfix podman build docker/imap -t kolab-imap podman build docker/amavis -t kolab-amavis podman build docker/collabora -t kolab-collabora --build-arg=REPOSITORY="https://www.collaboraoffice.com/repos/CollaboraOnline/23.05-CODE/CODE-rpm/" podman build docker/mariadb -t mariadb podman build docker/redis -t redis podman build docker/proxy -t kolab-proxy podman build docker/coturn -t kolab-coturn podman build docker/utils -t kolab-utils podman build docker/fluentbit -t fluentbit podman build --ulimit nofile=65535:65535 docker/roundcube -t roundcube \ ${GIT_REMOTE_ROUNDCUBEMAIL:+"--build-arg=GIT_REMOTE_ROUNDCUBEMAIL=$GIT_REMOTE_ROUNDCUBEMAIL"} \ ${GIT_REF_ROUNDCUBEMAIL:+"--build-arg=GIT_REF_ROUNDCUBEMAIL=$GIT_REF_ROUNDCUBEMAIL"} \ ${GIT_REMOTE_ROUNDCUBEMAIL_PLUGINS:+"--build-arg=GIT_REMOTE_ROUNDCUBEMAIL_PLUGINS=$GIT_REMOTE_ROUNDCUBEMAIL_PLUGINS"} \ ${GIT_REF_ROUNDCUBEMAIL_PLUGINS:+"--build-arg=GIT_REF_ROUNDCUBEMAIL_PLUGINS=$GIT_REF_ROUNDCUBEMAIL_PLUGINS"} \ ${GIT_REMOTE_CHWALA:+"--build-arg=GIT_REMOTE_CHWALA=$GIT_REMOTE_CHWALA"} \ ${GIT_REF_CHWALA:+"--build-arg=GIT_REF_CHWALA=$GIT_REF_CHWALA"} \ ${GIT_REMOTE_SYNCROTON:+"--build-arg=GIT_REMOTE_SYNCROTON=$GIT_REMOTE_SYNCROTON"} \ ${GIT_REF_SYNCROTON:+"--build-arg=GIT_REF_SYNCROTON=$GIT_REF_SYNCROTON"} \ ${GIT_REMOTE_AUTOCONF:+"--build-arg=GIT_REMOTE_AUTOCONF=$GIT_REMOTE_AUTOCONF"} \ ${GIT_REF_AUTOCONF:+"--build-arg=GIT_REF_AUTOCONF=$GIT_REF_AUTOCONF"} \ ${GIT_REMOTE_IRONY:+"--build-arg=GIT_REMOTE_IRONY=$GIT_REMOTE_IRONY"} \ ${GIT_REF_IRONY:+"--build-arg=GIT_REF_IRONY=$GIT_REF_IRONY"} \ ${GIT_REMOTE_FREEBUSY:+"--build-arg=GIT_REMOTE_FREEBUSY=$GIT_REMOTE_FREEBUSY"} \ ${GIT_REF_FREEBUSY:+"--build-arg=GIT_REF_FREEBUSY=$GIT_REF_FREEBUSY"} else echo "Building with docker compose" # Workaround because docker-compose doesn't know build dependencies, so we build the dependencies first # (It does respect depends_on, but we don't actually want the dependencies started, so....) - docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml -f docker-compose.build.yml build $@ swoole almalinux8 almalinux9 + docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml -f docker-compose.build.yml build $@ almalinux9 + docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml -f docker-compose.build.yml build $@ swoole docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml -f docker-compose.build.yml build $@ webapp docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml -f docker-compose.build.yml build $@ fi diff --git a/docker/utils/Dockerfile b/docker/utils/Dockerfile index 1a721253..4bd5bf13 100644 --- a/docker/utils/Dockerfile +++ b/docker/utils/Dockerfile @@ -1,74 +1,74 @@ FROM apheleia/almalinux9 ENV HOME=/opt/app-root/src # Install troubleshooting utilities # FIXME not available under ppc64le # chromium \ # chromedriver \ RUN dnf -y install \ --setopt 'tsflags=nodocs' \ bind-utils \ bzip2 \ cmake \ cyrus-imapd \ cyrus-sasl-plain \ expat-devel \ gcc \ git \ libjpeg-turbo-devel \ lsof \ net-tools \ nmap-ncat \ openldap-clients \ openssh-server \ php \ psmisc \ iputils \ mariadb \ procps-ng \ python3 \ python3-devel \ python3-pip \ python3-pytz \ strace \ telnet \ traceroute \ vim-enhanced \ wget \ jq \ ruby \ zlib-devel && \ dnf clean all RUN git clone https://github.com/libwbxml/libwbxml.git && \ cd libwbxml && \ mkdir build && \ cd build && \ cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr .. && \ make && \ make install && \ mv /usr/lib/libwbxml2.so* /usr/lib64/ && \ cd .. && \ rm -rf libwbxml -RUN pip3 install distro xmltodict dnspython dkimpy && \ - pip3 install \ - --global-option=build_ext \ - --global-option="-I/usr/include/libwbxml-1.0/wbxml/" \ - git+https://github.com/kanarip/python-wbxml#egg=wbxml +# RUN pip3 install distro xmltodict dnspython dkimpy && \ +# pip3 install \ +# --global-option=build_ext \ +# --global-option="-I/usr/include/libwbxml-1.0/wbxml/" \ +# git+https://github.com/kanarip/python-wbxml#egg=wbxml # imapcli deps RUN gem install thor RUN id default || (groupadd -g 1001 default && useradd -d /opt/app-root/src/ -u 1001 -g 1001 default) COPY /rootfs / RUN chgrp -R 0 /opt/app-root/src && \ chmod -R g=u /opt/app-root/src && \ chown -R 1001:0 /opt/app-root/src USER 1001 WORKDIR ${HOME}