diff --git a/docker/webapp/update-source.sh b/docker/webapp/update-source.sh
index 7be38735..e6397820 100755
--- a/docker/webapp/update-source.sh
+++ b/docker/webapp/update-source.sh
@@ -1,13 +1,32 @@
-rsync -av \
-    --exclude=vendor \
-    --exclude=composer.lock \
-    --exclude=node_modules \
-    --exclude=package-lock.json \
-    --exclude=public \
-    --exclude=storage \
-    --exclude=resources/build \
-    --exclude=.gitignore \
-    --exclude=.env \
-    /src/kolabsrc.orig/ /opt/app-root/src/ | tee /tmp/rsync.output
+if [ -d /src/kolabsrc.orig ]; then
+    rsync -av \
+        --exclude=vendor \
+        --exclude=composer.lock \
+        --exclude=node_modules \
+        --exclude=package-lock.json \
+        --exclude=public \
+        --exclude=storage \
+        --exclude=resources/build \
+        --exclude=.gitignore \
+        --exclude=.env \
+        /src/kolabsrc.orig/ /opt/app-root/src/ | tee /tmp/rsync.output
+if [ -d /src/overlay ]; then
+    echo "----> Applying overlay"
+    rsync -av \
+        --exclude=vendor \
+        --exclude=composer.lock \
+        --exclude=node_modules \
+        --exclude=package-lock.json \
+        --exclude=public \
+        --exclude=storage \
+        --exclude=resources/build \
+        --exclude=bootstrap \
+        --exclude=.gitignore \
+        --exclude=.env \
+        /src/overlay/ /opt/app-root/src/ | tee /tmp/rsync-overlay.output
diff --git a/docker/webapp/update.sh b/docker/webapp/update.sh
index 9d2fc0db..d6f5c26f 100755
--- a/docker/webapp/update.sh
+++ b/docker/webapp/update.sh
@@ -1,63 +1,41 @@
 set -e
 set -x
 # Update the sourcecode if available.
-# This also copies the .env files that is required if we don't provide
-# a configuration via the environment.
-# So we need this for the podman setup
-if [ -d /src/kolabsrc.orig ]; then
+if [ -d /src/kolabsrc.orig ] || [ -d /src/overlay ]; then
     echo "----> Updating source"
-    REBUILD=true
-if [ -d /src/overlay ]; then
-    echo "----> Applying overlay"
-    rsync -av \
-        --exclude=vendor \
-        --exclude=composer.lock \
-        --exclude=node_modules \
-        --exclude=package-lock.json \
-        --exclude=public \
-        --exclude=storage \
-        --exclude=resources/build \
-        --exclude=bootstrap \
-        --exclude=.gitignore \
-        --exclude=.env \
-        /src/overlay/ /opt/app-root/src/ | tee /tmp/rsync-overlay.output
 cd /opt/app-root/src/
 # We rely on the environment for configuration
 # We have to do this before running composer, because that attempts to read the .env file too.
 rm -f .env
 if [[ $REBUILD == true ]]; then
     rm -rf storage/framework
     mkdir -p storage/framework/{sessions,views,cache}
     if grep -e "composer.json" -e "app" /tmp/rsync.output; then
         rm composer.lock
         # Must be before the first artisan command because those can fail otherwise)
         php -dmemory_limit=-1 $(command -v composer) install
     find bootstrap/cache/ -type f ! -name ".gitignore" -delete
     ./artisan clear-compiled
     ./artisan cache:clear
     # Only run npm if something relevant was updated
     if grep -e "package.json" -e "resources" /tmp/rsync.output; then
         npm run dev
     # Can fail if octane is not running
     ./artisan octane:reload || :