diff --git a/src/tests/Browser.php b/src/tests/Browser.php index 24174cbc..b2aafb7a 100644 --- a/src/tests/Browser.php +++ b/src/tests/Browser.php @@ -1,267 +1,301 @@ resolver->findOrFail($selector); $value = (string) $element->getAttribute($attribute); $error = "No expected text in [$selector][$attribute]. Found: $value"; Assert::assertMatchesRegularExpression($regexp, $value, $error); return $this; } /** * Assert number of (visible) elements */ public function assertElementsCount($selector, $expected_count, $visible = true) { $elements = $this->elements($selector); $count = count($elements); if ($visible) { foreach ($elements as $element) { if (!$element->isDisplayed()) { $count--; } } } Assert::assertEquals($expected_count, $count, "Count of [$selector] elements is not $expected_count"); return $this; } /** * Assert Tip element content */ public function assertTip($selector, $content) { return $this->click($selector) ->withinBody(function ($browser) use ($content) { $browser->waitFor('div.tooltip .tooltip-inner') ->assertSeeIn('div.tooltip .tooltip-inner', $content); }) ->click($selector); } /** * Assert Toast element content (and close it) */ public function assertToast(string $type, string $message, $title = null) { return $this->withinBody(function ($browser) use ($type, $title, $message) { $browser->with(new Toast($type), function (Browser $browser) use ($title, $message) { $browser->assertToastTitle($title) ->assertToastMessage($message) ->closeToast(); }); }); } /** * Assert specified error page is displayed. */ public function assertErrorPage(int $error_code, string $hint = '') { $this->with(new Error($error_code, $hint), function ($browser) { // empty, assertions will be made by the Error component itself }); return $this; } /** * Assert that the given element has specified class assigned. */ public function assertHasClass($selector, $class_name) { $element = $this->resolver->findOrFail($selector); $classes = explode(' ', (string) $element->getAttribute('class')); Assert::assertContains($class_name, $classes, "[$selector] has no class '{$class_name}'"); return $this; } /** * Assert that the given element is readonly */ public function assertReadonly($selector) { $element = $this->resolver->findOrFail($selector); $value = $element->getAttribute('readonly'); Assert::assertTrue($value == 'true', "Element [$selector] is not readonly"); return $this; } /** * Assert that the given element is not readonly */ public function assertNotReadonly($selector) { $element = $this->resolver->findOrFail($selector); $value = $element->getAttribute('readonly'); Assert::assertTrue($value != 'true', "Element [$selector] is not readonly"); return $this; } /** * Assert that the given element contains specified text, * no matter it's displayed or not. */ public function assertText($selector, $text) { $element = $this->resolver->findOrFail($selector); if ($text === '') { Assert::assertTrue((string) $element->getText() === $text, "Element's text is not empty [$selector]"); } else { Assert::assertTrue(strpos($element->getText(), $text) !== false, "No expected text in [$selector]"); } return $this; } /** * Assert that the given element contains specified text, * no matter it's displayed or not - using a regular expression. */ public function assertTextRegExp($selector, $regexp) { $element = $this->resolver->findOrFail($selector); Assert::assertMatchesRegularExpression($regexp, $element->getText(), "No expected text in [$selector]"); return $this; } /** * Remove all toast messages */ public function clearToasts() { $this->script("\$('.toast-container > *').remove()"); return $this; } /** * Wait until a button becomes enabled and click it */ public function clickWhenEnabled($selector) { return $this->waitFor($selector . ':not([disabled])')->click($selector); } /** * Check if in Phone mode */ public static function isPhone() { return getenv('TESTS_MODE') == 'phone'; } /** * Check if in Tablet mode */ public static function isTablet() { return getenv('TESTS_MODE') == 'tablet'; } /** * Check if in Desktop mode */ public static function isDesktop() { return !self::isPhone() && !self::isTablet(); } /** * Returns content of a downloaded file */ public function readDownloadedFile($filename, $sleep = 5) { $filename = __DIR__ . "/Browser/downloads/$filename"; // Give the browser a chance to finish download if (!file_exists($filename) && $sleep) { sleep($sleep); } Assert::assertFileExists($filename); return file_get_contents($filename); } /** * Removes downloaded file */ public function removeDownloadedFile($filename) { @unlink(__DIR__ . "/Browser/downloads/$filename"); return $this; } /** * Clears the input field and related vue v-model data. */ public function vueClear($selector) { if ($this->resolver->prefix != 'body') { $selector = $this->resolver->prefix . ' ' . $selector; } // The existing clear(), and type() with empty string do not work. // We have to clear the field and dispatch 'input' event programatically. $this->script( "var element = document.querySelector('$selector');" . "element.value = '';" . "element.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'))" ); return $this; } /** * Execute code within body context. * Useful to execute code that selects elements outside of a component context */ public function withinBody($callback) { if ($this->resolver->prefix != 'body') { $orig_prefix = $this->resolver->prefix; $this->resolver->prefix = 'body'; } call_user_func($callback, $this); if (isset($orig_prefix)) { $this->resolver->prefix = $orig_prefix; } return $this; } + + /** + * Store the console output with the given name. Overwrites Dusk's method. + * + * @param string $name + * @return $this + */ + public function storeConsoleLog($name) + { + if (in_array($this->driver->getCapabilities()->getBrowserName(), static::$supportsRemoteLogs)) { + $console = $this->driver->manage()->getLog('browser'); + + // Ignore errors/warnings irrelevant for testing + foreach ($console as $idx => $entry) { + if ($entry['level'] != 'SEVERE' + || strpos($entry['message'], 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of') + ) { + $console[$idx] = null; + } + } + + $console = array_values(array_filter($console)); + + if (!empty($console)) { + $file = sprintf('%s/%s.log', rtrim(static::$storeConsoleLogAt, '/'), $name); + $content = json_encode($console, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); + + file_put_contents($file, $content); + } + } + + return $this; + } + }