diff --git a/src/resources/js/app.js b/src/resources/js/app.js index a85c51f4..f8fae474 100644 --- a/src/resources/js/app.js +++ b/src/resources/js/app.js @@ -1,506 +1,507 @@ /** * First we will load all of this project's JavaScript dependencies which * includes Vue and other libraries. It is a great starting point when * building robust, powerful web applications using Vue and Laravel. */ require('./bootstrap') import AppComponent from '../vue/App' import MenuComponent from '../vue/Widgets/Menu' import SupportForm from '../vue/Widgets/SupportForm' import store from './store' import { Tab } from 'bootstrap' import { loadLangAsync, i18n } from './locale' const loader = '
' let isLoading = 0 // Lock the UI with the 'loading...' element const startLoading = () => { isLoading++ let loading = $('#app > .app-loader').removeClass('fadeOut') if (!loading.length) { $('#app').append($(loader)) } } // Hide "loading" overlay const stopLoading = () => { if (isLoading > 0) { $('#app > .app-loader').addClass('fadeOut') isLoading--; } } let loadingRoute // Note: This has to be before the app is created // Note: You cannot use app inside of the function window.router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { // check if the route requires authentication and user is not logged in if (to.meta.requiresAuth && !store.state.isLoggedIn) { // remember the original request, to use after login store.state.afterLogin = to; // redirect to login page next({ name: 'login' }) return } if (to.meta.loading) { startLoading() loadingRoute = to.name } next() }) window.router.afterEach((to, from) => { if (to.name && loadingRoute === to.name) { stopLoading() loadingRoute = null } // When changing a page remove old: // - error page // - modal backdrop $('#error-page,.modal-backdrop.show').remove() $('body').css('padding', 0) // remove padding added by unclosed modal }) const app = new Vue({ components: { AppComponent, MenuComponent, }, i18n, store, router: window.router, data() { return { isUser: !window.isAdmin && !window.isReseller, appName: window.config['app.name'], appUrl: window.config['app.url'], themeDir: '/themes/' + window.config['app.theme'] } }, methods: { // Clear (bootstrap) form validation state clearFormValidation(form) { $(form).find('.is-invalid').removeClass('is-invalid') $(form).find('.invalid-feedback').remove() }, hasPermission(type) { const authInfo = store.state.authInfo const key = 'enable' + type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + type.slice(1) return !!(authInfo && authInfo.statusInfo[key]) }, hasRoute(name) { return this.$router.resolve({ name: name }).resolved.matched.length > 0 }, hasSKU(name) { const authInfo = store.state.authInfo return authInfo.statusInfo.skus && authInfo.statusInfo.skus.indexOf(name) != -1 }, isController(wallet_id) { if (wallet_id && store.state.authInfo) { let i for (i = 0; i < store.state.authInfo.wallets.length; i++) { if (wallet_id == store.state.authInfo.wallets[i].id) { return true } } for (i = 0; i < store.state.authInfo.accounts.length; i++) { if (wallet_id == store.state.authInfo.accounts[i].id) { return true } } } return false }, // Set user state to "logged in" loginUser(response, dashboard, update) { if (!update) { store.commit('logoutUser') // destroy old state data store.commit('loginUser') } localStorage.setItem('token', response.access_token) localStorage.setItem('refreshToken', response.refresh_token) axios.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + response.access_token if (response.email) { store.state.authInfo = response } if (dashboard !== false) { this.$router.push(store.state.afterLogin || { name: 'dashboard' }) } store.state.afterLogin = null // Refresh the token before it expires let timeout = response.expires_in || 0 // We'll refresh 60 seconds before the token expires if (timeout > 60) { timeout -= 60 } // TODO: We probably should try a few times in case of an error // TODO: We probably should prevent axios from doing any requests // while the token is being refreshed this.refreshTimeout = setTimeout(() => { axios.post('/api/auth/refresh', {'refresh_token': response.refresh_token}).then(response => { this.loginUser(response.data, false, true) }) }, timeout * 1000) }, // Set user state to "not logged in" logoutUser(redirect) { store.commit('logoutUser') localStorage.setItem('token', '') localStorage.setItem('refreshToken', '') delete axios.defaults.headers.common.Authorization if (redirect !== false) { this.$router.push({ name: 'login' }) } clearTimeout(this.refreshTimeout) }, logo(mode) { let src = this.appUrl + this.themeDir + '/images/logo_' + (mode || 'header') + '.png' return `${this.appName}` }, // Display "loading" overlay inside of the specified element addLoader(elem, small = true, style = null) { if (style) { $(elem).css(style) } else { $(elem).css('position', 'relative') } $(elem).append(small ? $(loader).addClass('small') : $(loader)) }, // Create an object copy with specified properties only pick(obj, properties) { let result = {} properties.forEach(prop => { if (prop in obj) { result[prop] = obj[prop] } }) return result }, // Remove loader element added in addLoader() removeLoader(elem) { $(elem).find('.app-loader').remove() }, startLoading, stopLoading, isLoading() { return isLoading > 0 }, tab(e) { e.preventDefault() new Tab(e.target).show() }, errorPage(code, msg, hint) { // Until https://github.com/vuejs/vue-router/issues/977 is implemented // we can't really use router to display error page as it has two side // effects: it changes the URL and adds the error page to browser history. // For now we'll be replacing current view with error page "manually". if (!msg) msg = this.$te('error.' + code) ? this.$t('error.' + code) : this.$t('error.unknown') if (!hint) hint = '' const error_page = '
' + `
` + '
' $('#error-page').remove() $('#app').append(error_page) app.updateBodyClass('error') }, errorHandler(error) { this.stopLoading() - if (!error.response) { - // TODO: probably network connection error - } else if (error.response.status === 401) { + const status = error.response ? error.response.status : 500 + const message = error.response ? error.response.statusText : '' + + if (status == 401) { // Remember requested route to come back to it after log in if (this.$route.meta.requiresAuth) { store.state.afterLogin = this.$route this.logoutUser() } else { this.logoutUser(false) } } else { - this.errorPage(error.response.status, error.response.statusText) + this.errorPage(status, message) } }, downloadFile(url) { // TODO: This might not be a best way for big files as the content // will be stored (temporarily) in browser memory // TODO: This method does not show the download progress in the browser // but it could be implemented in the UI, axios has 'progress' property axios.get(url, { responseType: 'blob' }) .then(response => { const link = document.createElement('a') const contentDisposition = response.headers['content-disposition'] let filename = 'unknown' if (contentDisposition) { const match = contentDisposition.match(/filename="(.+)"/); if (match.length === 2) { filename = match[1]; } } link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(response.data) link.download = filename link.click() }) }, price(price, currency) { // TODO: Set locale argument according to the currently used locale return ((price || 0) / 100).toLocaleString('de-DE', { style: 'currency', currency: currency || 'CHF' }) }, priceLabel(cost, discount, currency) { let index = '' if (discount) { cost = Math.floor(cost * ((100 - discount) / 100)) index = '\u00B9' } return this.price(cost, currency) + '/' + this.$t('wallet.month') + index }, clickRecord(event) { if (!/^(a|button|svg|path)$/i.test(event.target.nodeName)) { $(event.target).closest('tr').find('a').trigger('click') } }, isDegraded() { return store.state.authInfo && store.state.authInfo.isAccountDegraded }, pageName(path) { let page = this.$route.path // check if it is a "menu page", find the page name // otherwise we'll use the real path as page name window.config.menu.every(item => { if (item.location == page && item.page) { page = item.page return false } }) page = page.replace(/^\//, '') return page ? page : '404' }, supportDialog(container) { let dialog = $('#support-dialog')[0] if (!dialog) { // FIXME: Find a nicer way of doing this SupportForm.i18n = i18n let form = new Vue(SupportForm) form.$mount($('
').appendTo(container)[0]) form.$root = this form.$toast = this.$toast dialog = form.$el } dialog.__vue__.showDialog() }, statusClass(obj) { if (obj.isDeleted) { return 'text-muted' } if (obj.isDegraded || obj.isAccountDegraded || obj.isSuspended) { return 'text-warning' } if (obj.isImapReady === false || obj.isLdapReady === false || obj.isVerified === false || obj.isConfirmed === false) { return 'text-danger' } return 'text-success' }, statusText(obj) { if (obj.isDeleted) { return this.$t('status.deleted') } if (obj.isDegraded || obj.isAccountDegraded) { return this.$t('status.degraded') } if (obj.isSuspended) { return this.$t('status.suspended') } if (obj.isImapReady === false || obj.isLdapReady === false || obj.isVerified === false || obj.isConfirmed === false) { return this.$t('status.notready') } return this.$t('status.active') }, // Append some wallet properties to the object userWalletProps(object) { let wallet = store.state.authInfo.accounts[0] if (!wallet) { wallet = store.state.authInfo.wallets[0] } if (wallet) { object.currency = wallet.currency if (wallet.discount) { object.discount = wallet.discount object.discount_description = wallet.discount_description } } }, updateBodyClass(name) { // Add 'class' attribute to the body, different for each page // so, we can apply page-specific styles document.body.className = 'page-' + (name || this.pageName()).replace(/\/.*$/, '') } } }) // Fetch the locale file and the start the app loadLangAsync().then(() => app.$mount('#app')) // Add a axios request interceptor window.axios.interceptors.request.use( config => { // This is the only way I found to change configuration options // on a running application. We need this for browser testing. config.headers['X-Test-Payment-Provider'] = window.config.paymentProvider return config }, error => { // Do something with request error return Promise.reject(error) } ) // Add a axios response interceptor for general/validation error handler window.axios.interceptors.response.use( response => { if (response.config.onFinish) { response.config.onFinish() } return response }, error => { // Do not display the error in a toast message, pass the error as-is if (error.config.ignoreErrors) { return Promise.reject(error) } if (error.config.onFinish) { error.config.onFinish() } let error_msg const status = error.response ? error.response.status : 200 const data = error.response ? error.response.data : {} if (status == 422 && data.errors) { error_msg = app.$t('error.form') const modal = $('div.modal.show') $(modal.length ? modal : 'form').each((i, form) => { form = $(form) $.each(data.errors, (idx, msg) => { const input_name = (form.data('validation-prefix') || form.find('form').first().data('validation-prefix') || '') + idx let input = form.find('#' + input_name) if (!input.length) { input = form.find('[name="' + input_name + '"]'); } if (input.length) { // Create an error message // API responses can use a string, array or object let msg_text = '' if (typeof(msg) !== 'string') { $.each(msg, (index, str) => { msg_text += str + ' ' }) } else { msg_text = msg } let feedback = $('
').text(msg_text) if (input.is('.list-input')) { // List input widget let controls = input.children(':not(:first-child)') if (!controls.length && typeof msg == 'string') { // this is an empty list (the main input only) // and the error message is not an array input.find('.main-input').addClass('is-invalid') } else { controls.each((index, element) => { if (msg[index]) { $(element).find('input').addClass('is-invalid') } }) } input.addClass('is-invalid').next('.invalid-feedback').remove() input.after(feedback) } else { // a special case, e.g. the invitation policy widget if (input.is('select') && input.parent().is('.input-group-select.selected')) { input = input.next() } // Standard form element input.addClass('is-invalid') input.parent().find('.invalid-feedback').remove() input.parent().append(feedback) } } }) form.find('.is-invalid:not(.listinput-widget)').first().focus() }) } else if (data.status == 'error') { error_msg = data.message } else { error_msg = error.request ? error.request.statusText : error.message } app.$toast.error(error_msg || app.$t('error.server')) // Pass the error as-is return Promise.reject(error) } ) diff --git a/src/resources/vue/App.vue b/src/resources/vue/App.vue index 0ccb02a2..1bd7e64e 100644 --- a/src/resources/vue/App.vue +++ b/src/resources/vue/App.vue @@ -1,129 +1,129 @@ diff --git a/src/tests/Browser/UsersTest.php b/src/tests/Browser/UsersTest.php index 2906f1bc..11dbb025 100644 --- a/src/tests/Browser/UsersTest.php +++ b/src/tests/Browser/UsersTest.php @@ -1,806 +1,808 @@ 'John', 'last_name' => 'Doe', 'organization' => 'Kolab Developers', ]; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); $this->deleteTestUser('julia.roberts@kolab.org'); $john = User::where('email', 'john@kolab.org')->first(); $john->setSettings($this->profile); UserAlias::where('user_id', $john->id) ->where('alias', 'john.test@kolab.org')->delete(); $activesync_sku = Sku::withEnvTenantContext()->where('title', 'activesync')->first(); $storage_sku = Sku::withEnvTenantContext()->where('title', 'storage')->first(); Entitlement::where('entitleable_id', $john->id)->where('sku_id', $activesync_sku->id)->delete(); Entitlement::where('cost', '>=', 5000)->delete(); Entitlement::where('cost', '=', 25)->where('sku_id', $storage_sku->id)->delete(); $wallet = $john->wallets()->first(); $wallet->discount()->dissociate(); $wallet->currency = 'CHF'; $wallet->save(); $this->clearBetaEntitlements(); $this->clearMeetEntitlements(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function tearDown(): void { $this->deleteTestUser('julia.roberts@kolab.org'); $john = User::where('email', 'john@kolab.org')->first(); $john->setSettings($this->profile); UserAlias::where('user_id', $john->id) ->where('alias', 'john.test@kolab.org')->delete(); $activesync_sku = Sku::withEnvTenantContext()->where('title', 'activesync')->first(); $storage_sku = Sku::withEnvTenantContext()->where('title', 'storage')->first(); Entitlement::where('entitleable_id', $john->id)->where('sku_id', $activesync_sku->id)->delete(); Entitlement::where('cost', '>=', 5000)->delete(); Entitlement::where('cost', '=', 25)->where('sku_id', $storage_sku->id)->delete(); $wallet = $john->wallets()->first(); $wallet->discount()->dissociate(); $wallet->save(); $this->clearBetaEntitlements(); $this->clearMeetEntitlements(); parent::tearDown(); } /** * Test user account editing page (not profile page) */ public function testInfo(): void { $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) { $user = User::where('email', 'john@kolab.org')->first(); // Test that the page requires authentication $browser->visit('/user/' . $user->id) ->on(new Home()) ->submitLogon('john@kolab.org', 'simple123', false) ->on(new UserInfo()) ->assertSeeIn('#user-info .card-title', 'User account') ->with('@general', function (Browser $browser) { // Assert form content $browser->assertSeeIn('div.row:nth-child(1) label', 'Status') ->assertSeeIn('div.row:nth-child(1) #status', 'Active') ->assertFocused('div.row:nth-child(2) input') ->assertSeeIn('div.row:nth-child(2) label', 'First Name') ->assertValue('div.row:nth-child(2) input[type=text]', $this->profile['first_name']) ->assertSeeIn('div.row:nth-child(3) label', 'Last Name') ->assertValue('div.row:nth-child(3) input[type=text]', $this->profile['last_name']) ->assertSeeIn('div.row:nth-child(4) label', 'Organization') ->assertValue('div.row:nth-child(4) input[type=text]', $this->profile['organization']) ->assertSeeIn('div.row:nth-child(5) label', 'Email') ->assertValue('div.row:nth-child(5) input[type=text]', 'john@kolab.org') ->assertDisabled('div.row:nth-child(5) input[type=text]') ->assertSeeIn('div.row:nth-child(6) label', 'Email Aliases') ->assertVisible('div.row:nth-child(6) .list-input') ->with(new ListInput('#aliases'), function (Browser $browser) { $browser->assertListInputValue(['john.doe@kolab.org']) ->assertValue('@input', ''); }) ->assertSeeIn('div.row:nth-child(7) label', 'Password') ->assertValue('div.row:nth-child(7) input[type=password]', '') ->assertSeeIn('div.row:nth-child(8) label', 'Confirm Password') ->assertValue('div.row:nth-child(8) input[type=password]', '') ->assertSeeIn('button[type=submit]', 'Submit') // Clear some fields and submit ->vueClear('#first_name') ->vueClear('#last_name') ->click('button[type=submit]'); }) ->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_SUCCESS, 'User data updated successfully.') ->on(new UserList()) ->click('@table tr:nth-child(3) a') ->on(new UserInfo()) ->assertSeeIn('#user-info .card-title', 'User account') ->with('@general', function (Browser $browser) { // Test error handling (password) $browser->type('#password', 'aaaaaa') ->vueClear('#password_confirmation') ->click('button[type=submit]') ->waitFor('#password + .invalid-feedback') ->assertSeeIn('#password + .invalid-feedback', 'The password confirmation does not match.') ->assertFocused('#password') ->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_ERROR, 'Form validation error'); // TODO: Test password change // Test form error handling (aliases) $browser->vueClear('#password') ->vueClear('#password_confirmation') ->with(new ListInput('#aliases'), function (Browser $browser) { $browser->addListEntry('invalid address'); }) ->click('button[type=submit]') ->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_ERROR, 'Form validation error'); $browser->with(new ListInput('#aliases'), function (Browser $browser) { $browser->assertFormError(2, 'The specified alias is invalid.', false); }); // Test adding aliases $browser->with(new ListInput('#aliases'), function (Browser $browser) { $browser->removeListEntry(2) ->addListEntry('john.test@kolab.org'); }) ->click('button[type=submit]') ->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_SUCCESS, 'User data updated successfully.'); }) ->on(new UserList()) ->click('@table tr:nth-child(3) a') ->on(new UserInfo()); $john = User::where('email', 'john@kolab.org')->first(); $alias = UserAlias::where('user_id', $john->id)->where('alias', 'john.test@kolab.org')->first(); $this->assertTrue(!empty($alias)); // Test subscriptions $browser->with('@general', function (Browser $browser) { $browser->assertSeeIn('div.row:nth-child(9) label', 'Subscriptions') ->assertVisible('@skus.row:nth-child(9)') ->with('@skus', function ($browser) { $browser->assertElementsCount('tbody tr', 6) // Mailbox SKU ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(1) td.name', 'User Mailbox') ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(1) td.price', '5,00 CHF/month') ->assertChecked('tbody tr:nth-child(1) td.selection input') ->assertDisabled('tbody tr:nth-child(1) td.selection input') ->assertTip( 'tbody tr:nth-child(1) td.buttons button', 'Just a mailbox' ) // Storage SKU ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(2) td.name', 'Storage Quota') ->assertSeeIn('tr:nth-child(2) td.price', '0,00 CHF/month') ->assertChecked('tbody tr:nth-child(2) td.selection input') ->assertDisabled('tbody tr:nth-child(2) td.selection input') ->assertTip( 'tbody tr:nth-child(2) td.buttons button', 'Some wiggle room' ) ->with(new QuotaInput('tbody tr:nth-child(2) .range-input'), function ($browser) { $browser->assertQuotaValue(5)->setQuotaValue(6); }) ->assertSeeIn('tr:nth-child(2) td.price', '0,25 CHF/month') // groupware SKU ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(3) td.name', 'Groupware Features') ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(3) td.price', '4,90 CHF/month') ->assertChecked('tbody tr:nth-child(3) td.selection input') ->assertEnabled('tbody tr:nth-child(3) td.selection input') ->assertTip( 'tbody tr:nth-child(3) td.buttons button', 'Groupware functions like Calendar, Tasks, Notes, etc.' ) // ActiveSync SKU ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(4) td.name', 'Activesync') ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(4) td.price', '0,00 CHF/month') ->assertNotChecked('tbody tr:nth-child(4) td.selection input') ->assertEnabled('tbody tr:nth-child(4) td.selection input') ->assertTip( 'tbody tr:nth-child(4) td.buttons button', 'Mobile synchronization' ) // 2FA SKU ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(5) td.name', '2-Factor Authentication') ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(5) td.price', '0,00 CHF/month') ->assertNotChecked('tbody tr:nth-child(5) td.selection input') ->assertEnabled('tbody tr:nth-child(5) td.selection input') ->assertTip( 'tbody tr:nth-child(5) td.buttons button', 'Two factor authentication for webmail and administration panel' ) // Meet SKU ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(6) td.name', 'Voice & Video Conferencing (public beta)') ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(6) td.price', '0,00 CHF/month') ->assertNotChecked('tbody tr:nth-child(6) td.selection input') ->assertEnabled('tbody tr:nth-child(6) td.selection input') ->assertTip( 'tbody tr:nth-child(6) td.buttons button', 'Video conferencing tool' ) ->click('tbody tr:nth-child(4) td.selection input'); }) ->assertMissing('@skus table + .hint') ->click('button[type=submit]') ->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_SUCCESS, 'User data updated successfully.'); }) ->on(new UserList()) ->click('@table tr:nth-child(3) a') ->on(new UserInfo()); $expected = ['activesync', 'groupware', 'mailbox', 'storage', 'storage', 'storage', 'storage', 'storage', 'storage']; $this->assertEntitlements($john, $expected); // Test subscriptions interaction $browser->with('@general', function (Browser $browser) { $browser->with('@skus', function ($browser) { // Uncheck 'groupware', expect activesync unchecked $browser->click('#sku-input-groupware') ->assertNotChecked('#sku-input-groupware') ->assertNotChecked('#sku-input-activesync') ->assertEnabled('#sku-input-activesync') ->assertNotReadonly('#sku-input-activesync') // Check 'activesync', expect an alert ->click('#sku-input-activesync') ->assertDialogOpened('Activesync requires Groupware Features.') ->acceptDialog() ->assertNotChecked('#sku-input-activesync') // Check 'meet', expect an alert ->click('#sku-input-meet') ->assertDialogOpened('Voice & Video Conferencing (public beta) requires Groupware Features.') ->acceptDialog() ->assertNotChecked('#sku-input-meet') // Check '2FA', expect 'activesync' unchecked and readonly ->click('#sku-input-2fa') ->assertChecked('#sku-input-2fa') ->assertNotChecked('#sku-input-activesync') ->assertReadonly('#sku-input-activesync') // Uncheck '2FA' ->click('#sku-input-2fa') ->assertNotChecked('#sku-input-2fa') ->assertNotReadonly('#sku-input-activesync'); }); }); }); } /** * Test user settings tab * * @depends testInfo */ public function testUserSettings(): void { $john = $this->getTestUser('john@kolab.org'); $john->setSetting('greylist_enabled', null); $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) use ($john) { $browser->visit('/user/' . $john->id) ->on(new UserInfo()) ->assertElementsCount('@nav a', 2) ->assertSeeIn('@nav #tab-general', 'General') ->assertSeeIn('@nav #tab-settings', 'Settings') ->click('@nav #tab-settings') ->with('#settings form', function (Browser $browser) { $browser->assertSeeIn('div.row:nth-child(1) label', 'Greylisting') ->click('div.row:nth-child(1) input[type=checkbox]:checked') ->click('button[type=submit]') ->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_SUCCESS, 'User settings updated successfully.'); }); }); $this->assertSame('false', $john->fresh()->getSetting('greylist_enabled')); } /** * Test user adding page * * @depends testInfo */ public function testNewUser(): void { $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) { $browser->visit(new UserList()) ->assertSeeIn('button.create-user', 'Create user') ->click('button.create-user') ->on(new UserInfo()) ->assertSeeIn('#user-info .card-title', 'New user account') ->with('@general', function (Browser $browser) { // Assert form content $browser->assertFocused('div.row:nth-child(1) input') ->assertSeeIn('div.row:nth-child(1) label', 'First Name') ->assertValue('div.row:nth-child(1) input[type=text]', '') ->assertSeeIn('div.row:nth-child(2) label', 'Last Name') ->assertValue('div.row:nth-child(2) input[type=text]', '') ->assertSeeIn('div.row:nth-child(3) label', 'Organization') ->assertValue('div.row:nth-child(3) input[type=text]', '') ->assertSeeIn('div.row:nth-child(4) label', 'Email') ->assertValue('div.row:nth-child(4) input[type=text]', '') ->assertEnabled('div.row:nth-child(4) input[type=text]') ->assertSeeIn('div.row:nth-child(5) label', 'Email Aliases') ->assertVisible('div.row:nth-child(5) .list-input') ->with(new ListInput('#aliases'), function (Browser $browser) { $browser->assertListInputValue([]) ->assertValue('@input', ''); }) ->assertSeeIn('div.row:nth-child(6) label', 'Password') ->assertValue('div.row:nth-child(6) input[type=password]', '') ->assertSeeIn('div.row:nth-child(7) label', 'Confirm Password') ->assertValue('div.row:nth-child(7) input[type=password]', '') ->assertSeeIn('div.row:nth-child(8) label', 'Package') // assert packages list widget, select "Lite Account" ->with('@packages', function ($browser) { $browser->assertElementsCount('tbody tr', 2) ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(1)', 'Groupware Account') ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(2)', 'Lite Account') ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(1) .price', '9,90 CHF/month') ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(2) .price', '5,00 CHF/month') ->assertChecked('tbody tr:nth-child(1) input') ->click('tbody tr:nth-child(2) input') ->assertNotChecked('tbody tr:nth-child(1) input') ->assertChecked('tbody tr:nth-child(2) input'); }) ->assertMissing('@packages table + .hint') ->assertSeeIn('button[type=submit]', 'Submit'); // Test browser-side required fields and error handling $browser->click('button[type=submit]') ->assertFocused('#email') ->type('#email', 'invalid email') ->click('button[type=submit]') ->assertFocused('#password') ->type('#password', 'simple123') ->click('button[type=submit]') ->assertFocused('#password_confirmation') ->type('#password_confirmation', 'simple') ->click('button[type=submit]') ->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_ERROR, 'Form validation error') ->assertSeeIn('#email + .invalid-feedback', 'The specified email is invalid.') ->assertSeeIn('#password + .invalid-feedback', 'The password confirmation does not match.'); }); // Test form error handling (aliases) $browser->with('@general', function (Browser $browser) { $browser->type('#email', 'julia.roberts@kolab.org') ->type('#password_confirmation', 'simple123') ->with(new ListInput('#aliases'), function (Browser $browser) { $browser->addListEntry('invalid address'); }) ->click('button[type=submit]') ->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_ERROR, 'Form validation error') ->with(new ListInput('#aliases'), function (Browser $browser) { $browser->assertFormError(1, 'The specified alias is invalid.', false); }); }); // Successful account creation $browser->with('@general', function (Browser $browser) { $browser->type('#first_name', 'Julia') ->type('#last_name', 'Roberts') ->type('#organization', 'Test Org') ->with(new ListInput('#aliases'), function (Browser $browser) { $browser->removeListEntry(1) ->addListEntry('julia.roberts2@kolab.org'); }) ->click('button[type=submit]'); }) ->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_SUCCESS, 'User created successfully.') // check redirection to users list ->on(new UserList()) ->whenAvailable('@table', function (Browser $browser) { $browser->assertElementsCount('tbody tr', 5) ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(4) a', 'julia.roberts@kolab.org'); }); $julia = User::where('email', 'julia.roberts@kolab.org')->first(); $alias = UserAlias::where('user_id', $julia->id)->where('alias', 'julia.roberts2@kolab.org')->first(); $this->assertTrue(!empty($alias)); $this->assertEntitlements($julia, ['mailbox', 'storage', 'storage', 'storage', 'storage', 'storage']); $this->assertSame('Julia', $julia->getSetting('first_name')); $this->assertSame('Roberts', $julia->getSetting('last_name')); $this->assertSame('Test Org', $julia->getSetting('organization')); // Some additional tests for the list input widget $browser->click('@table tbody tr:nth-child(4) a') ->on(new UserInfo()) ->with(new ListInput('#aliases'), function (Browser $browser) { $browser->assertListInputValue(['julia.roberts2@kolab.org']) ->addListEntry('invalid address') ->type('.input-group:nth-child(2) input', '@kolab.org') ->keys('.input-group:nth-child(2) input', '{enter}'); }) // TODO: Investigate why this click does not work, for now we // submit the form with Enter key above //->click('@general button[type=submit]') ->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_ERROR, 'Form validation error') ->with(new ListInput('#aliases'), function (Browser $browser) { $browser->assertVisible('.input-group:nth-child(2) input.is-invalid') ->assertVisible('.input-group:nth-child(3) input.is-invalid') ->type('.input-group:nth-child(2) input', 'julia.roberts3@kolab.org') ->type('.input-group:nth-child(3) input', 'julia.roberts4@kolab.org') ->keys('.input-group:nth-child(3) input', '{enter}'); }) // TODO: Investigate why this click does not work, for now we // submit the form with Enter key above //->click('@general button[type=submit]') ->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_SUCCESS, 'User data updated successfully.'); $julia = User::where('email', 'julia.roberts@kolab.org')->first(); $aliases = $julia->aliases()->orderBy('alias')->get()->pluck('alias')->all(); $this->assertSame(['julia.roberts3@kolab.org', 'julia.roberts4@kolab.org'], $aliases); }); } /** * Test user delete * * @depends testNewUser */ public function testDeleteUser(): void { // First create a new user $john = $this->getTestUser('john@kolab.org'); $julia = $this->getTestUser('julia.roberts@kolab.org'); $package_kolab = \App\Package::where('title', 'kolab')->first(); $john->assignPackage($package_kolab, $julia); // Test deleting non-controller user $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) use ($julia) { $browser->visit('/user/' . $julia->id) ->on(new UserInfo()) ->assertSeeIn('button.button-delete', 'Delete user') ->click('button.button-delete') ->with(new Dialog('#delete-warning'), function (Browser $browser) { $browser->assertSeeIn('@title', 'Delete julia.roberts@kolab.org') ->assertFocused('@button-cancel') ->assertSeeIn('@button-cancel', 'Cancel') ->assertSeeIn('@button-action', 'Delete') ->click('@button-cancel'); }) ->waitUntilMissing('#delete-warning') ->click('button.button-delete') ->with(new Dialog('#delete-warning'), function (Browser $browser) { $browser->click('@button-action'); }) ->waitUntilMissing('#delete-warning') ->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_SUCCESS, 'User deleted successfully.') ->on(new UserList()) ->with('@table', function (Browser $browser) { $browser->assertElementsCount('tbody tr', 4) ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(1) a', 'jack@kolab.org') ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(2) a', 'joe@kolab.org') ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(3) a', 'john@kolab.org') ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(4) a', 'ned@kolab.org'); }); $julia = User::where('email', 'julia.roberts@kolab.org')->first(); $this->assertTrue(empty($julia)); }); // Test that non-controller user cannot see/delete himself on the users list $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) { $browser->visit('/logout') ->on(new Home()) ->submitLogon('jack@kolab.org', 'simple123', true) ->visit('/users') ->assertErrorPage(403); }); // Test that controller user (Ned) can see all the users $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) { $browser->visit('/logout') ->on(new Home()) ->submitLogon('ned@kolab.org', 'simple123', true) ->visit(new UserList()) ->whenAvailable('@table', function (Browser $browser) { $browser->assertElementsCount('tbody tr', 4); }); // TODO: Test the delete action in details }); // TODO: Test what happens with the logged in user session after he's been deleted by another user } /** * Test discounted sku/package prices in the UI */ public function testDiscountedPrices(): void { // Add 10% discount $discount = Discount::where('code', 'TEST')->first(); $john = User::where('email', 'john@kolab.org')->first(); $wallet = $john->wallet(); $wallet->discount()->associate($discount); $wallet->save(); // SKUs on user edit page $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) { $browser->visit('/logout') ->on(new Home()) ->submitLogon('john@kolab.org', 'simple123', true) ->visit(new UserList()) ->waitFor('@table tr:nth-child(2)') ->click('@table tr:nth-child(2) a') // joe@kolab.org ->on(new UserInfo()) ->with('@general', function (Browser $browser) { $browser->whenAvailable('@skus', function (Browser $browser) { $quota_input = new QuotaInput('tbody tr:nth-child(2) .range-input'); $browser->waitFor('tbody tr') ->assertElementsCount('tbody tr', 6) // Mailbox SKU ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(1) td.price', '4,50 CHF/month¹') // Storage SKU ->assertSeeIn('tr:nth-child(2) td.price', '0,00 CHF/month¹') ->with($quota_input, function (Browser $browser) { $browser->setQuotaValue(100); }) ->assertSeeIn('tr:nth-child(2) td.price', '21,37 CHF/month¹') // groupware SKU ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(3) td.price', '4,41 CHF/month¹') // ActiveSync SKU ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(4) td.price', '0,00 CHF/month¹') // 2FA SKU ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(5) td.price', '0,00 CHF/month¹'); }) ->assertSeeIn('@skus table + .hint', '¹ applied discount: 10% - Test voucher'); }); }); // Packages on new user page $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) { $browser->visit(new UserList()) ->click('button.create-user') ->on(new UserInfo()) ->with('@general', function (Browser $browser) { $browser->whenAvailable('@packages', function (Browser $browser) { $browser->assertElementsCount('tbody tr', 2) ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(1) .price', '8,91 CHF/month¹') // Groupware ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(2) .price', '4,50 CHF/month¹'); // Lite }) ->assertSeeIn('@packages table + .hint', '¹ applied discount: 10% - Test voucher'); }); }); // Test using entitlement cost instead of the SKU cost $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) use ($wallet) { $joe = User::where('email', 'joe@kolab.org')->first(); $beta_sku = Sku::withEnvTenantContext()->where('title', 'beta')->first(); $storage_sku = Sku::withEnvTenantContext()->where('title', 'storage')->first(); // Add an extra storage and beta entitlement with different prices Entitlement::create([ 'wallet_id' => $wallet->id, 'sku_id' => $beta_sku->id, 'cost' => 5010, 'entitleable_id' => $joe->id, 'entitleable_type' => User::class ]); Entitlement::create([ 'wallet_id' => $wallet->id, 'sku_id' => $storage_sku->id, 'cost' => 5000, 'entitleable_id' => $joe->id, 'entitleable_type' => User::class ]); $browser->visit('/user/' . $joe->id) ->on(new UserInfo()) ->with('@general', function (Browser $browser) { $browser->whenAvailable('@skus', function (Browser $browser) { $quota_input = new QuotaInput('tbody tr:nth-child(2) .range-input'); $browser->waitFor('tbody tr') // Beta SKU ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(7) td.price', '45,09 CHF/month¹') // Storage SKU ->assertSeeIn('tr:nth-child(2) td.price', '45,00 CHF/month¹') ->with($quota_input, function (Browser $browser) { $browser->setQuotaValue(7); }) ->assertSeeIn('tr:nth-child(2) td.price', '45,22 CHF/month¹') ->with($quota_input, function (Browser $browser) { $browser->setQuotaValue(5); }) ->assertSeeIn('tr:nth-child(2) td.price', '0,00 CHF/month¹'); }) ->assertSeeIn('@skus table + .hint', '¹ applied discount: 10% - Test voucher'); }); }); } /** * Test non-default currency in the UI */ public function testCurrency(): void { // Add 10% discount $john = User::where('email', 'john@kolab.org')->first(); $wallet = $john->wallet(); $wallet->balance = -1000; $wallet->currency = 'EUR'; $wallet->save(); // On Dashboard and the wallet page $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) { $browser->visit('/logout') ->on(new Home()) ->submitLogon('john@kolab.org', 'simple123', true) ->on(new Dashboard()) ->assertSeeIn('@links .link-wallet .badge', '-10,00 €') ->click('@links .link-wallet') ->on(new WalletPage()) ->assertSeeIn('#wallet .card-title', 'Account balance -10,00 €'); }); // SKUs on user edit page $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) { $browser->visit(new UserList()) ->waitFor('@table tr:nth-child(2)') ->click('@table tr:nth-child(2) a') // joe@kolab.org ->on(new UserInfo()) ->with('@general', function (Browser $browser) { $browser->whenAvailable('@skus', function (Browser $browser) { $quota_input = new QuotaInput('tbody tr:nth-child(2) .range-input'); $browser->waitFor('tbody tr') ->assertElementsCount('tbody tr', 6) // Mailbox SKU ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(1) td.price', '5,00 €/month') // Storage SKU ->assertSeeIn('tr:nth-child(2) td.price', '0,00 €/month') ->with($quota_input, function (Browser $browser) { $browser->setQuotaValue(100); }) ->assertSeeIn('tr:nth-child(2) td.price', '23,75 €/month'); }); }); }); // Packages on new user page $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) { $browser->visit(new UserList()) ->click('button.create-user') ->on(new UserInfo()) ->with('@general', function (Browser $browser) { $browser->whenAvailable('@packages', function (Browser $browser) { $browser->assertElementsCount('tbody tr', 2) ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(1) .price', '9,90 €/month') // Groupware ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(2) .price', '5,00 €/month'); // Lite }); }); }); } /** * Test beta entitlements * * @depends testInfo */ public function testBetaEntitlements(): void { $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) { $john = User::where('email', 'john@kolab.org')->first(); $sku = Sku::withEnvTenantContext()->where('title', 'beta')->first(); $john->assignSku($sku); $browser->visit('/user/' . $john->id) ->on(new UserInfo()) ->with('@skus', function ($browser) { $browser->assertElementsCount('tbody tr', 10) // Meet SKU ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(6) td.name', 'Voice & Video Conferencing (public beta)') ->assertSeeIn('tr:nth-child(6) td.price', '0,00 CHF/month') ->assertNotChecked('tbody tr:nth-child(6) td.selection input') ->assertEnabled('tbody tr:nth-child(6) td.selection input') ->assertTip( 'tbody tr:nth-child(6) td.buttons button', 'Video conferencing tool' ) // Beta SKU ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(7) td.name', 'Private Beta (invitation only)') ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(7) td.price', '0,00 CHF/month') ->assertChecked('tbody tr:nth-child(7) td.selection input') ->assertEnabled('tbody tr:nth-child(7) td.selection input') ->assertTip( 'tbody tr:nth-child(7) td.buttons button', 'Access to the private beta program subscriptions' ) // Distlists SKU ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(8) td.name', 'Distribution lists') ->assertSeeIn('tr:nth-child(8) td.price', '0,00 CHF/month') ->assertNotChecked('tbody tr:nth-child(8) td.selection input') ->assertEnabled('tbody tr:nth-child(8) td.selection input') ->assertTip( 'tbody tr:nth-child(8) td.buttons button', 'Access to mail distribution lists' ) // Resources SKU ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(9) td.name', 'Calendaring resources') ->assertSeeIn('tr:nth-child(9) td.price', '0,00 CHF/month') ->assertNotChecked('tbody tr:nth-child(9) td.selection input') ->assertEnabled('tbody tr:nth-child(9) td.selection input') ->assertTip( 'tbody tr:nth-child(9) td.buttons button', 'Access to calendaring resources' ) // Shared folders SKU ->assertSeeIn('tbody tr:nth-child(10) td.name', 'Shared folders') ->assertSeeIn('tr:nth-child(10) td.price', '0,00 CHF/month') ->assertNotChecked('tbody tr:nth-child(10) td.selection input') ->assertEnabled('tbody tr:nth-child(10) td.selection input') ->assertTip( 'tbody tr:nth-child(10) td.buttons button', 'Access to shared folders' ) // Check Distlist, Uncheck Beta, expect Distlist unchecked ->click('#sku-input-beta-distlists') ->click('#sku-input-beta') ->assertNotChecked('#sku-input-beta') ->assertNotChecked('#sku-input-beta-distlists') // Click Distlists expect an alert ->click('#sku-input-beta-distlists') ->assertDialogOpened('Distribution lists requires Private Beta (invitation only).') ->acceptDialog() // Enable Beta and Distlist and submit ->click('#sku-input-beta') ->click('#sku-input-beta-distlists'); }) + ->scrollTo('@general button[type=submit]') ->click('@general button[type=submit]') ->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_SUCCESS, 'User data updated successfully.'); $expected = [ 'beta', 'beta-distlists', 'groupware', 'mailbox', 'storage', 'storage', 'storage', 'storage', 'storage' ]; $this->assertEntitlements($john, $expected); $browser->visit('/user/' . $john->id) ->on(new UserInfo()) ->waitFor('#sku-input-beta') ->click('#sku-input-beta') + ->scrollTo('@general button[type=submit]') ->click('@general button[type=submit]') ->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_SUCCESS, 'User data updated successfully.'); $expected = [ 'groupware', 'mailbox', 'storage', 'storage', 'storage', 'storage', 'storage' ]; $this->assertEntitlements($john, $expected); }); // TODO: Test that the Distlists SKU is not available for users that aren't a group account owners // TODO: Test that entitlements change has immediate effect on the available items in dashboard // i.e. does not require a page reload nor re-login. } }