diff --git a/docker/meet/Dockerfile b/docker/meet/Dockerfile index eed864e2..b889147c 100644 --- a/docker/meet/Dockerfile +++ b/docker/meet/Dockerfile @@ -1,41 +1,11 @@ FROM fedora:34 MAINTAINER Jeroen van Meeuwen RUN dnf -y install \ --setopt 'tsflags=nodocs' \ - bash-completion \ - bind-utils \ - coturn \ - curl \ - dhcp-client \ - git \ - iproute \ - iptraf-ng \ - iputils \ - less \ - lsof \ - mtr \ - net-tools \ - npm nodejs python3 make gcc g++ \ - NetworkManager \ - NetworkManager-tui \ - network-scripts \ - nmap-ncat \ - procps-ng \ - redis \ - strace \ - systemd-udev \ - tcpdump \ - telnet \ - traceroute \ - vim-enhanced \ - wget && \ + npm nodejs python3 make gcc g++ && \ dnf clean all -# 3443/tcp (default https webserver and signaling - adjustable in server/config.js) -# 4443/tcp (default npm start port for developing with live browser reload, not needed in production environments - adjustable in app/package.json) -# 40000-49999/udp/tcp (media ports - adjustable in server/config.js) - COPY init.sh /init.sh CMD [ "/init.sh" ] diff --git a/docker/meet/init.sh b/docker/meet/init.sh index 4b9577e0..1b1bcc00 100755 --- a/docker/meet/init.sh +++ b/docker/meet/init.sh @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ #!/bin/bash set -e cp -R /src/meet /src/meetsrc ln -s /root/node_modules /src/meetsrc/node_modules cd /src/meetsrc npm install npm install -g nodemon -redis-server& export DEBUG="*" nodemon server.js diff --git a/meet/server/config/config.js b/meet/server/config/config.js index 7ab2ddc8..79e6d409 100644 --- a/meet/server/config/config.js +++ b/meet/server/config/config.js @@ -1,481 +1,484 @@ const os = require('os'); // const fs = require('fs'); const userRoles = require('../userRoles'); const { BYPASS_ROOM_LOCK, BYPASS_LOBBY } = require('../access'); const { CHANGE_ROOM_LOCK, PROMOTE_PEER, MODIFY_ROLE, SEND_CHAT, MODERATE_CHAT, SHARE_AUDIO, SHARE_VIDEO, SHARE_SCREEN, EXTRA_VIDEO, SHARE_FILE, MODERATE_FILES, MODERATE_ROOM } = require('../permissions'); // const AwaitQueue = require('awaitqueue'); // const axios = require('axios'); module.exports = { // Auth conf /* auth : { // Always enabled if configured lti : { consumerKey : 'key', consumerSecret : 'secret' }, // Auth strategy to use (default oidc) strategy : 'oidc', oidc : { // The issuer URL for OpenID Connect discovery // The OpenID Provider Configuration Document // could be discovered on: // issuerURL + '/.well-known/openid-configuration' // e.g. google OIDC config // Follow this guide to get credential: // https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/openid-connect // use this issuerURL // issuerURL : 'https://accounts.google.com/', issuerURL : 'https://example.com', clientOptions : { client_id : '', client_secret : '', scope : 'openid email profile', // where client.example.com is your edumeet server redirect_uri : 'https://client.example.com/auth/callback' } }, saml : { // where edumeet.example.com is your edumeet server callbackUrl : 'https://edumeet.example.com/auth/callback', issuer : 'https://edumeet.example.com', entryPoint : 'https://openidp.feide.no/simplesaml/saml2/idp/SSOService.php', privateCert : fs.readFileSync('config/saml_privkey.pem', 'utf-8'), signingCert : fs.readFileSync('config/saml_cert.pem', 'utf-8'), decryptionPvk : fs.readFileSync('config/saml_privkey.pem', 'utf-8'), decryptionCert : fs.readFileSync('config/saml_cert.pem', 'utf-8'), // Federation cert cert : fs.readFileSync('config/federation_cert.pem', 'utf-8') }, // to create password hash use: node server/utils/password_encode.js cleartextpassword local : { users : [ { id : 1, username : 'alice', passwordHash : '$2b$10$PAXXw.6cL3zJLd7ZX.AnL.sFg2nxjQPDmMmGSOQYIJSa0TrZ9azG6', displayName : 'Alice', emails : [ { value: 'alice@atlanta.com' } ] }, { id : 2, username : 'bob', passwordHash : '$2b$10$BzAkXcZ54JxhHTqCQcFn8.H6klY/G48t4jDBeTE2d2lZJk/.tvv0G', displayName : 'Bob', emails : [ { value: 'bob@biloxi.com' } ] } ] } }, */ // URI and key for requesting geoip-based TURN server closest to the client turnAPIKey : 'examplekey', turnAPIURI : 'https://example.com/api/turn', turnAPIparams : { 'uri_schema' : 'turn', 'transport' : 'tcp', 'ip_ver' : 'ipv4', 'servercount' : '2' }, turnAPITimeout : 2 * 1000, // Backup turnservers if REST fails or is not configured backupTurnServers : [ { urls : [ 'turn:turn.example.com:443?transport=tcp' ], username : 'example', credential : 'example' } ], // bittorrent tracker: please replace this if you want a more private file sharing service inside eduMEET // have a look at https://github.com/webtorrent/bittorrent-tracker for setup your own tracker fileTracker : 'wss://tracker.openwebtorrent.com', // redis server options - redisOptions : {}, + redisOptions : { + host: '', //REDIS_IP + port: '6379', //REDIS_PORT + }, // session cookie secret cookieSecret : 'T0P-S3cR3t_cook!e', cookieName : 'edumeet.sid', // if you use encrypted private key the set the passphrase tls : { //cert : `${__dirname}/../certs/mediasoup-demo.localhost.cert.pem`, // passphrase: 'key_password' //key : `${__dirname}/../certs/mediasoup-demo.localhost.key.pem` cert : `/etc/pki/tls/certs/kolab.hosted.com.cert`, key : `/etc/pki/tls/certs/kolab.hosted.com.key`, }, // listening Host or IP // If omitted listens on every IP. ("" and "::") //listeningHost: 'localhost', // Listening port for https server. listeningPort : 12443, // Any http request is redirected to https. // Listening port for http server. listeningRedirectPort : 12080, // Listens only on http, only on listeningPort // listeningRedirectPort disabled // use case: loadbalancer backend httpOnly : true, // WebServer/Express trust proxy config for httpOnly mode // You can find more info: // - https://expressjs.com/en/guide/behind-proxies.html // - https://www.npmjs.com/package/proxy-addr // use case: loadbalancer backend trustProxy : '', // This logger class will have the log function // called every time there is a room created or destroyed, // or peer created or destroyed. This would then be able // to log to a file or external service. /* StatusLogger : class { constructor() { this._queue = new AwaitQueue(); } // rooms: rooms object // peers: peers object // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars async log({ rooms, peers }) { this._queue.push(async () => { // Do your logging in here, use queue to keep correct order // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('Number of rooms: ', rooms.size); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('Number of peers: ', peers.size); }) .catch((error) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('error in log', error); }); } }, */ // This function will be called on successful login through oidc. // Use this function to map your oidc userinfo to the Peer object. // The roomId is equal to the room name. // See examples below. // Examples: /* // All authenicated users will be MODERATOR and AUTHENTICATED userMapping : async ({ peer, room, roomId, userinfo }) => { peer.addRole(userRoles.MODERATOR); peer.addRole(userRoles.AUTHENTICATED); }, // All authenicated users will be AUTHENTICATED, // and those with the moderator role set in the userinfo // will also be MODERATOR userMapping : async ({ peer, room, roomId, userinfo }) => { if ( Array.isArray(userinfo.meet_roles) && userinfo.meet_roles.includes('moderator') ) { peer.addRole(userRoles.MODERATOR); } if ( Array.isArray(userinfo.meet_roles) && userinfo.meet_roles.includes('meetingadmin') ) { peer.addRole(userRoles.ADMIN); } peer.addRole(userRoles.AUTHENTICATED); }, // First authenticated user will be moderator, // all others will be AUTHENTICATED userMapping : async ({ peer, room, roomId, userinfo }) => { if (room) { const peers = room.getJoinedPeers(); if (peers.some((_peer) => _peer.authenticated)) peer.addRole(userRoles.AUTHENTICATED); else { peer.addRole(userRoles.MODERATOR); peer.addRole(userRoles.AUTHENTICATED); } } }, // All authenicated users will be AUTHENTICATED, // and those with email ending with @example.com // will also be MODERATOR userMapping : async ({ peer, room, roomId, userinfo }) => { if (userinfo.email && userinfo.email.endsWith('@example.com')) { peer.addRole(userRoles.MODERATOR); } peer.addRole(userRoles.AUTHENTICATED); }, // All authenicated users will be AUTHENTICATED, // and those with email ending with @example.com // will also be MODERATOR userMapping : async ({ peer, room, roomId, userinfo }) => { if (userinfo.email && userinfo.email.endsWith('@example.com')) { peer.addRole(userRoles.MODERATOR); } peer.addRole(userRoles.AUTHENTICATED); }, */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars userMapping : async ({ peer, room, roomId, userinfo }) => { if (userinfo.picture != null) { if (!userinfo.picture.match(/^http/g)) { peer.picture = `data:image/jpeg;base64, ${userinfo.picture}`; } else { peer.picture = userinfo.picture; } } if (userinfo['urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.60'] != null) { peer.picture = `data:image/jpeg;base64, ${userinfo['urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.60']}`; } if (userinfo.nickname != null) { peer.displayName = userinfo.nickname; } if (userinfo.name != null) { peer.displayName = userinfo.name; } if (userinfo.displayName != null) { peer.displayName = userinfo.displayName; } if (userinfo['urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241'] != null) { peer.displayName = userinfo['urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241']; } if (userinfo.email != null) { peer.email = userinfo.email; } }, // All users have the role "NORMAL" by default. Other roles need to be // added in the "userMapping" function. The following accesses and // permissions are arrays of roles. Roles can be changed in userRoles.js // // Example: // [ userRoles.MODERATOR, userRoles.AUTHENTICATED ] accessFromRoles : { // The role(s) will gain access to the room // even if it is locked (!) [BYPASS_ROOM_LOCK] : [ userRoles.ADMIN ], // The role(s) will gain access to the room without // going into the lobby. If you want to restrict access to your // server to only directly allow authenticated users, you could // add the userRoles.AUTHENTICATED to the user in the userMapping // function, and change to BYPASS_LOBBY : [ userRoles.AUTHENTICATED ] [BYPASS_LOBBY] : [ userRoles.NORMAL ] }, permissionsFromRoles : { // The role(s) have permission to lock/unlock a room [CHANGE_ROOM_LOCK] : [ userRoles.MODERATOR ], // The role(s) have permission to promote a peer from the lobby [PROMOTE_PEER] : [ userRoles.NORMAL ], // The role(s) have permission to give/remove other peers roles [MODIFY_ROLE] : [ userRoles.NORMAL ], // The role(s) have permission to send chat messages [SEND_CHAT] : [ userRoles.NORMAL ], // The role(s) have permission to moderate chat [MODERATE_CHAT] : [ userRoles.MODERATOR ], // The role(s) have permission to share audio [SHARE_AUDIO] : [ userRoles.NORMAL ], // The role(s) have permission to share video [SHARE_VIDEO] : [ userRoles.NORMAL ], // The role(s) have permission to share screen [SHARE_SCREEN] : [ userRoles.NORMAL ], // The role(s) have permission to produce extra video [EXTRA_VIDEO] : [ userRoles.NORMAL ], // The role(s) have permission to share files [SHARE_FILE] : [ userRoles.NORMAL ], // The role(s) have permission to moderate files [MODERATE_FILES] : [ userRoles.MODERATOR ], // The role(s) have permission to moderate room (e.g. kick user) [MODERATE_ROOM] : [ userRoles.MODERATOR ] }, // Array of permissions. If no peer with the permission in question // is in the room, all peers are permitted to do the action. The peers // that are allowed because of this rule will not be able to do this // action as soon as a peer with the permission joins. In this example // everyone will be able to lock/unlock room until a MODERATOR joins. allowWhenRoleMissing : [ CHANGE_ROOM_LOCK ], // When truthy, the room will be open to all users when as long as there // are allready users in the room activateOnHostJoin : true, // When set, maxUsersPerRoom defines how many users can join // a single room. If not set, there is no limit. // maxUsersPerRoom : 20, // Room size before spreading to new router routerScaleSize : 40, // Socket timout value requestTimeout : 20000, // Socket retries when timeout requestRetries : 3, // Mediasoup settings mediasoup : { numWorkers : Object.keys(os.cpus()).length, // mediasoup Worker settings. worker : { logLevel : 'warn', logTags : [ 'info', 'ice', 'dtls', 'rtp', 'srtp', 'rtcp' ], rtcMinPort : 40000, rtcMaxPort : 49999 }, // mediasoup Router settings. router : { // Router media codecs. mediaCodecs : [ { kind : 'audio', mimeType : 'audio/opus', clockRate : 48000, channels : 2 }, { kind : 'video', mimeType : 'video/VP8', clockRate : 90000, parameters : { 'x-google-start-bitrate' : 1000 } }, { kind : 'video', mimeType : 'video/VP9', clockRate : 90000, parameters : { 'profile-id' : 2, 'x-google-start-bitrate' : 1000 } }, { kind : 'video', mimeType : 'video/h264', clockRate : 90000, parameters : { 'packetization-mode' : 1, 'profile-level-id' : '4d0032', 'level-asymmetry-allowed' : 1, 'x-google-start-bitrate' : 1000 } }, { kind : 'video', mimeType : 'video/h264', clockRate : 90000, parameters : { 'packetization-mode' : 1, 'profile-level-id' : '42e01f', 'level-asymmetry-allowed' : 1, 'x-google-start-bitrate' : 1000 } } ] }, // mediasoup WebRtcTransport settings. webRtcTransport : { listenIps : [ // change IPv4 to your server's IPv4 address!! { ip: '', announcedIp: null } // Can have multiple listening interfaces // change 2001:DB8::1 IPv6 to your server's IPv6 address!! // { ip: '2001:DB8::1', announcedIp: null } ], initialAvailableOutgoingBitrate : 1000000, minimumAvailableOutgoingBitrate : 600000, // Additional options that are not part of WebRtcTransportOptions. maxIncomingBitrate : 1500000 } } /* , // Prometheus exporter prometheus : { deidentify : false, // deidentify IP addresses // listen : 'localhost', // exporter listens on this address numeric : false, // show numeric IP addresses port : 8889, // allocated port quiet : false // include fewer labels } */ };