diff --git a/bin/quickstart.sh b/bin/quickstart.sh index a80db3db..ed3ba9ab 100755 --- a/bin/quickstart.sh +++ b/bin/quickstart.sh @@ -1,104 +1,104 @@ #!/bin/bash set -e function die() { echo "$1" exit 1 } rpm -qv composer >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ test ! -z "$(which composer 2>/dev/null)" || \ die "Is composer installed?" rpm -qv docker-compose >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ test ! -z "$(which docker-compose 2>/dev/null)" || \ die "Is docker-compose installed?" rpm -qv npm >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ test ! -z "$(which npm 2>/dev/null)" || \ die "Is npm installed?" rpm -qv php >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ test ! -z "$(which php 2>/dev/null)" || \ die "Is php installed?" rpm -qv php-ldap >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ test ! -z "$(php --ini | grep ldap)" || \ die "Is php-ldap installed?" rpm -qv php-mysqlnd >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ test ! -z "$(php --ini | grep mysql)" || \ die "Is php-mysqlnd installed?" test ! -z "$(php --modules | grep swoole)" || \ die "Is swoole installed?" test ! -z "$(grep 'systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0' /proc/cmdline)" || \ die "systemd containers only work with cgroupv1 (use 'grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args=\"systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0\"' and a reboot to fix)" base_dir=$(dirname $(dirname $0)) # Always reset .env with .env.example cp src/.env.example src/.env -if [ -f "src/.env.local" ]; then +if [ -f "src/.env.local.example" ]; then # Ensure there's a line ending echo "" >> src/.env - cat src/.env.local >> src/.env + cat src/.env.local.example >> src/.env fi docker pull docker.io/kolab/centos7:latest docker-compose down --remove-orphans docker-compose build coturn kolab mariadb openvidu kurento-media-server pdns-sql proxy redis nginx bin/regen-certs docker-compose up -d coturn kolab mariadb openvidu kurento-media-server pdns-sql proxy redis pushd ${base_dir}/src/ rm -rf vendor/ composer.lock php -dmemory_limit=-1 $(which composer) install npm install find bootstrap/cache/ -type f ! -name ".gitignore" -delete ./artisan key:generate ./artisan clear-compiled ./artisan cache:clear ./artisan horizon:install if [ ! -f storage/oauth-public.key -o ! -f storage/oauth-private.key ]; then ./artisan passport:keys --force fi cat >> .env << EOF PASSPORT_PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat storage/oauth-private.key)" PASSPORT_PUBLIC_KEY="$(cat storage/oauth-public.key)" EOF if rpm -qv chromium 2>/dev/null; then chver=$(rpmquery --queryformat="%{VERSION}" chromium | awk -F'.' '{print $1}') ./artisan dusk:chrome-driver ${chver} fi if [ ! -f 'resources/countries.php' ]; then ./artisan data:countries fi npm run dev popd docker-compose up -d nginx pushd ${base_dir}/src/ rm -rf database/database.sqlite ./artisan db:ping --wait php -dmemory_limit=512M ./artisan migrate:refresh --seed ./artisan data:import || : ./artisan octane:stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || : -./artisan octane:start >/dev/null 2>&1 & +OCTANE_DAEMONIZE=true ./artisan octane:start --host=$(grep OCTANE_HTTP_HOST .env | tail -n1 | sed "s/OCTANE_HTTP_HOST=//") ./artisan horizon:terminate >/dev/null 2>&1 || : nohup ./artisan horizon >/dev/null 2>&1 & popd diff --git a/src/.env.example b/src/.env.example index b1474659..ecf69e41 100644 --- a/src/.env.example +++ b/src/.env.example @@ -1,183 +1,176 @@ APP_NAME=Kolab APP_ENV=local APP_KEY= APP_DEBUG=true APP_URL= #APP_PASSPHRASE= APP_PUBLIC_URL= APP_DOMAIN=kolabnow.com APP_WEBSITE_DOMAIN=kolabnow.com APP_THEME=default APP_TENANT_ID=5 APP_LOCALE=en APP_LOCALES= APP_WITH_ADMIN=1 APP_WITH_RESELLER=1 APP_WITH_SERVICES=1 APP_HEADER_CSP="connect-src 'self'; child-src 'self'; font-src 'self'; form-action 'self' data:; frame-ancestors 'self'; img-src blob: data: 'self' *; media-src 'self'; object-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline'; default-src 'self';" APP_HEADER_XFO=sameorigin SIGNUP_LIMIT_EMAIL=0 SIGNUP_LIMIT_IP=0 ASSET_URL= WEBMAIL_URL=/apps SUPPORT_URL=/support SUPPORT_EMAIL= LOG_CHANNEL=stack LOG_SLOW_REQUESTS=5 LOG_DEPRECATIONS_CHANNEL=null LOG_LEVEL=debug DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_DATABASE=kolabdev DB_HOST= DB_PASSWORD=kolab DB_PORT=3306 DB_USERNAME=kolabdev BROADCAST_DRIVER=redis CACHE_DRIVER=redis QUEUE_CONNECTION=redis SESSION_DRIVER=file SESSION_LIFETIME=120 OPENEXCHANGERATES_API_KEY="from openexchangerates.org" MFA_DSN=mysql://roundcube:Welcome2KolabSystems@ MFA_TOTP_DIGITS=6 MFA_TOTP_INTERVAL=30 MFA_TOTP_DIGEST=sha1 IMAP_URI=ssl:// IMAP_ADMIN_LOGIN=cyrus-admin IMAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD=Welcome2KolabSystems IMAP_VERIFY_HOST=false IMAP_VERIFY_PEER=false LDAP_BASE_DN="dc=mgmt,dc=com" LDAP_DOMAIN_BASE_DN="ou=Domains,dc=mgmt,dc=com" LDAP_HOSTS= LDAP_PORT=389 LDAP_SERVICE_BIND_DN="uid=kolab-service,ou=Special Users,dc=mgmt,dc=com" LDAP_SERVICE_BIND_PW="Welcome2KolabSystems" LDAP_USE_SSL=false LDAP_USE_TLS=false # Administrative LDAP_ADMIN_BIND_DN="cn=Directory Manager" LDAP_ADMIN_BIND_PW="Welcome2KolabSystems" LDAP_ADMIN_ROOT_DN="dc=mgmt,dc=com" # Hosted (public registration) LDAP_HOSTED_BIND_DN="uid=hosted-kolab-service,ou=Special Users,dc=mgmt,dc=com" LDAP_HOSTED_BIND_PW="Welcome2KolabSystems" LDAP_HOSTED_ROOT_DN="dc=hosted,dc=com" OPENVIDU_API_PASSWORD=MY_SECRET OPENVIDU_API_URL=http://localhost:8080/api/ OPENVIDU_API_USERNAME=OPENVIDUAPP OPENVIDU_API_VERIFY_TLS=true OPENVIDU_COTURN_IP= OPENVIDU_COTURN_REDIS_DATABASE=2 OPENVIDU_COTURN_REDIS_IP= OPENVIDU_COTURN_REDIS_PASSWORD=turn # Used as COTURN_IP, TURN_PUBLIC_IP, for KMS_TURN_URL OPENVIDU_PUBLIC_IP= OPENVIDU_PUBLIC_PORT=3478 OPENVIDU_SERVER_PORT=8080 OPENVIDU_WEBHOOK=true OPENVIDU_WEBHOOK_ENDPOINT= # "CDR" events, see https://docs.openvidu.io/en/2.13.0/reference-docs/openvidu-server-cdr/ #OPENVIDU_WEBHOOK_EVENTS=[sessionCreated,sessionDestroyed,participantJoined,participantLeft,webrtcConnectionCreated,webrtcConnectionDestroyed,recordingStatusChanged,filterEventDispatched,mediaNodeStatusChanged] #OPENVIDU_WEBHOOK_HEADERS=[\"Authorization:\ Basic\ SOMETHING\"] PGP_ENABLED= PGP_BINARY= PGP_AGENT= PGP_GPGCONF= PGP_LENGTH= # Set these to IP addresses you serve WOAT with. # Have the domain owner point _woat. NS RRs refer to ns0{1,2}. WOAT_NS1=ns01.domain.tld WOAT_NS2=ns02.domain.tld REDIS_HOST= REDIS_PASSWORD=null REDIS_PORT=6379 -SWOOLE_HOT_RELOAD_ENABLE=true -SWOOLE_HTTP_ACCESS_LOG=true -SWOOLE_HTTP_HOST= -SWOOLE_HTTP_PORT=8000 -SWOOLE_HTTP_REACTOR_NUM=1 -SWOOLE_HTTP_WEBSOCKET=true -SWOOLE_HTTP_WORKER_NUM=1 -SWOOLE_OB_OUTPUT=true +OCTANE_HTTP_HOST= PAYMENT_PROVIDER= MOLLIE_KEY= STRIPE_KEY= STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY= STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET= MAIL_MAILER=smtp MAIL_HOST=smtp.mailtrap.io MAIL_PORT=2525 MAIL_USERNAME=null MAIL_PASSWORD=null MAIL_ENCRYPTION=null MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS="noreply@example.com" MAIL_FROM_NAME="Example.com" MAIL_REPLYTO_ADDRESS="replyto@example.com" MAIL_REPLYTO_NAME=null DNS_TTL=3600 DNS_SPF="v=spf1 mx -all" DNS_STATIC="%s. MX 10 ext-mx01.mykolab.com." DNS_COPY_FROM=null AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 AWS_BUCKET= AWS_USE_PATH_STYLE_ENDPOINT=false PUSHER_APP_ID= PUSHER_APP_KEY= PUSHER_APP_SECRET= PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER=mt1 MIX_ASSET_PATH='/' MIX_PUSHER_APP_KEY="${PUSHER_APP_KEY}" MIX_PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER="${PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER}" # Generate with ./artisan passport:client --password #PASSPORT_PROXY_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID= #PASSPORT_PROXY_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET= PASSPORT_PRIVATE_KEY= PASSPORT_PUBLIC_KEY= PASSWORD_POLICY= COMPANY_NAME= COMPANY_ADDRESS= COMPANY_DETAILS= COMPANY_EMAIL= COMPANY_LOGO= COMPANY_FOOTER= VAT_COUNTRIES=CH,LI VAT_RATE=7.7 KB_ACCOUNT_DELETE= KB_ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED= diff --git a/src/config/octane.php b/src/config/octane.php index 71ff23a0..fc6e7b34 100644 --- a/src/config/octane.php +++ b/src/config/octane.php @@ -1,244 +1,244 @@ env('OCTANE_SERVER', 'swoole'), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Force HTTPS |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When this configuration value is set to "true", Octane will inform the | framework that all absolute links must be generated using the HTTPS | protocol. Otherwise your links may be generated using plain HTTP. | */ 'https' => env('OCTANE_HTTPS', true), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Octane Listeners |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | All of the event listeners for Octane's events are defined below. These | listeners are responsible for resetting your application's state for | the next request. You may even add your own listeners to the list. | */ 'listeners' => [ WorkerStarting::class => [ EnsureUploadedFilesAreValid::class, EnsureUploadedFilesCanBeMoved::class, ], RequestReceived::class => [ ...Octane::prepareApplicationForNextOperation(), ...Octane::prepareApplicationForNextRequest(), // ], RequestHandled::class => [ // ], RequestTerminated::class => [ // FlushUploadedFiles::class, ], TaskReceived::class => [ ...Octane::prepareApplicationForNextOperation(), // ], TaskTerminated::class => [ // ], TickReceived::class => [ ...Octane::prepareApplicationForNextOperation(), // ], TickTerminated::class => [ // ], OperationTerminated::class => [ FlushTemporaryContainerInstances::class, // DisconnectFromDatabases::class, CollectGarbage::class, ], WorkerErrorOccurred::class => [ ReportException::class, StopWorkerIfNecessary::class, ], WorkerStopping::class => [ // ], ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Warm / Flush Bindings |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The bindings listed below will either be pre-warmed when a worker boots | or they will be flushed before every new request. Flushing a binding | will force the container to resolve that binding again when asked. | */ 'warm' => [ ...Octane::defaultServicesToWarm(), ], 'flush' => [ ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Octane Cache Table |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | While using Swoole, you may leverage the Octane cache, which is powered | by a Swoole table. You may set the maximum number of rows as well as | the number of bytes per row using the configuration options below. | */ 'cache' => [ 'rows' => 1000, 'bytes' => 10000, ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Octane Swoole Tables |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | While using Swoole, you may define additional tables as required by the | application. These tables can be used to store data that needs to be | quickly accessed by other workers on the particular Swoole server. | */ 'tables' => [ /* 'example:1000' => [ 'name' => 'string:1000', 'votes' => 'int', ], */ ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | File Watching |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The following list of files and directories will be watched when using | the --watch option offered by Octane. If any of the directories and | files are changed, Octane will automatically reload your workers. | */ 'watch' => [ 'app', 'bootstrap', 'config', 'database', 'public/**/*.php', 'resources/**/*.php', 'routes', 'composer.lock', '.env', ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Garbage Collection Threshold |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When executing long-lived PHP scripts such as Octane, memory can build | up before being cleared by PHP. You can force Octane to run garbage | collection if your application consumes this amount of megabytes. | */ 'garbage' => 64, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Maximum Execution Time |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The following setting configures the maximum execution time for requests | being handled by Octane. You may set this value to 0 to indicate that | there isn't a specific time limit on Octane request execution time. | */ 'max_execution_time' => 30, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Swoole configuration |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | See Laravel\Octane\Command\StartSwooleCommand */ 'swoole' => [ 'options' => [ 'log_file' => storage_path('logs/swoole_http.log'), 'package_max_length' => 10 * 1024 * 1024, // 'enable_coroutine' => false, - // 'daemonize' => false, + 'daemonize' => env('OCTANE_DAEMONIZE', false), // 'log_level' => app()->environment('local') ? SWOOLE_LOG_INFO : SWOOLE_LOG_ERROR, // 'reactor_num' => // 'send_yield' => true, // 'socket_buffer_size' => 10 * 1024 * 1024, // 'task_worker_num' => // 'worker_num' => ], ], ];