diff --git a/bin/quickstart.sh b/bin/quickstart.sh index 9499fd1d..1d738d04 100755 --- a/bin/quickstart.sh +++ b/bin/quickstart.sh @@ -1,137 +1,138 @@ #!/bin/bash set -e function die() { echo "$1" exit 1 } test ! -z "$(grep 'systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0' /proc/cmdline)" || \ die "systemd containers only work with cgroupv1 (use 'grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args=\"systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0\"' and a reboot to fix)" base_dir=$(dirname $(dirname $0)) # Always reset .env with .env.example cp src/.env.example src/.env if [ -f "src/env.local" ]; then # Ensure there's a line ending echo "" >> src/.env cat src/env.local >> src/.env fi docker pull docker.io/kolab/centos7:latest docker compose down --remove-orphans src/artisan octane:stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || : src/artisan horizon:terminate >/dev/null 2>&1 || : docker compose build coturn kolab mariadb meet pdns-sql proxy redis nginx bin/regen-certs docker compose up -d coturn kolab mariadb meet pdns-sql proxy redis # Workaround until we have docker-compose --wait (https://github.com/docker/compose/pull/8777) function wait_for_container { container_id="$1" container_name="$(docker inspect "${container_id}" --format '{{ .Name }}')" echo "Waiting for container: ${container_name} [${container_id}]" waiting_done="false" while [[ "${waiting_done}" != "true" ]]; do container_state="$(docker inspect "${container_id}" --format '{{ .State.Status }}')" if [[ "${container_state}" == "running" ]]; then health_status="$(docker inspect "${container_id}" --format '{{ .State.Health.Status }}')" echo "${container_name}: container_state=${container_state}, health_status=${health_status}" if [[ ${health_status} == "healthy" ]]; then waiting_done="true" fi else echo "${container_name}: container_state=${container_state}" waiting_done="true" fi sleep 1; done; } # Ensure the containers we depend on are fully started wait_for_container 'kolab' wait_for_container 'kolab-redis' if [ "$1" == "--nodev" ]; then echo "starting everything in containers" - docker compose build swoole webapp + docker compose build swoole + docker compose build webapp docker compose up -d webapp nginx wait_for_container 'kolab-webapp' exit 0 fi echo "Starting the development environment" rpm -qv composer >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ test ! -z "$(which composer 2>/dev/null)" || \ die "Is composer installed?" rpm -qv npm >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ test ! -z "$(which npm 2>/dev/null)" || \ die "Is npm installed?" rpm -qv php >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ test ! -z "$(which php 2>/dev/null)" || \ die "Is php installed?" rpm -qv php-ldap >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ test ! -z "$(php --ini | grep ldap)" || \ die "Is php-ldap installed?" rpm -qv php-mysqlnd >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ test ! -z "$(php --ini | grep mysql)" || \ die "Is php-mysqlnd installed?" test ! -z "$(php --modules | grep swoole)" || \ die "Is swoole installed?" pushd ${base_dir}/src/ rm -rf vendor/ composer.lock php -dmemory_limit=-1 $(which composer) install npm install find bootstrap/cache/ -type f ! -name ".gitignore" -delete ./artisan key:generate ./artisan clear-compiled ./artisan cache:clear ./artisan horizon:install if [ ! -f storage/oauth-public.key -o ! -f storage/oauth-private.key ]; then ./artisan passport:keys --force fi cat >> .env << EOF PASSPORT_PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat storage/oauth-private.key)" PASSPORT_PUBLIC_KEY="$(cat storage/oauth-public.key)" EOF if rpm -qv chromium 2>/dev/null; then chver=$(rpmquery --queryformat="%{VERSION}" chromium | awk -F'.' '{print $1}') ./artisan dusk:chrome-driver ${chver} fi if [ ! -f 'resources/countries.php' ]; then ./artisan data:countries fi npm run dev popd docker compose up -d nginx pushd ${base_dir}/src/ rm -rf database/database.sqlite ./artisan db:ping --wait php -dmemory_limit=512M ./artisan migrate:refresh --seed ./artisan data:import || : nohup ./artisan octane:start --host=$(grep OCTANE_HTTP_HOST .env | tail -n1 | sed "s/OCTANE_HTTP_HOST=//") > octane.out & nohup ./artisan horizon > horizon.out & popd diff --git a/ci/Makefile b/ci/Makefile index 9a021d8f..7008d91a 100644 --- a/ci/Makefile +++ b/ci/Makefile @@ -1,28 +1,28 @@ HOSTNAME=ci.local PUBLIC_IP= OPENEXCHANGERATES_API_KEY=dummy FIREBASE_API_KEY=dummy PWD=$(shell pwd) configure: cd .. ; \ cp ci/env.local src/env.local ; \ sed -i 's/{{ host }}/${HOSTNAME}/g' src/env.local ; \ sed -i 's/{{ public_ip }}/${PUBLIC_IP}/g' src/env.local ; \ sed -i 's/{{ openexchangerates_api_key }}/${OPENEXCHANGERATES_API_KEY}/g' src/env.local ; \ sed -i 's/{{ firebase_api_key }}/${FIREBASE_API_KEY}/g' src/env.local ; setup: cd .. && bin/quickstart.sh --nodev build: - cd .. && docker compose build swoole tests && cd ci + cd .. && docker compose build swoole && docker compose build tests && cd ci lint: docker run -v ${PWD}/../:/src/kolab.orig -t kolab-tests /lint.sh test: docker run --network=host -v ${PWD}/../src:/src/kolabsrc.orig -t kolab-tests /init.sh all: configure setup build lint test