diff --git a/config/config.ini.sample b/config/config.ini.sample index ba6ecd7..84a5cc4 100644 --- a/config/config.ini.sample +++ b/config/config.ini.sample @@ -1,93 +1,93 @@ ;; Kolab Free/Busy Service configuration ; Logging configuration [log] driver = file ; supported drivers: file, syslog path = ./logs name = freebusy level = 300 ; (100 = Debug, 200 = Info, 300 = Warn, 400 = Error, 500 = Critical) ;; ;; try local filesystem first (F/B has been generated externally) ;; [directory "local"] type = static filter = "@example.org" fbsource = file:/var/lib/kolab-freebusy/%s.ifb ;; ;; check if primary email address hits a cache file (saves LDAP lookups) ;; [directory "local-cache"] type = static fbsource = file:/var/cache/kolab-freebusy/%s.ifb expires = 10m ;; ;; local Kolab directory server ;; [directory "kolab-people"] type = ldap host = "ldap://localhost:389" bind_dn = "uid=kolab-service,ou=Special Users,dc=example,dc=org" bind_pw = "SomePassword" ; base_dn and filter can use these variables: ; %dc = domain root dn, %u = username part, %s = the full username base_dn = "ou=People,dc=example,dc=org" -filter = "(&(objectClass=kolabInetOrgPerson)(|(mail=%s)(alias=%s))" +filter = "(&(objectClass=kolabInetOrgPerson)(|(mail=%s)(alias=%s)))" mail_attributes = mail lc_attributes = mail primary_domain = "example.org" ; set domain_* options to enforce the resolving of the domain root dn (%dc) through LDAP domain_base_dn = "cn=kolab,cn=config" domain_filter = "(&(objectclass=domainrelatedobject)(associateddomain=%s))" ; %mail is replaced by the user's mail attribute found in LDAP fbsource = imaps://%mail:CyrusAdminPassword@imap.example.org/?proxy_auth=cyrus-admin loglevel = 300 cacheto = /var/cache/kolab-freebusy/%mail.ifb expires = 10m ;; ;; Resolve Kolab resources from LDAP and fetch calendar from IMAP ;; [directory "kolab-resources"] type = ldap host = "ldap://localhost:389" bind_dn = "uid=kolab-service,ou=Special Users,dc=example,dc=org" bind_pw = "SomePassword" base_dn = "ou=Resources,dc=example,dc=org" filter = "(&(objectClass=kolabsharedfolder)(kolabfoldertype=event)(mail=%s))" mail_attributes = mail primary_domain = "example.org" ; Use the Free/Busy daemon that separates the abuse of credentials ;fbsource = "fbdaemon://localhost:?folder=%kolabtargetfolder" ;timeout = 10 ; abort after 10 seconds fbsource = "imap://cyrus-admin:CyrusAdminPassword@imap.lhm.klab.cc/%kolabtargetfolder?acl=lrs" cacheto = /var/cache/kolab-freebusy/%mail.ifb expires = 10m loglevel = 300 ;; ;; For collections, aggregate the free/busy data from all its members ;; [directory "kolab-resource-collections"] type = ldap host = "ldap://localhost:389" bind_dn = "uid=kolab-service,ou=Special Users,dc=example,dc=org" bind_pw = "SomePassword" base_dn = "ou=Resources,dc=example,dc=org" filter = "(&(objectClass=kolabgroupofuniquenames)(mail=%s))" mail_attributes = mail resolve_dn = uniquemember resolve_attribute = mail ; the 'aggregate' source takes one parameter ; denoting the attribute holding all member email addresses fbsource = "aggregate://%uniquemember" ; consider these directories for getting the member's free/busy data directories = kolab-resources cacheto = /var/cache/kolab-freebusy/%mail.ifb expires = 10m loglevel = 200 ; Info