diff --git a/src/eimap.erl b/src/eimap.erl index f063a45..5f43dfc 100644 --- a/src/eimap.erl +++ b/src/eimap.erl @@ -1,482 +1,487 @@ %% Copyright 2014 Kolab Systems AG (http://www.kolabsys.com) %% %% Aaron Seigo (Kolab Systems) %% %% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify %% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by %% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or %% (at your option) any later version. %% %% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the %% GNU General Public License for more details. %% %% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %% along with this program. If not, see . -module(eimap). -behaviour(gen_fsm). -include("eimap.hrl"). %% API -export([start_link/1, %% passthrough mode, where data is just sent to the server blindly and %% responses passed back equally blindly. in this mode the user is on %% their own and better know what they are doing. can only be activated %% when disconnected or idle start_passthrough/2, stop_passthrough/1, passthrough_data/2, %% connection management connect/1, connect/3, disconnect/1, %% commands starttls/3, capabilities/3, login/5, logout/3, compress/1, get_server_metadata/4, get_folder_status/5, get_folder_metadata/5, get_folder_annotations/4, get_message_headers_and_body/5, get_path_tokens/3]). %% gen_fsm callbacks -export([disconnected/2, idle/2, passthrough/2, wait_response/2, startingtls/2]). -export([init/1, handle_event/3, handle_sync_event/4, handle_info/3, terminate/3, code_change/4]). %% state record definition -record(state, { host, port, tls, tls_state = false, socket, server_id = <<>>, command_serial = 1, command_queue = queue:new(), current_command, current_mbox, parse_state, passthrough = false, passthrough_recv, passthrough_send_buffer = <<>>, inflator, deflator}). -record(command, { tag, mbox, message, from, response_token, parse_fun }). -define(SSL_UPGRADE_TIMEOUT, 5000). -define(TCP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 5000). -export([test/0]). test() -> ServerConfig = #eimap_server_config{ host = "", port = 143, tls = false }, { ok, Conn } = start_link(ServerConfig), login(Conn, self(), undefined, "doe", "doe"), get_folder_metadata(Conn, self(), undefined, "*", ["/shared/vendor/kolab/folder-type"]), logout(Conn, self(), undefined), connect(Conn). %% public API start_link(ServerConfig) when is_record(ServerConfig, eimap_server_config) -> gen_fsm:start_link(?MODULE, ServerConfig, []). start_passthrough(PID, Receiver) when is_pid(Receiver) -> gen_fsm:send_event(PID, { start_passthrough, Receiver } ). stop_passthrough(PID) -> gen_fsm:send_event(PID, stop_passthrough). passthrough_data(PID, Data) when is_binary(Data) -> gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(PID, { passthrough, Data }). connect(PID) -> connect(PID, undefined, undefined). connect(PID, From, ResponseToken) -> gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(PID, { connect, From, ResponseToken }). disconnect(PID) -> gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(PID, disconnect). compress(PID) when is_pid(PID) -> Command = #command{ message = eimap_command_compress:new(ok), from = PID, response_token = compress, parse_fun = fun eimap_command_compress:parse/2 }, gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(PID, { ready_command, Command }). starttls(PID, From, ResponseToken) when is_pid(PID) -> Command = #command{ message = eimap_command_starttls:new(ok), from = From, response_token = ResponseToken, parse_fun = fun eimap_command_starttls:parse/2 }, gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(PID, { ready_command, Command }). capabilities(PID, From, ResponseToken) when is_pid(PID) -> Command = #command{ message = eimap_command_capability:new(noparams), from = From, response_token = ResponseToken, parse_fun = fun eimap_command_capability:parse/2 }, gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(PID, { ready_command, Command }). -spec login(PID :: pid(), From :: pid(), ResponseToken :: any(), User :: list() | binary(), Pass :: list() | binary()) -> ok. login(PID, From, ResponseToken, User, Pass) -> Command = #command{ message = eimap_command_login:new({ User, Pass }), from = From, response_token = ResponseToken, parse_fun = fun eimap_command_login:parse/2 }, gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(PID, { ready_command, Command }). -spec logout(PID :: pid(), From :: pid(), ResponseToken :: any()) -> ok. logout(PID, From, ResponseToken) -> Command = #command{ message = eimap_command_logout:new(ok), from = From, response_token = ResponseToken, parse_fun = fun eimap_command_logout:parse/2 }, gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(PID, { ready_command, Command }). -type status_property() :: messages | recent | uidnext | uidvalidity | unseen. -type status_properties() :: [status_property()]. -spec get_folder_status(PID :: pid(), From :: pid(), ResponseToken :: any(), Folder :: list() | binary(), Properties:: status_properties()) -> ok. get_folder_status(PID, From, ResponseToken, Folder, Properties) -> Command = #command{ message = eimap_command_status:new({ Folder, Properties }), from = From, response_token = ResponseToken, parse_fun = fun eimap_command_status:parse/2 }, gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(PID, { ready_command, Command }). -spec get_folder_metadata(PID :: pid(), From :: pid(), ResponseToken :: any(), Folder :: list() | binary(), Properties:: [list() | binary()]) -> ok. get_folder_metadata(PID, From, ResponseToken, Folder, Properties) -> Command = #command{ message = eimap_command_getmetadata:new({ Folder, Properties}), from = From, response_token = ResponseToken, parse_fun = fun eimap_command_getmetadata:parse/2 }, gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(PID, { ready_command, Command }). -spec get_server_metadata(PID :: pid(), From :: pid(), ResponseToken :: any(), Properties:: [list() | binary()]) -> ok. get_server_metadata(PID, From, ResponseToken, Properties) -> Command = #command{ message = eimap_command_getmetadata:new({ <<>>, Properties}), from = From, response_token = ResponseToken, parse_fun = fun eimap_command_getmetadata:parse/2 }, gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(PID, { ready_command, Command }). get_folder_annotations(PID, From, ResponseToken, Folder) when is_list(Folder) -> get_folder_annotations(PID, From, ResponseToken, list_to_binary(Folder)); get_folder_annotations(PID, From, ResponseToken, Folder) when is_binary(Folder) -> Command = #command{ message = eimap_command_annotation:new(Folder), from = From, response_token = ResponseToken, parse_fun = fun eimap_command_annotation:parse/2 }, gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(PID, { ready_command, Command }). get_message_headers_and_body(PID, From, ResponseToken, Folder, MessageID) -> %%lager:info("SELECT_DEBUG: peeking message ~p ~p", [Folder, MessageID]), Command = #command{ mbox = Folder, message = eimap_command_peek_message:new(MessageID), from = From, response_token = ResponseToken, parse_fun = fun eimap_command_peek_message:parse/2 }, gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(PID, { ready_command, Command }). get_path_tokens(PID, From, ResponseToken) -> Command = #command{ message = eimap_command_namespace:new([]), from = From, response_token = ResponseToken, parse_fun = fun eimap_command_namespace:parse/2 }, gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(PID, { ready_command, Command }). %% gen_server API init(#eimap_server_config{ host = Host, port = Port, tls = TLS }) -> State = #state { host = Host, port = Port, tls = TLS }, { ok, disconnected, State }. disconnected({ start_passthrough, Receiver }, State) -> { next_state, disconnected, State#state{ passthrough = true, passthrough_recv = Receiver } }; disconnected(stop_passthrough, State) -> { next_state, disconnected, State#state{ passthrough = false } }; disconnected({ connect, Receiver, ResponseToken }, #state{ command_queue = CommandQueue, host = Host, port = Port, tls = TLS, socket = undefined } = State) -> %lager:debug("CONNECTING! ~p ~p", [Receiver, ResponseToken]), { {ok, Socket}, TlsState, SendCapabilitiesTo, NewCommandQueue } = create_socket(Host, Port, TLS, Receiver, ResponseToken, CommandQueue), Command = #command{ message = eimap_command_capability:new([]), from = SendCapabilitiesTo, response_token = { connected, Receiver, ResponseToken }, parse_fun = fun eimap_command_capability:parse/2 }, { next_state, wait_response, State#state { socket = Socket, tls_state = TlsState, current_command = Command, command_queue = NewCommandQueue } }; disconnected(Command, State) when is_record(Command, command) -> { next_state, disconnected, enque_command(Command, State) }. passthrough(flush_passthrough_buffer, #state{ passthrough_send_buffer = Buffer } = State) -> %lager:info("Passing through ~p", [Buffer]), passthrough({ passthrough, Buffer }, State#state{ passthrough_send_buffer = <<>> }); passthrough({ passthrough, Data }, #state{ socket = Socket, tls_state = true } = State) -> %lager:info("Passing through ssl \"~s\"", [Data]), ssl:send(Socket, deflated(Data, State)), { next_state, passthrough, State }; passthrough({ passthrough, Data }, #state{ socket = Socket } = State) -> %lager:info("Passing through tcp \"~s\"", [Data]), gen_tcp:send(Socket, deflated(Data, State)), { next_state, passthrough, State }; passthrough({ data, Data }, #state{ passthrough_recv = Receiver } = State) -> %lager:info("Passing back ~p", [Data]), Receiver ! { imap_server_response, Data }, { next_state, passthrough, State }; passthrough({ start_passthrough, Receiver }, State) -> %% already in passthrough, but perhaps the Receiver changes ... lager:warning("Already in passthrough mode, and passthrough mode was requested again!"), %% TODO: should this count the # of times start is called and require an equal # of ends? { next_state, passthrough, State#state{ passthrough_recv = Receiver } }; passthrough(stop_passthrough, State) -> gen_fsm:send_event(self(), process_command_queue), { next_state, idle, State#state{ passthrough = false } }; passthrough(Command, State) when is_record(Command, command) -> gen_fsm:send_event(self(), process_command_queue), { next_state, idle, enque_command(Command, State) }. idle(process_command_queue, #state{ command_queue = Queue } = State) -> case queue:out(Queue) of { { value, Command }, ModifiedQueue } when is_record(Command, command) -> %%lager:info("Clearing queue of ~p", [Command]), NewState = send_command(Command, State#state{ command_queue = ModifiedQueue }), { next_state, wait_response, NewState }; { empty, ModifiedQueue } -> NextState = next_state_after_emptied_queue(State), { next_state, NextState, State#state{ command_queue = ModifiedQueue } } end; idle({ data, _Data }, State) -> %%lager:info("Idling, server sent: ~p", [_Data]), { next_state, idle, State }; idle(Command, State) when is_record(Command, command) -> %%lager:info("Idling"), NewState = send_command(Command, State), { next_state, wait_response, NewState }; idle(_Event, State) -> { next_state, idle, State }. next_state_after_emptied_queue(#state{ passthrough = true }) -> gen_fsm:send_event(self(), flush_passthrough_buffer), passthrough; next_state_after_emptied_queue(_State) -> idle. %%TODO a variant that checks "#command{ from = undefined }" to avoid parsing responses which will go undelivered? wait_response(Command, State) when is_record(Command, command) -> { next_state, wait_response, enque_command(Command, State) }; wait_response({ data, _Data }, #state{ current_command = #command{ parse_fun = undefined } } = State) -> gen_fsm:send_event(self(), process_command_queue), { next_state, idle, State }; wait_response({ data, Data }, #state{ current_command = #command{ parse_fun = Fun, tag = Tag } } = State) when is_function(Fun, 2) -> Response = Fun(Data, Tag), %%lager:info("Response from parser was ~p ~p, size of queue ~p", [More, Response, queue:len(State#state.command_queue)]), next_command_after_response(Response, State); wait_response({ data, Data }, #state{ parse_state = ParseState, current_command = #command{ parse_fun = Fun, tag = Tag } } = State) when is_function(Fun, 3) -> Response = Fun(Data, Tag, ParseState), %%lager:info("Response from parser was ~p ~p, size of queue ~p", [More, Response, queue:len(State#state.command_queue)]), next_command_after_response(Response, State). startingtls({ passthrough, Data }, #state{ passthrough = true, passthrough_send_buffer = Buffer } = State) -> { next_state, startingtls, State#state{ passthrough_send_buffer = <> } }; startingtls(Command, State) when is_record(Command, command) -> { next_state, startingtls, enque_command(Command, State) }; startingtls({ data, Data }, #state{ current_command = #command{ parse_fun = Fun, tag = Tag } } = State) when is_function(Fun, 2) -> Response = Fun(Data, Tag), %%lager:info("Response from parser was ~p ~p, size of queue ~p", [More, Response, queue:len(State#state.command_queue)]), next_command_after_response(Response, State). handle_event({ connect, _From, _ResponseToken } = Event, disconnected, State) -> gen_fsm:send_event(self(), Event), { next_state, disconnected, State }; handle_event({ connect, _From, _ResponseToken }, _Statename, State) -> %%lager:info("Already connected to IMAP server!"), { next_state, _Statename, State }; handle_event(disconnect, _StateName, State) -> close_socket(State), { next_state, disconnected, reset_state(State) }; handle_event({ ready_command, Command }, StateName, State) when is_record(Command, command) -> ?MODULE:StateName(Command, State); handle_event({ passthrough, Data }, passthrough, #state{ passthrough = true } = State) -> ?MODULE:passthrough({ passthrough, Data }, State); handle_event({ passthrough, Data }, StateName, #state{ passthrough = true, passthrough_send_buffer = Buffer } = State) -> NewBuffer = <>, { next_state, StateName, State#state{ passthrough_send_buffer = NewBuffer } }; handle_event(_Event, StateName, State) -> { next_state, StateName, State}. handle_sync_event(_Event, _From, StateName, State) -> { next_state, StateName, State}. handle_info({ ssl, Socket, Bin }, StateName, #state{ socket = Socket } = State) -> % Flow control: enable forwarding of next TCP message ssl:setopts(Socket, [{ active, once }]), Data = inflated(Bin, State), %lager:info("Received from server over ssl: ~s", [Data]), ?MODULE:StateName({ data, Data }, State); handle_info({ tcp, Socket, Bin }, StateName, #state{ socket = Socket } = State) -> % Flow control: enable forwarding of next TCP message inet:setopts(Socket, [{ active, once }]), Data = inflated(Bin, State), %lager:info("Received from server plaintext: ~s", [Data]), ?MODULE:StateName({ data, Data }, State); handle_info({ ssl_closed, Socket }, _StateName, #state{ socket = Socket, host = Host, port = Port } = State) -> lager:info("~p Disconnected from ~p:~p .\n", [self(), Host, Port]), { stop, normal, State }; handle_info({ ssl_error, Socket, _Reason }, _StateName, #state{ socket = Socket, host = Host, port = Port } = State) -> lager:info("~p Disconnected due to socket error from ~p:~p .\n", [self(), Host, Port]), { stop, normal, State }; handle_info({ tcp_closed, Socket }, _StateName, #state{ socket = Socket, host = Host, port = Port } = State) -> lager:info("~p Disconnected from ~p:~p .\n", [self(), Host, Port]), { stop, normal, State }; handle_info({ tcp_error, Socket, _Reason }, _StateName, #state{ socket = Socket, host = Host, port = Port } = State) -> lager:info("~p Disconnected due to socket error from ~p:~p .\n", [self(), Host, Port]), { stop, normal, State }; handle_info({ { connected, Receiver, ResponseToken }, { Capabilities, ServerID } }, _StateName, #state{ passthrough = Passthrough, passthrough_recv = PassthroughReceiver, tls = TLS } = State) -> case TLS of starttls -> % we do not pass through or notifty when we are going to automatically do a starttls % this allows us to send the post-starttls capabilities triggering client activity % only AFTER we have completely set up the connectiona, as that usually tends to % alter the capabilities % % if the user of eimap does not want this behavior, they can starttls themselves % explicitly ok; _ -> %lager:debug("Connected, capabilities are: ~s; ServerID is ~s", [Capabilities, ServerID]), send_hello_string(Capabilities, ServerID, Receiver, ResponseToken, Passthrough, PassthroughReceiver) end, { next_state, idle, State#state{ parse_state = none, server_id = ServerID } }; handle_info({ { posttls_capabilities, Receiver, ResponseToken }, Capabilities }, _StateName, #state{ server_id = ServerID, passthrough = Passthrough, passthrough_recv = PassthroughReceiver } = State) -> - send_hello_string(Capabilities, ServerID, Receiver, ResponseToken, Passthrough, PassthroughReceiver), + OurCapabilities = + case binary:match(Capabilities, <<"STARTTLS">>) of + nomatch -> <>; + _ -> Capabilities + end, + send_hello_string(OurCapabilities, ServerID, Receiver, ResponseToken, Passthrough, PassthroughReceiver), { next_state, idle, State#state{ parse_state = none } }; handle_info({ { selected, MBox }, ok }, StateName, State) -> %%lager:info("~p Selected mbox ~p", [self(), MBox]), { next_state, StateName, State#state{ current_mbox = MBox } }; handle_info({ { selected, MBox }, { error, Reason } }, StateName, State) -> lager:info("Failed to select mbox ~p: ~p", [MBox, Reason]), NewQueue = queue:filter(fun(Command) -> notify_of_mbox_failure_during_filter(Command, Command#command.mbox =:= MBox) end, State#state.command_queue), { next_state, StateName, State#state{ command_queue = NewQueue } }; handle_info(starttls_complete, StateName, State) -> %lager:info("STARTTLS completed successfully"), { next_state, StateName, State }; handle_info(Info, StateName, State) -> lager:debug("handle_info called with unhandled info of ~p", [Info]), { next_state, StateName, State }. terminate(_Reason, _Statename, State) -> close_socket(State), ok. code_change(_OldVsn, Statename, State, _Extra) -> { ok, Statename, State }. %% private API send_hello_string(Capabilities, ServerId, Receiver, ResponseToken, Passthrough, PassthroughReceiver) -> Message = <<"* OK [CAPABILITY ", Capabilities/binary, "] ", ServerId/binary, "\r\n">>, notify_of_response(Message, Receiver, ResponseToken), passthrough_capabilities(Message, Passthrough, PassthroughReceiver). passthrough_capabilities(Response, true, Receiver) -> Receiver ! { imap_server_response, Response }; passthrough_capabilities(_Response, _Passthrough, _Receiver) -> ok. notify_of_response(none, _Command) -> ok; notify_of_response(Response, #command { from = From, response_token = Token }) -> notify_of_response(Response, From, Token); notify_of_response(_, _) -> ok. notify_of_response(_Response, undefined, _Token) -> ok; notify_of_response(Response, From, undefined) -> From ! Response; notify_of_response(Response, From, Token) -> From ! { Token, Response }. %% the return is inverted for filtering notify_of_mbox_failure_during_filter(Command, true) -> notify_of_response({ error, mailboxnotfound }, Command), false; notify_of_mbox_failure_during_filter(_Command, false) -> true. next_command_after_response({ more, Fun, ParseState }, State) when is_function(Fun, 3) -> { next_state, wait_response, State#state{ parse_state = ParseState, current_command = State#state.current_command#command{ parse_fun = Fun } } }; next_command_after_response({ more, ParseState }, State) -> { next_state, wait_response, State#state{ parse_state = ParseState } }; next_command_after_response({ error, _ } = ErrorResponse, State) -> notify_of_response(ErrorResponse, State#state.current_command), gen_fsm:send_event(self(), process_command_queue), { next_state, idle, State#state{ parse_state = none } }; next_command_after_response({ fini, Response }, State) -> %lager:info("Notifying with ~p", [State#state.current_command]), notify_of_response(Response, State#state.current_command), gen_fsm:send_event(self(), process_command_queue), { next_state, idle, State#state{ parse_state = none } }; next_command_after_response(starttls, State) -> { TLSState, Socket } = upgrade_socket(State), %lager:info("~p Upgraded the socket ...", [self()]), gen_fsm:send_event(self(), process_command_queue), { next_state, idle, State#state{ parse_state = none, socket = Socket, tls_state = TLSState } }; next_command_after_response(compression_active, State) -> { Inflator, Deflator } = eimap_utils:new_imap_compressors(), gen_fsm:send_event(self(), process_command_queue), { next_state, idle, State#state{ inflator = Inflator, deflator = Deflator } }; next_command_after_response({ close_socket, Response }, State) -> notify_of_response(Response, State#state.current_command), { stop, normal, State }. tag_field_width(Serial) when Serial < 10000 -> 4; tag_field_width(Serial) -> tag_field_width(Serial / 10000, 5). tag_field_width(Serial, Count) when Serial < 10 -> Count; tag_field_width(Serial, Count) -> tag_field_width(Serial / 10, Count + 1). create_socket(Host, Port, true, _Receiver, _ResponseToken, CommandQueue) -> { ssl:connect(Host, Port, socket_options(), ?SSL_UPGRADE_TIMEOUT), true, self(), CommandQueue }; create_socket(Host, Port, starttls, Receiver, ResponseToken, CommandQueue) -> %lager:debug("Setting up the tls creation with ultimate end point of ~p ~p", [Receiver, ResponseToken]), % we do an implicit TLS by adding a starttls command and then a capability command so we can % pretend to the user that the socket just magically opened up like this. TlsCommand = #command{ message = eimap_command_starttls:new(noparams), from = self(), response_token = undefined, parse_fun = fun eimap_command_starttls:parse/2 }, CapabilitiesCommand = #command{ message = eimap_command_capability:new(noparams), from = self(), response_token = { posttls_capabilities, Receiver, ResponseToken }, parse_fun = fun eimap_command_capability:parse/2 }, % note the use of queue:in_r to _prepend_ the commands so they get run first even if the user % has pre-connection queued up commands NewCommandQueue = queue:in_r(TlsCommand, queue:in_r(CapabilitiesCommand, CommandQueue)), { gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, socket_options(), ?TCP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT), false, self(), NewCommandQueue }; create_socket(Host, Port, _, _Receiver, _ResponseToken, CommandQueue) -> { gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, socket_options(), ?TCP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT), false, self(), CommandQueue }. socket_options() -> [binary, { active, once }, { send_timeout, 5000 }]. upgrade_socket(#state{ socket = Socket, tls_state = true, current_command = Command }) -> notify_of_response(starttls_complete, Command), ssl:setopts(Socket, [{ active, once }]), { true, Socket }; upgrade_socket(#state{ socket = Socket, current_command = Command }) -> %lager:debug("~p upgrading the server socket due to starttls"[self()]), case ssl:connect(Socket, socket_options(), ?SSL_UPGRADE_TIMEOUT) of { ok, SSLSocket } -> %lager:info("~p it worked", [self()]), notify_of_response(starttls_complete, Command), ssl:setopts(SSLSocket, [{ active, once }]), { true, SSLSocket }; { error, Reason } -> lager:warning("~p StartTLS failed due to: ~p", [self(), Reason]), notify_of_response(starttls_failed, Command), inet:setopts(Socket, [{ active, once }]), { false, Socket } end. close_socket(#state{ socket = undefined }) -> false; close_socket(#state{ socket = Socket, tls_state = true }) -> ssl:close(Socket); close_socket(#state{ socket = Socket }) -> gen_tcp:close(Socket). reset_state(State) -> State#state{ socket = undefined, command_serial = 1 }. %% sending command code paths: %% 0. not connected, TLS/SSL, unencrypted %% 1. no mbox needed, mbox is already selected, mbox needs selecting send_command(Command, #state{ socket = undefined } = State) -> lager:warning("Not connected, dropping command on floor: ~s", [Command]), State; send_command(Command, #state{ tls_state = true} = State) -> send_command(fun ssl:send/2, Command, State); send_command(Command, State) -> send_command(fun gen_tcp:send/2, Command, State). send_command(Fun, #command{ mbox = undefined } = Command, State) -> %%lager:info("~p SELECT_DEBUG issuing command without mbox: ~p", [self(), Command#command.message]), send_command_now(Fun, Command, State); send_command(Fun, #command{ mbox = MBox } = Command, #state{ current_mbox = CurrentMbox } = State) -> %%lager:info("~p SELECT_DEBUG issuing command with mbox ~p (current: ~p, equal -> ~p): ~p", [self(), MBox, CurrentMbox, (MBox =:= CurrentMbox), Command#command.message]), send_command_or_select_mbox(Fun, Command, State, MBox, MBox =:= CurrentMbox). send_command_or_select_mbox(Fun, Command, State, _MBox, true) -> send_command_now(Fun, Command, State); send_command_or_select_mbox(Fun, DelayedCommand, State, MBox, false) -> NextState = reenque_command(DelayedCommand, State), SelectMessage = eimap_command_examine:new(MBox), SelectCommand = #command{ message = SelectMessage, parse_fun = fun eimap_command_examine:parse/2, from = self(), response_token = { selected, MBox } }, %%lager:info("~p SELECT_DEBUG: Doing a select first ~p", [self(), SelectMessage]), send_command_now(Fun, SelectCommand, NextState). send_command_now(Fun, #command{ message = Message } = Command, #state{ command_serial = Serial, socket = Socket } = State) -> Tag = list_to_binary(io_lib:format("EG~*..0B", [tag_field_width(Serial), Serial])), Data = <>, %lager:info("Sending command via ~p: ~s", [Fun, Data]), Fun(Socket, deflated(Data, State)), State#state{ command_serial = Serial + 1, current_command = Command#command{ tag = Tag } }. enque_command(Command, State) -> %%lager:info("Enqueuing command ~p", [Command]), State#state { command_queue = queue:in(Command, State#state.command_queue) }. reenque_command(Command, State) -> %%lager:info("Re-queueing command ~p", [Command]), State#state { command_queue = queue:in_r(Command, State#state.command_queue) }. inflated(Data, #state{ inflator = undefined }) -> Data; inflated(Data, #state{ inflator = Inflator }) -> joined(zlib:inflate(Inflator, Data), <<>>). deflated(Data, #state{ deflator = undefined }) -> Data; deflated(Data, #state{ deflator = Deflator }) -> joined(zlib:deflate(Deflator, Data, sync), <<>>). joined([], Binary) -> Binary; joined([H|Rest], Binary) -> joined(Rest, <>).