diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 42d3ab4..b3e1e71 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,59 +1,63 @@ # Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## [Unreleased] ### Added ### Changed ### Deprecated ### Removed ### Fixed ### Security +## [0.4.2] - 2020-04-24 +### Fixed +- Workaround for metadata request breaking other commands (required for guam) + ## [0.4.1] - 2020-03-28 ### Added - Enabled tcp keepalive - Support for untagged commands ## [0.4.0] - 2016-11-11 ### Added - optional timeout on eimap objects for server delay passing in an integer command_timeout value to eimap:start_link sets the timeout to that number of ms ### Fixed - METADATA command parses multiple key/value returns correctly ## [0.3.0] - 2016-07-29 ### Changed - moved to rebar3 ### Fixed - consistency in capabilities response parsing ## [0.2.5] - 2016-07-04 ### Fixed - improved the capabilities response parsing ## [0.2.4] - 2016-06-08 This section contains the changes from 0.2.0 through 0.2.4 ### Added - NOOP command - support for automated interruption of passthrough state to send structured commands - commands receive server responses for commands they put into the queue ### Changed - centralize core IMAP response handling and utils in eimap_command - support for multi-line, single-line and binary response command types - improved TLS support ### Fixed - crash in GETMETADATA command when the Folder param is a list - Support more variations of the LIST command args in the filter_groupware rule - Prevent crashes (while maintaining simplicity) in session FSM by limiting processcommandqueue messages in the mailbox to one - support for literals continuation - fixes for metadata fetching diff --git a/rebar.config b/rebar.config index 33e4158..5c94f0a 100644 --- a/rebar.config +++ b/rebar.config @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ %% -*- tab-width: 4;erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% ex: ft=erlang ts=4 sw=4 et {erl_opts, [{parse_transform, lager_transform}]}. {deps, [ lager ]}. { erl_first_files, ["src/eimap_command.erl"] }. {sub_dirs, [ "src", "tests" ]}. {cover_enabled, true}. %%{require_otp_vsn, "17"}. {pre_hooks, [{clean, "rm -rf ebin priv erl_crash.dump"}]}. -{ relx, [ { release, { eimap, "0.4.1" }, [eimap]}, +{ relx, [ { release, { eimap, "0.4.2" }, [eimap]}, { dev_mode, false }, { include_erts, false } ] }. diff --git a/src/eimap.app.src b/src/eimap.app.src index d50dc2d..15e5dea 100644 --- a/src/eimap.app.src +++ b/src/eimap.app.src @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ %% -*- tab-width: 4;erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- {application, eimap, [ { description, "IMAP client implementation" }, - { vsn, "0.4.1" }, + { vsn, "0.4.2" }, { registered, [] }, { applications, [ kernel, stdlib, crypto, ssl, compiler, syntax_tools, lager ] }, { env, [ ]}, { maintainers, ["Aaron Seigo"] }, { licenses, ["LGPLv3+"] }, { links, ["https://git.kolab.org/diffusion/EI/"] } ]}. diff --git a/src/eimap.erl b/src/eimap.erl index 0a50543..6a72302 100644 --- a/src/eimap.erl +++ b/src/eimap.erl @@ -1,501 +1,516 @@ %% Copyright 2014 Kolab Systems AG (http://www.kolabsys.com) %% %% Aaron Seigo (Kolab Systems) %% %% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify %% it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by %% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or %% (at your option) any later version. %% %% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the %% GNU Library General Public License for more details. %% %% You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License %% along with this program. If not, see . -module(eimap). -behaviour(gen_fsm). %% API -export([start_link/1, %% passthrough mode, where data is just sent to the server blindly and %% responses passed back equally blindly. in this mode the user is on %% their own and better know what they are doing. can only be activated %% when disconnected or idle start_passthrough/2, stop_passthrough/1, passthrough_data/2, %% connection management connect/1, connect/3, disconnect/1, %% commands starttls/3, capabilities/3, login/5, logout/3, compress/1, get_server_metadata/4, get_server_metadata/6, get_folder_status/5, get_folder_metadata/5, get_folder_metadata/7, get_folder_annotations/4, peek_message_headers_and_body/5, get_path_tokens/3, noop/3]). %% gen_fsm callbacks -export([disconnected/2, idle/2, passthrough/2, wait_response/2, startingtls/2]). -export([init/1, handle_event/3, handle_sync_event/4, handle_info/3, terminate/3, code_change/4]). %% state record definition -record(state, { host, port, tls, tls_state = false, socket, server_id = <<>>, command_serial = 1, command_queue = queue:new(), current_command, current_mbox, passthrough = false, passthrough_recv, passthrough_send_buffer = <<>>, inflator, deflator, process_command_queue_guard = false, command_timeout = infinity, command_timeout_timer = none }). -record(command, { tag, mbox, message, from, response_type, response_token, parse_state }). -define(SSL_UPGRADE_TIMEOUT, 5000). -define(TCP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 5000). -define(DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT, infinity). %% public API start_link(Options) when is_list(Options) -> gen_fsm:start_link(?MODULE, Options, []). start_passthrough(PID, Receiver) when is_pid(Receiver) -> gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(PID, { start_passthrough, Receiver } ). stop_passthrough(PID) -> gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(PID, stop_passthrough). passthrough_data(PID, Data) when is_binary(Data) -> gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(PID, { passthrough, Data }). connect(PID) -> connect(PID, undefined, undefined). connect(PID, From, ResponseToken) -> gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(PID, { connect, From, ResponseToken }). disconnect(PID) -> gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(PID, disconnect). -spec compress(EImap :: pid()) -> ok. compress(EImap) when is_pid(EImap) -> send_command_to_queue(EImap, EImap, compress, eimap_command_compress, ok). -spec starttls(EImap :: pid(), From :: pid(), ResponseToken :: any()) -> ok. starttls(EImap, From, ResponseToken) when is_pid(EImap) -> send_command_to_queue(EImap, From, ResponseToken, eimap_command_starttls, ok). -spec capabilities(EImap :: pid(), From :: pid(), ResponseToken :: any()) -> ok. capabilities(EImap, From, ResponseToken) when is_pid(EImap) -> send_command_to_queue(EImap, From, ResponseToken, eimap_command_capability, ok). -spec login(EImap :: pid(), From :: pid(), ResponseToken :: any(), User :: list() | binary(), Pass :: list() | binary()) -> ok. login(EImap, From, ResponseToken, User, Pass) -> send_command_to_queue(EImap, From, ResponseToken, eimap_command_login, { User, Pass }). -spec logout(EImap :: pid(), From :: pid(), ResponseToken :: any()) -> ok. logout(EImap, From, ResponseToken) -> send_command_to_queue(EImap, From, ResponseToken, eimap_command_logout, ok). -type status_property() :: messages | recent | uidnext | uidvalidity | unseen. -type status_properties() :: [status_property()]. -spec get_folder_status(EImap :: pid(), From :: pid(), ResponseToken :: any(), Folder :: list() | binary(), Properties:: status_properties()) -> ok. get_folder_status(EImap, From, ResponseToken, Folder, Properties) -> send_command_to_queue(EImap, From, ResponseToken, eimap_command_status, { Folder, Properties }). -spec get_folder_metadata(EImap :: pid(), From :: pid(), ResponseToken :: any(), Folder :: list() | binary(), Properties:: [list() | binary()]) -> ok. get_folder_metadata(EImap, From, ResponseToken, Folder, Properties) -> get_folder_metadata(EImap, From, ResponseToken, Folder, Properties, infinity, nomax). -spec get_folder_metadata(EImap :: pid(), From :: pid(), ResponseToken :: any(), Folder :: list() | binary(), Properties:: [list() | binary()], Depth :: infinity | integer(), MaxSize :: nomax | integer()) -> ok. get_folder_metadata(EImap, From, ResponseToken, Folder, Properties, Depth, MaxSize) -> send_command_to_queue(EImap, From, ResponseToken, eimap_command_getmetadata, { Folder, Properties, Depth, MaxSize }). -spec get_server_metadata(EImap :: pid(), From :: pid(), ResponseToken :: any(), Properties:: [list() | binary()]) -> ok. get_server_metadata(EImap, From, ResponseToken, Properties) -> send_command_to_queue(EImap, From, ResponseToken, eimap_command_getmetadata, { <<>>, Properties, infinity, nomax }). -spec get_server_metadata(EImap :: pid(), From :: pid(), ResponseToken :: any(), Properties:: [list() | binary()], Depth :: infinity | integer(), MaxSize :: nomax | integer()) -> ok. get_server_metadata(EImap, From, ResponseToken, Properties, Depth, MaxSize) -> send_command_to_queue(EImap, From, ResponseToken, eimap_command_getmetadata, { <<>>, Properties, Depth, MaxSize }). -spec get_folder_annotations(EImap :: pid(), From :: pid(), ResponseToken :: any(), Folder :: [list() | binary()]) -> ok. get_folder_annotations(EImap, From, ResponseToken, Folder) -> send_command_to_queue(EImap, From, ResponseToken, eimap_command_annotation, Folder). -spec peek_message_headers_and_body(EImap :: pid(), From :: pid(), ResponseToken :: any(), Folder :: [list() | binary()], MessageID :: [integer() | binary()]) -> ok. peek_message_headers_and_body(EImap, From, ResponseToken, Folder, MessageID) -> send_command_to_queue(EImap, From, ResponseToken, eimap_command_peek_message, MessageID, Folder). -spec get_path_tokens(EImap :: pid(), From :: pid(), ResponseToken :: any()) -> ok. get_path_tokens(EImap, From, ResponseToken) -> send_command_to_queue(EImap, From, ResponseToken, eimap_command_namespace, ok). -spec noop(EImap :: pid(), From :: pid(), ResponseToken :: any()) -> ok. noop(EImap, From, ResponseToken) -> send_command_to_queue(EImap, From, ResponseToken, eimap_command_noop, ok). %% gen_server API init(Options) -> Host = proplists:get_value(host, Options, ""), Port = proplists:get_value(port, Options, 143), TLS = proplists:get_value(tls, Options, false), CommandTimeout = proplists:get_value(command_timeout, Options, ?DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT), State = #state { host = Host, port = Port, tls = TLS, command_timeout = CommandTimeout }, { ok, disconnected, State }. disconnected({ connect, Receiver, ResponseToken }, #state{ command_queue = CommandQueue, host = Host, port = Port, tls = TLS, socket = undefined } = State) -> %lager:debug("CONNECTING! ~p ~p", [Receiver, ResponseToken]), { {ok, Socket}, TlsState, SendCapabilitiesTo, NewCommandQueue } = create_socket(Host, Port, TLS, Receiver, ResponseToken, CommandQueue), { Message, ResponseType } = eimap_command_capability:new_command(parse_serverid), Command = #command{ message = Message, response_type = ResponseType, from = SendCapabilitiesTo, response_token = { connected, Receiver, ResponseToken }, parse_state = eimap_command_capability }, { next_state, wait_response, State#state { socket = Socket, tls_state = TlsState, current_command = Command, command_queue = NewCommandQueue } }; disconnected(Command, State) when is_record(Command, command) -> { next_state, disconnected, enque_command(Command, State) }. passthrough(flush_passthrough_buffer, #state{ passthrough_send_buffer = Buffer } = State) -> %lager:info("Passing through ~p", [Buffer]), passthrough({ passthrough, Buffer }, State#state{ passthrough_send_buffer = <<>> }); passthrough({ passthrough, Data }, #state{ socket = Socket, tls_state = true } = State) -> %lager:info("Passing through ssl \"~s\"", [Data]), ssl:send(Socket, deflated(Data, State)), { next_state, passthrough, State }; passthrough({ passthrough, Data }, #state{ socket = Socket } = State) -> %lager:info("Passing through tcp \"~s\"", [Data]), gen_tcp:send(Socket, deflated(Data, State)), { next_state, passthrough, State }; passthrough({ data, Data }, #state{ passthrough_recv = Receiver } = State) -> %lager:info("Passing back ~p", [Data]), Receiver ! { imap_server_response, Data }, { next_state, passthrough, State }; passthrough(Command, State) when is_record(Command, command) -> NewState = ensure_process_command_queue(State), { next_state, idle, enque_command(Command, NewState) }. idle(process_command_queue, #state{ command_queue = Queue } = State) -> UnguardedState = State#state{ process_command_queue_guard = false }, case queue:out(Queue) of { { value, Command }, ModifiedQueue } when is_record(Command, command) -> %lager:info("Clearing queue of ~p", [Command]), NewState = send_command(Command, UnguardedState#state{ command_queue = ModifiedQueue }), { next_state, wait_response, NewState }; { empty, _ModifiedQueue } -> NextState = next_state_after_emptied_queue(State), { next_state, NextState, UnguardedState } end; idle({ data, _Data }, State) -> %%lager:info("Idling, server sent: ~p", [_Data]), { next_state, idle, State }; idle(Command, State) when is_record(Command, command) -> %%lager:info("Idling"), NewState = send_command(Command, State), { next_state, wait_response, NewState }; idle(_Event, State) -> { next_state, idle, ensure_process_command_queue(State) }. next_state_after_emptied_queue(#state{ passthrough = true }) -> gen_fsm:send_event(self(), flush_passthrough_buffer), passthrough; next_state_after_emptied_queue(_State) -> idle. ensure_process_command_queue(State) -> case State#state.process_command_queue_guard of true -> State; _ -> gen_fsm:send_event(self(), process_command_queue), State#state{ process_command_queue_guard = true } end. %%TODO a variant that checks "#command{ from = undefined }" to avoid parsing responses which will go undelivered? wait_response(Command, State) when is_record(Command, command) -> { next_state, wait_response, enque_command(Command, State) }; wait_response({ data, _Data }, #state{ current_command = #command{ parse_state = undefined } } = State) -> NewState = cancel_timeout(State), { next_state, idle, ensure_process_command_queue(NewState) }; wait_response({ data, Data }, #state{ current_command = #command{ response_type = ResponseType, parse_state = CommandState , tag = Tag } } = State) -> Response = eimap_command:parse_response(ResponseType, Data, Tag, CommandState), %%lager:info("Response from parser was ~p ~p, size of queue ~p", [More, Response, queue:len(State#state.command_queue)]), + % FIXME + % Because several commands can be in flight at the same time, it can happen that we have something like: + % * Client send: CMD1, CMD2 (triggering a request for metadata) + % * Because we immediately after processing CMD2 from the client request metadata and start waiting for the response, + % a response that actually still belongs to CMD1 will not be recognized as such (will end up in here). + % + % Below is a workaround for that case; If we fail to parse the repsonse we simply assume it's none of our business and pass it trough. + % + % For a proper fix more work would be required, here are some ideas: + % * Track pending tags and only start associating with this command once we have all outstanding tags completed. The problem is that we don't know about pending tags because normally we don't look for them while passing through. + % * Buffer data and watch out for any tag. If its not ours pass the data through (would result in performance penalty only while waiting for the command). + case Response of + {more,{<<>>,[],_}} -> passthrough({data, Data}, State); + _ -> {} + end, NewState = cancel_timeout(State), next_command_after_response(Response, NewState); wait_response(process_command_queue, State) -> % ignore this one, we'll get to it when the response comes { next_state, wait_response, State }. startingtls({ passthrough, Data }, #state{ passthrough = true, passthrough_send_buffer = Buffer } = State) -> { next_state, startingtls, State#state{ passthrough_send_buffer = <> } }; startingtls(Command, State) when is_record(Command, command) -> { next_state, startingtls, enque_command(Command, State) }; startingtls({ data, Data }, #state{ current_command = #command{ response_type = ResponseType, parse_state = CommandState, tag = Tag } } = State) -> Response = eimap_command:parse_response(ResponseType, Data, Tag, CommandState), %%lager:info("Response from parser was ~p ~p, size of queue ~p", [More, Response, queue:len(State#state.command_queue)]), next_command_after_response(Response, State). handle_event({ connect, _From, _ResponseToken } = Event, disconnected, State) -> gen_fsm:send_event(self(), Event), { next_state, disconnected, State }; handle_event({ connect, _From, _ResponseToken }, _Statename, State) -> %%lager:info("Already connected to IMAP server!"), { next_state, _Statename, State }; handle_event(disconnect, _StateName, State) -> close_socket(State), { next_state, disconnected, reset_state(State) }; handle_event({ ready_command, Command }, StateName, State) when is_record(Command, command) -> ?MODULE:StateName(Command, State); handle_event({ start_passthrough, Receiver }, StateName, State) -> { next_state, StateName, State#state{ passthrough = true, passthrough_recv = Receiver } }; handle_event(stop_passthrough, StateName, State) -> { NextStateName, NewState } = case StateName of passthrough -> { idle, ensure_process_command_queue(State) }; StateName -> { StateName, State } end, { next_state, NextStateName, NewState#state{ passthrough = false } }; handle_event({ passthrough, Data }, passthrough, #state{ passthrough = true } = State) -> ?MODULE:passthrough({ passthrough, Data }, State); handle_event({ passthrough, Data }, StateName, #state{ passthrough = true, passthrough_send_buffer = Buffer } = State) -> NewBuffer = <>, NewState = case StateName of idle -> ensure_process_command_queue(State); _ -> State end, { next_state, StateName, NewState#state{ passthrough_send_buffer = NewBuffer } }; handle_event(_Event, StateName, State) -> { next_state, StateName, State}. handle_sync_event(_Event, _From, StateName, State) -> { next_state, StateName, State}. handle_info({ ssl, Socket, Bin }, StateName, #state{ socket = Socket } = State) -> % Flow control: enable forwarding of next TCP message ssl:setopts(Socket, [{ active, once }]), Data = inflated(Bin, State), %lager:info("Received from server over ssl: ~s", [Data]), ?MODULE:StateName({ data, Data }, State); handle_info({ tcp, Socket, Bin }, StateName, #state{ socket = Socket } = State) -> % Flow control: enable forwarding of next TCP message inet:setopts(Socket, [{ active, once }]), Data = inflated(Bin, State), %lager:info("Received from server plaintext: ~s", [Data]), ?MODULE:StateName({ data, Data }, State); handle_info({ ssl_closed, Socket }, _StateName, #state{ socket = Socket, host = Host, port = Port } = State) -> lager:debug("~p Disconnected from ~p:~p .\n", [self(), Host, Port]), { stop, normal, State }; handle_info({ ssl_error, Socket, _Reason }, _StateName, #state{ socket = Socket, host = Host, port = Port } = State) -> lager:info("~p Disconnected due to socket error from ~p:~p .\n", [self(), Host, Port]), { stop, normal, State }; handle_info({ tcp_closed, Socket }, _StateName, #state{ socket = Socket, host = Host, port = Port } = State) -> lager:debug("~p Disconnected from ~p:~p .\n", [self(), Host, Port]), { stop, normal, State }; handle_info({ tcp_error, Socket, _Reason }, _StateName, #state{ socket = Socket, host = Host, port = Port } = State) -> lager:info("~p Disconnected due to socket error from ~p:~p .\n", [self(), Host, Port]), { stop, normal, State }; handle_info({ { connected, Receiver, ResponseToken }, { Capabilities, ServerID } }, _StateName, #state{ passthrough = Passthrough, passthrough_recv = PassthroughReceiver, tls = TLS } = State) -> case TLS of starttls -> % we do not pass through or notifty when we are going to automatically do a starttls % this allows us to send the post-starttls capabilities triggering client activity % only AFTER we have completely set up the connectiona, as that usually tends to % alter the capabilities % % if the user of eimap does not want this behavior, they can starttls themselves % explicitly ok; _ -> %lager:debug("Connected, capabilities are: ~s; ServerID is ~s", [Capabilities, ServerID]), send_hello_string(Capabilities, ServerID, Receiver, ResponseToken, Passthrough, PassthroughReceiver) end, { next_state, idle, State#state{ current_command = undefined, server_id = ServerID } }; handle_info({ { posttls_capabilities, Receiver, ResponseToken }, [Capabilities] }, _StateName, #state{ server_id = ServerID, passthrough = Passthrough, passthrough_recv = PassthroughReceiver } = State) -> send_hello_string(Capabilities, ServerID, Receiver, ResponseToken, Passthrough, PassthroughReceiver), { next_state, idle, State#state{ current_command = none } }; handle_info({ { selected, MBox }, ok }, StateName, State) -> %%lager:info("~p Selected mbox ~p", [self(), MBox]), { next_state, StateName, State#state{ current_mbox = MBox } }; handle_info({ { selected, MBox }, { error, Reason } }, StateName, State) -> lager:info("Failed to select mbox ~p: ~p", [MBox, Reason]), NewQueue = queue:filter(fun(Command) -> notify_of_mbox_failure_during_filter(Command, Command#command.mbox =:= MBox) end, State#state.command_queue), { next_state, StateName, State#state{ command_queue = NewQueue } }; handle_info(starttls_complete, StateName, State) -> %lager:info("STARTTLS completed successfully"), { next_state, StateName, State }; handle_info(response_timeout, _StateName, State) -> { stop, normal, State }; handle_info(Info, StateName, State) -> lager:debug("handle_info called with unhandled info of ~p", [Info]), { next_state, StateName, State }. terminate(_Reason, _Statename, State) -> close_socket(State), ok. code_change(_OldVsn, Statename, State, _Extra) -> { ok, Statename, State }. %% private API send_command_to_queue(EImap, From, ResponseToken, Module, Args) -> send_command_to_queue(EImap, From, ResponseToken, Module, Args, undefined). send_command_to_queue(EImap, From, ResponseToken, Module, Args, Folder) -> { Message, ResponseType } = Module:new_command(Args), Command = #command{ mbox = Folder, message = Message, response_type = ResponseType, from = From, response_token = ResponseToken, parse_state = Module }, gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(EImap, { ready_command, Command }). send_hello_string(Capabilities, ServerId, Receiver, ResponseToken, Passthrough, PassthroughReceiver) -> notify_of_response([{ capabilities, Capabilities }, { server_id, ServerId } ], Receiver, ResponseToken), passthrough_capabilities(Capabilities, ServerId, Passthrough, PassthroughReceiver). passthrough_capabilities(Capabilities, ServerId, true, Receiver) -> Message = <<"* OK [CAPABILITY ", Capabilities/binary, "] ", ServerId/binary, "\r\n">>, Receiver ! { imap_server_response, Message }; passthrough_capabilities(_Capabilities, _ServerId, _Passthrough, _Receiver) -> ok. notify_of_response(none, _Command) -> ok; notify_of_response(Response, #command { from = From, response_token = Token }) -> notify_of_response(Response, From, Token); notify_of_response(_, _) -> ok. notify_of_response(_Response, undefined, _Token) -> ok; notify_of_response(Response, From, undefined) -> From ! Response; notify_of_response(Response, From, Token) -> From ! { Token, Response }. %% the return is inverted for filtering notify_of_mbox_failure_during_filter(Command, true) -> notify_of_response({ error, mailboxnotfound }, Command), false; notify_of_mbox_failure_during_filter(_Command, false) -> true. next_command_after_response({ more, ParseState }, State) -> { next_state, wait_response, State#state{ current_command = State#state.current_command#command{ parse_state = ParseState } } }; next_command_after_response({ error, _ } = ErrorResponse, State) -> notify_of_response(ErrorResponse, State#state.current_command), NewState = ensure_process_command_queue(State), { next_state, idle, NewState#state{ current_command = undefined } }; next_command_after_response({ fini, Response }, State) -> %lager:info("Notifying with ~p", [State#state.current_command]), notify_of_response(Response, State#state.current_command), NewState = ensure_process_command_queue(State), { next_state, idle, NewState#state{ current_command = undefined } }; next_command_after_response(starttls, State) -> { TLSState, Socket } = upgrade_socket(State), %lager:info("~p Upgraded the socket ...", [self()]), NewState = ensure_process_command_queue(State), { next_state, idle, NewState#state{ current_command = undefined, socket = Socket, tls_state = TLSState } }; next_command_after_response(compression_active, State) -> { Inflator, Deflator } = eimap_utils:new_imap_compressors(), NewState = ensure_process_command_queue(State), { next_state, idle, NewState#state{ current_command = undefined, inflator = Inflator, deflator = Deflator } }; next_command_after_response({ close_socket, Response }, State) -> notify_of_response(Response, State#state.current_command), { stop, normal, State }. tag_field_width(Serial) when Serial < 10000 -> 4; tag_field_width(Serial) -> tag_field_width(Serial / 10000, 5). tag_field_width(Serial, Count) when Serial < 10 -> Count; tag_field_width(Serial, Count) -> tag_field_width(Serial / 10, Count + 1). create_socket(Host, Port, true, _Receiver, _ResponseToken, CommandQueue) -> { ssl:connect(Host, Port, socket_options(), ?SSL_UPGRADE_TIMEOUT), true, self(), CommandQueue }; create_socket(Host, Port, starttls, Receiver, ResponseToken, CommandQueue) -> %lager:debug("Setting up the tls creation with ultimate end point of ~p ~p", [Receiver, ResponseToken]), % we do an implicit TLS by adding a starttls command and then a capability command so we can % pretend to the user that the socket just magically opened up like this. %TODO: some duplicated code here; would be nice to clean this up a bit? { TlsMessage, TlsResponseType } = eimap_command_starttls:new_command(ok), TlsCommand = #command{ message = TlsMessage, response_type = TlsResponseType, from = self(), response_token = undefined, parse_state = eimap_command_starttls }, { CapMessage, CapResponseType } = eimap_command_capability:new_command(ok), CapabilitiesCommand = #command{ message = CapMessage, response_type = CapResponseType, from = self(), response_token = { posttls_capabilities, Receiver, ResponseToken }, parse_state = eimap_command_capability }, % note the use of queue:in_r to _prepend_ the commands so they get run first even if the user % has pre-connection queued up commands NewCommandQueue = queue:in_r(TlsCommand, queue:in_r(CapabilitiesCommand, CommandQueue)), { gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, socket_options(), ?TCP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT), false, self(), NewCommandQueue }; create_socket(Host, Port, _, _Receiver, _ResponseToken, CommandQueue) -> { gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, socket_options(), ?TCP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT), false, self(), CommandQueue }. socket_options() -> [binary, { active, once }, { send_timeout, 5000 }, { keepalive, true }]. upgrade_socket(#state{ socket = Socket, tls_state = true, current_command = Command }) -> notify_of_response(starttls_complete, Command), ssl:setopts(Socket, [{ active, once }]), { true, Socket }; upgrade_socket(#state{ socket = Socket, current_command = Command }) -> %lager:debug("~p upgrading the server socket due to starttls"[self()]), case ssl:connect(Socket, socket_options(), ?SSL_UPGRADE_TIMEOUT) of { ok, SSLSocket } -> %lager:info("~p it worked", [self()]), notify_of_response(starttls_complete, Command), ssl:setopts(SSLSocket, [{ active, once }]), { true, SSLSocket }; { error, Reason } -> lager:warning("~p StartTLS failed due to: ~p", [self(), Reason]), notify_of_response(starttls_failed, Command), inet:setopts(Socket, [{ active, once }]), { false, Socket } end. close_socket(#state{ socket = undefined }) -> false; close_socket(#state{ socket = Socket, tls_state = true }) -> ssl:close(Socket); close_socket(#state{ socket = Socket }) -> gen_tcp:close(Socket). reset_state(State) -> State#state{ socket = undefined, command_serial = 1 }. %% sending command code paths: %% 0. not connected, TLS/SSL, unencrypted %% 1. no mbox needed, mbox is already selected, mbox needs selecting send_command(Command, #state{ socket = undefined } = State) -> lager:warning("Not connected, dropping command on floor: ~s", [Command]), State; send_command(Command, #state{ tls_state = true} = State) -> send_command(fun ssl:send/2, Command, State); send_command(Command, State) -> send_command(fun gen_tcp:send/2, Command, State). send_command(SocketFun, #command{ mbox = undefined } = Command, State) -> %%lager:info("~p SELECT_DEBUG issuing command without mbox: ~p", [self(), Command#command.message]), send_command_now(SocketFun, Command, State); send_command(SocketFun, #command{ mbox = MBox } = Command, #state{ current_mbox = CurrentMbox } = State) -> %%lager:info("~p SELECT_DEBUG issuing command with mbox ~p (current: ~p, equal -> ~p): ~p", [self(), MBox, CurrentMbox, (MBox =:= CurrentMbox), Command#command.message]), send_command_or_select_mbox(SocketFun, Command, State, MBox, MBox =:= CurrentMbox). send_command_or_select_mbox(SocketFun, Command, State, _MBox, true) -> send_command_now(SocketFun, Command, State); send_command_or_select_mbox(SocketFun, DelayedCommand, State, MBox, false) -> NextState = reenque_command(DelayedCommand, State), %TODO: this really should be SELECT rather than EXAMINE { SelectMessage, ResponseType } = eimap_command_switch_folder:new_command(MBox), SelectCommand = #command{ message = SelectMessage, response_type = ResponseType, parse_state = eimap_command_switch_folder, from = self(), response_token = { selected, MBox } }, %%lager:info("~p SELECT_DEBUG: Doing a select first ~p", [self(), SelectMessage]), send_command_now(SocketFun, SelectCommand, NextState). send_command_now(SocketFun, #command{ message = Message } = Command, #state{ command_serial = Serial, socket = Socket } = State) -> Tag = list_to_binary(io_lib:format("EG~*..0B", [tag_field_width(Serial), Serial])), Data = <>, %lager:info("Sending command via ~p: ~s", [Fun, Data]), SocketFun(Socket, deflated(Data, State)), StateWithTimeout = reset_timeout(State), StateWithTimeout#state{ command_serial = Serial + 1, current_command = Command#command{ tag = Tag } }. enque_command(Command, State) -> %%lager:info("Enqueuing command ~p", [Command]), State#state { command_queue = queue:in(Command, State#state.command_queue) }. reenque_command(Command, State) -> %%lager:info("Re-queueing command ~p", [Command]), State#state { command_queue = queue:in_r(Command, State#state.command_queue) }. inflated(Data, #state{ inflator = undefined }) -> Data; inflated(Data, #state{ inflator = Inflator }) -> iolist_to_binary(zlib:inflate(Inflator, Data)). deflated(Data, #state{ deflator = undefined }) -> Data; deflated(Data, #state{ deflator = Deflator }) -> iolist_to_binary(zlib:deflate(Deflator, Data, sync)). reset_timeout(#state{ command_timeout = Timeout } = State) -> cancel_timeout(State), { ok, TimerRef } = case Timeout of Timeout when is_integer(Timeout), Timeout >= 0 -> timer:send_after(Timeout, response_timeout); _ -> { ok, none } end, State#state{ command_timeout_timer = TimerRef }. cancel_timeout(#state{ command_timeout_timer = none } = State) -> State; cancel_timeout(#state{ command_timeout_timer = TimerRef } = State) -> timer:cancel(TimerRef), State#state{ command_timeout_timer = none }.