diff --git a/source/puppet/howto/bootstrap-puppet-server.rst b/source/puppet/howto/bootstrap-puppet-server.rst index 8f83f229..bbe5bde7 100644 --- a/source/puppet/howto/bootstrap-puppet-server.rst +++ b/source/puppet/howto/bootstrap-puppet-server.rst @@ -1,619 +1,619 @@ ========================================= HOWTO: Bootstrap the Puppet Master Server ========================================= This HOWTO installs Puppet version 3.7.1 (at the time of this writing) on to a single vanilla Enterprise Linux 6 system. .. NOTE:: The packages referred to in this document are available in the Puppet add-on channel to Kolab Enterprise 14. If you do not have any Kolab Enterprise 14 configuration on the system -yet, please see the guide for :ref:`installation-rhel` for the steps -involved. +yet, please see the guide for +:ref:`installation-guide-rhel-6-enterprise-14` for the steps involved. .. IMPORTANT:: Bootstrapping the Puppet master server is the hardest thing to do in relation to running Puppet for your environments. This HOWTO lists a large number of steps that need to be executed manually, but only need to be executed once. Configure the System FQDN and Service DNS Entry =============================================== Make sure that the system's FQDN is a sustainable value. We recommend using ``puppet$x.$domain``, for example ``puppet01.example.org``. The digits are in there, so that node manifests can match the system's common name against a node manifest for ``puppet\d+\.example\.org``. The FQDN of the system has to resolve back to the actual system's primary external interface's IP address. To double-check whether this is the case, execute the following commands: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`python -c 'import socket; print socket.getfqdn();'` puppet01.example.org # :command:`dig +short puppet01.example.org` # :command:`host` domain name pointer puppet01.example.org. The service DNS entry is a default ``puppet.example.org``. Tinkering with this is obviously allowed, but not recommended. If you may end up with multiple Puppet master servers, make sure that the ``puppet.example.org`` DNS entry is a (collection of) IN A resource record(s), possibly pointing to service IP addresses rather than system IP addresses. Configure the Puppet Add-on YUM Repository ========================================== At the time of this writing, there is not a so-called ``-release`` package for the add-on repository for Puppet. Put the following YUM repository configuration in :file:`/etc/yum.repos.d/kolab-14-extras-puppet.repo`: .. include:: extras-puppet-repo.txt Install and Configure the Puppet Master Server Software ======================================================= Execute the following command to install the necessary software: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`yum -y install git puppet-server redhat-lsb \\ mod_passenger mod_ssl puppetdb puppet-dashboard mysql-server` In case you have started from a base Enterprise Linux 6 installation, which is not a bad idea at all, ensure the following packages are up-to-date: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`yum -y update apr apr-util mod_nss openssl` Next, adjust :file:`/etc/puppet/puppet.conf` to include configuration for the master, adding the following section: .. include:: master-section-to-puppet-conf.txt Run the following command once to generate the certificates necessary to run the Puppet master server under the Apache HTTP server with Phusion Passenger: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`timeout 10s puppet master --verbose --no-daemonize` At this point, executing :command:`httpd -t` should succeed without errors or warnings. The fileserver configuration needs adjusting, too: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`cat > /etc/puppet/fileserver.conf << EOF` [private] path /var/lib/puppet/private/%d/ allow \* [files] path /var/lib/puppet/files/%d/ allow \* EOF Next, create or adjust :file:`/etc/httpd/conf.d/puppet-server.conf` to contain the following: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`cat > /etc/httpd/conf.d/puppet-server.conf << EOF` Listen \*:8140 ServerAdmin sysadmin-main\@$(hostname -d) ServerName puppet.$(hostname -d) ErrorLog "\|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs -L /var/log/httpd/puppet.$(hostname -d)-error_log -f -l /var/log/httpd/puppet.$(hostname -d)-error_log.%Y-%m-%d 86400" CustomLog "\|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs -L /var/log/httpd/puppet.$(hostname -d)-access_log -f -l /var/log/httpd/puppet.$(hostname -d)-access_log.%Y-%m-%d 86400" combined CustomLog "\|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs -L /var/log/httpd/puppet.$(hostname -d)-ssl_log -f -l /var/log/httpd/puppet.$(hostname -d)-ssl_log.%Y-%m-%d 86400" "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \\"%r\\" %b" DocumentRoot /usr/share/puppet/rack/puppetmasterd/public/ SSLEngine on SSLCipherSuite SSLv2:-LOW:-EXPORT:RC4+RSA SSLCertificateFile /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/puppet.$(hostname -d).pem SSLCertificateKeyFile /var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/puppet.$(hostname -d).pem SSLCertificateChainFile /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem SSLCACertificateFile /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem SSLCARevocationFile /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crl.pem SSLCARevocationCheck chain SSLVerifyClient optional SSLVerifyDepth 1 SSLOptions +StdEnvVars # The following client headers allow the same configuration to work with Pound. RequestHeader set X-SSL-Subject %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN}e RequestHeader set X-Client-DN %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN}e RequestHeader set X-Client-Verify %{SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY}e Options None AllowOverride None Require all granted Order Allow,Deny Allow from All EOF And restart the Apache HTTP server: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`service httpd restart` Create the aforementioned DocumentRoot: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`mkdir -p /usr/share/puppet/rack/puppetmasterd/{public,tmp}` # :command:`cp /usr/share/puppet/ext/rack/config.ru \\ /usr/share/puppet/rack/puppetmasterd/` # :command:`chown puppet:puppet /usr/share/puppet/rack/puppetmasterd/config.ru` Initialize the Management Repositories ====================================== Initialize the central GIT repositories for the domain name space to manage, on the Puppet master server: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`mkdir -p /git/` # :command:`mkdir -p /git/$(hostname -d)` # :command:`cd /git/$(hostname -d)` # :command:`git --bare init --shared` # :command:`sed -i -e 's/master/development/g' HEAD` # :command:`mkdir -p /git/$(hostname -d)-sensitive` # :command:`cd /git/$(hostname -d)-sensitive` # :command:`git --bare init --shared` To distinguish between permissions to each repository, optionally add the necessary groups: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`groupadd sysadmin-puppet` # :command:`groupadd sysadmin-main` # :command:`chown -R root:sysadmin-puppet /git/$(hostname -d)` # :command:`find /git/$(hostname -d) -type f -exec chmod g+w,o-r {} ;` # :command:`find /git/$(hostname -d) -type d -exec chmod g+ws,o-rx {} ;` # :command:`chown -R root:sysadmin-main /git/$(hostname -d)-sensitive` # :command:`find /git/$(hostname -d)-sensitive -type f -exec chmod g+w,o-r {} ;` # :command:`find /git/$(hostname -d)-sensitive -type d -exec chmod g+ws,o-rx {} ;` And add users to said groups: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`useradd john` # :command:`gpasswd -a john sysadmin-main` # :command:`gpasswd -a john sysadmin-puppet` # :command:`useradd jane` # :command:`gpasswd -a jane sysadmin-puppet` .. seealso:: * :ref:`delegation-for-domain-manifests` * :ref:`hook-the-puppet-master-server-up-to-ldap` Provide Puppet with Something To Do =================================== From a workstation (that is presumably in the same domain name space), clone the (still empty) repositories: .. parsed-literal:: $ :command:`git clone ssh://puppet.$(hostname -d)/git/$(hostname -d)` $ :command:`git clone ssh://puppet.$(hostname -d)/git/$(hostname -d)-sensitive` And provide the initial populus: .. parsed-literal:: $ :command:`cd $(hostname -d)` $ :command:`mkdir -p puppet/manifests/{classes,nodes,utils}` $ :command:`hostname=PUPPET_SERVER_HOSTNAME` $ :command:`cat > puppet/site.pp << EOF` # Get facts and give them a good, good name \\$os = \\$operatingsystem \\$server = "puppet.$(hostname -d)" case \\$os { "Fedora", "CentOS", "RedHat": { \\$osver = \\$lsbdistrelease \\$osmajorver = \\$lsbmajdistrelease } "Debian", "Ubuntu": { \\$osver = \\$lsbdistrelease \\$osmajorver = \\$lsbmajdistrelease } "SuSE": { } "openSuSE": { } "Darwin": { \\$osver = \\$operatingsystemrelease } } case \\$environment { nil: { \\$environment = "development" } } # Always include the puppet::client class include puppet::client node default { } EOF $ :command:`cat > puppet/puppetdb.conf << EOF` [main] server = $hostname port = 8081 EOF $ :command:`cat > puppet/manifests/classes/$(echo $(hostname -d) | sed -e 's/\./_/g')_common.pp << EOF` class $(echo $(hostname -d) | sed -e 's/\./_/g')_common { include yum::standard yum::repository { [ "kolab-14-release", "kolab-14-updates", "kolab-14-extras-puppet" ]: enable => true, gpgkey => true } yum::repository { [ "kolab-14-updates-testing" ]: enable => \\$environment ? { "production" => false, default => true }, gpgkey => true } yum::repository { [ "kolab-14-development" ]: enable => \\$environment ? { "development" => true, default => false }, gpgkey => true } } EOF $ :command:`cat > puppet/manifests/nodes/$(hostname -f).pp << EOF` node '$(hostname -f)' { include $(echo $(hostname -d) | sed -e 's/\./_/g')_common include puppet::server cron { "puppet-dashboard_reports:prune": command => "cd /usr/share/puppet-dashboard; rake RAILS_ENV=production reports:prune upto=28 unit=day >/dev/null 2>&1", hour => "\*/1", minute => "15" } # From git::server file { "/usr/local/bin/git_init_script": owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 750, source => [ "puppet://\\\$server/private/\\\$environment/git/git_init_script", "puppet://\\\$server/modules/files/git/git_init_script", "puppet://\\\$server/modules/git/git_init_script" ] } git::clone { "$(hostname -d)-sensitive": localtree => "/var/lib/puppet/files/", source => "/git/$(hostname -d)-sensitive/", real_name => "$(hostname -d)" } git::repository { [ "$(hostname -d)", "$(hostname -d)-sensitive" ]: localtree => "/git/", symbolic_link => false, shared => true, public => false, owner => "root", group => "root", description => "Kolab Systems Puppet" } puppet::server::domain::development { [ "$(hostname -d)" ]: base_url => "/git/" } puppet::server::domain::testing { [ "$(hostname -d)" ]: base_url => "/git/" } puppet::server::domain::production { [ "$(hostname -d)" ]: base_url => "/git/" } puppet::server::module::development { [ "git", "puppet", "webserver", "yum" ]: base_url => "git://git.kolab.org/~vanmeeuwen/puppet/" } puppet::server::module::testing { [ "git", "puppet", "webserver", "yum" ]: base_url => "git://git.kolab.org/~vanmeeuwen/puppet/" } puppet::server::module::production { [ "git", "puppet", "webserver", "yum" ]: base_url => "git://git.kolab.org/~vanmeeuwen/puppet/" } } EOF $ :command:`cat > puppet/manifests/utils/exec.pp << EOF` # Exec Exec { logoutput => on_failure, loglevel => info, path => [ "/bin", "/usr/bin", "/usr/local/bin", "/sbin", "/usr/sbin", "/usr/local/sbin" ] } EOF $ :command:`cat > puppet/manifests/utils/file.pp << EOF` File { links => follow } EOF $ :command:`mkdir -p webserver/includes.d/` $ :command:`cat > webserver/includes.d/listen.conf.$(hostname -s) << EOF` Listen 80 Listen 443 Listen 3000 Listen 8140 EOF Add the files to track, commit the changes and push it back out: .. parsed-literal:: $ :command:`git add .` $ :command:`git commit . -m "Initial commit"` $ :command:`git checkout -b development` $ :command:`git branch -D master` $ :command:`git push origin development` $ :command:`git push origin development:testing` $ :command:`git push origin development:production` Next, to setup PuppetDB, adjust :file:`/etc/puppet/puppetdb.conf`: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`cat > /etc/puppet/puppetdb.conf << EOF` [main] server = puppet.$(hostname -d) port = 8081 EOF Provide it the proper SSL certificates and CA from the Puppet installation: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`puppetdb ssl-setup` .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`service puppetdb start` Next, create the initial clones of the domain name space specific management repositories: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`mkdir -p /var/lib/puppet/private/$(hostname -d)/` # :command:`for environment in development testing production; do cd /var/lib/puppet/private/$(hostname -d)/ git clone -b $environment /git/$(hostname -d)/ $environment done` # :command:`for environment in development testing production; do mkdir -p /var/lib/puppet/environments/$environment/manifests cd /var/lib/puppet/environments/$environment/ echo "modulepath = /var/lib/puppet/environments/$environment/modules:\\$basemodulepath" > environment.conf cp -fa /var/lib/puppet/private/$(hostname -d)/$environment/puppet/site.pp . cp -fa /var/lib/puppet/private/$(hostname -d)/$environment/puppet/manifests . mkdir -p /var/lib/puppet/environments/$environment/modules/ cd /var/lib/puppet/environments/$environment/modules/ for module in git kolab munin nagios puppet webserver yum; do git clone -b $environment https://github.com/kolab-groupware/puppet-module-$module $module done done` # :command:`mkdir -p /var/lib/puppet/files/` # :command:`cd /var/lib/puppet/files/` # :command:`git clone /git/$(hostname -d)-sensitive $(hostname -d)` Additionally, install the following two required modules from the Puppet Forge: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`puppet module install puppetlabs-stdlib` # :command:`puppet module install dalen-puppetdbquery` .. parsed-literal:: service mysqld start mysql_secure_installation cat > ~/.my.cnf << EOF [client] password=$PASSWORD EOF mysql -e "create database dashboard;" mysql -e "grant all privileges on dashboard.* to 'dashboard'@'localhost' identified by 'asdasd';" mysql -e "flush privileges;" cat > /usr/share/puppet-dashboard/config/database.yml << EOF production: database: dashboard username: dashboard password: asdasd encoding: utf8 adapter: mysql development: database: dashboard username: dashboard password: asdasd encoding: utf8 adapter: mysql test: database: dashboard username: dashboard password: asdasd encoding: utf8 adapter: mysql EOF cd /usr/share/puppet-dashboard rake db:migrate rake gems:refresh_specs .. IMPORTANT:: The dashboard report prune job does not eliminate records in other tables, and it is therefore necessary to add to the database schema: .. parsed-literal:: ALTER TABLE resource_events ADD FOREIGN KEY (resource_status_id) REFERENCES resource_statuses(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE resource_statuses ADD FOREIGN KEY (report_id) REFERENCES reports(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE report_logs ADD FOREIGN KEY (report_id) REFERENCES reports(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE metrics ADD FOREIGN KEY (report_id) REFERENCES reports(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE reports ADD FOREIGN KEY (node_id) REFERENCES nodes(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; The server can now be made its own client, and start managing Puppet by Puppet: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`puppet agent --verbose --onetime --no-daemonize --server puppet.$(hostname -d) --environment development` # :command:`puppet ca sign $(hostname -f)` # :command:`puppet agent --verbose --onetime --no-daemonize --server puppet.$(hostname -d) --environment development` For yet undetermined reasons, the Puppet master server may hold a certificate signing request, yet be unable to sign the request (with a message "Could not find certificate request for"). Please see :ref:`bootstrap-puppet-reinitialize-ca-and-certs` for more information. Enabling the Inventory Service in the Puppet Dashboard ====================================================== .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`cat >> /etc/puppet/auth.conf << EOF` path /facts auth yes method find, search allow dashboard EOF # :command:`sed -r -i \\ -e "s/^ca_server:.*$/ca_server: 'puppet.$(hostname -d)'/g" \\ -e "s/^enable_inventory_service:.*$/enable_inventory_service: true/g" \\ -e "s/^inventory_server:.*$/inventory_server: 'puppet.$(hostname -d)'/g" \\ -e "s/^use_file_bucket_diffs:.*$/use_file_bucket_diffs: true/g" \\ -e "s/^file_bucket_server:.*$/file_bucket_server: 'puppet.$(hostname -d)'/g" \\ /usr/share/puppet-dashboard/config/settings.yml` # :command:`cd /usr/share/puppet-dashboard/` # :command:`rake cert:create_key_pair` # :command:`rake cert:request` # :command:`puppet ca sign dashboard` # :command:`rake cert:retrieve` .. _bootstrap-puppet-reinitialize-ca-and-certs: Re-initializing the CA Certificate and Peer Certificates ======================================================== .. WARNING:: This process resets the CA, Puppet master server certificate, and all Puppet agent certificates. On the Puppet master server, execute the following: .. parsed-literal:: # :command:`service httpd stop` # :command:`rm -rf /var/lib/puppet/ssl/` # :command:`timeout 10s puppet master --verbose --no-daemonize` # :command:`puppetdb ssl-setup -f` # :command:`service puppetdb restart` # :command:`while [ -z "$(netstat -tlnp | grep :8081)" ]; do sleep 1; done` # :command:`service httpd start` # :command:`puppet agent --verbose --onetime --no-daemonize --server puppet.$(hostname -d) --environment development` # :command:`puppet ca sign $(hostname -f)` # :command:`puppet agent --verbose --onetime --no-daemonize --server puppet.$(hostname -d) --environment development` diff --git a/source/puppet/howto/scale-puppet-environments.rst b/source/puppet/howto/scale-puppet-environments.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0ef8e42e --- /dev/null +++ b/source/puppet/howto/scale-puppet-environments.rst @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +========================= +Scale Puppet Environments +========================= + +In this HOWTO: + +* Using Puppet with Git and GlusterFS +* Load-balancing Puppet Masters +* Cascading Puppet Masters +* Separating the Dashboard UI interface +* Separating the Reporting + +Load-balancing Puppet Masters +============================= + +Initially, one Puppet master may suffice for environment, though the +Puppet master may become very busy serving: + +* The Puppet master catalog server, +* The Puppet certificate authority, +* Git repositories (two per domain, one per module), +* The Puppet reporting URL (puppet-dashboard), +* The Puppet database (puppetdb), +* MySQL for the Puppet dashboard, +* The Puppet dashboard user interface (dynamic pages), +* The Puppet dashboard user interface (static contents) + +Double the Puppet Masters +------------------------- + +In a simplified overview, the connection model between the components +that make up a Puppet environment, looks as follows: + +.. graphviz:: + + digraph puppet { + rankdir = TB; + splines = true; + overlab = prism; + + edge [color=gray50, fontname=Calibri, fontsize=11]; + node [style=filled, shape=record, fontname=Calibri, fontsize=11]; + + subgraph cluster_puppet { + label = "Puppet Infrastructure"; + "master"; + "dashboard"; + "db"; + "mysql"; + } + + "agent" -> "master" [dir=none]; + "master" -> "git", "dashboard", "db" [dir=none]; + "dashboard" -> "mysql" [dir=none]; + "client" -> "dashboard", "git" [dir=none]; + } + +A simple extension to this environment is to supply multiple Puppet +masters. + +A pre-requisite becomes to either; + +* Split the Puppet certificate authority, + +* Share (at least) :file:`/var/lib/puppet/ssl/` between Puppet + masters. + +Note, however, it is recommended to not only share +:file:`/var/lib/puppet/ssl/`, but other directories as well. One example +is :file:`/var/lib/puppet/environments/`, which is were your +environments are served from, and another example is +:file:`/var/lib/puppet/files/`, the location of your private and/or +sensitive files. + +Not sharing :file:`/var/lib/puppet/ssl/` requires you to separate the +Puppet certificate authority, for otherwise certificates will fail to +validate and agents have a semi-random chance of hitting the certificate +authority that does trust the agent's client certificate. + +Failing to share the additional directories -- in addition to +:file:`/var/lib/puppet/ssl/` -- creates a scenario in which an agent +hitting one Puppet master then another receives two different catalogs +(and depending on your environment settings may apply changes +effectively going back and forth between two versions of its desired +state). + +It is perfectly possible to balance traffic between multiple Puppet +masters without using proper load-balancing techniques; A ``puppet`` IN +A DNS RR could hold the IP addresses of the extra Puppet masters in +addition to the original one. + +.. NOTE:: + + Note however such environment does not introduce high-availability + through load-balancing. + + If a Puppet master becomes unavailable, agents will still be + attempting to connect to it. + +.. parsed-literal:: + + # :command:`host puppet` + puppet.example.org has address + puppet.example.org has address + (...) + +The environment would look as follows (new components in green): + +.. graphviz:: + + digraph puppet { + rankdir = TB; + splines = true; + overlab = prism; + + edge [color=gray50, fontname=Calibri, fontsize=11]; + node [style=filled, shape=record, fontname=Calibri, fontsize=11]; + + subgraph cluster_puppet { + label = "Puppet Infrastructure"; + + "master #1" [label="master"]; + "master #2" [label="master",color=green]; + + "agent-master" [shape=point,color=gray50]; + "master-resources" [shape=point,color=gray50]; + + "dashboard"; + "db"; + "mysql"; + + "shared filesystem(s)" [color=green]; + + } + + "agent" -> "agent-master" [dir=none]; + "agent-master" -> "master #1", "master #2" [dir=none]; + + "master #1", "master #2" -> "master-resources" [dir=none]; + "master-resources" -> "git", "dashboard", "db" [dir=none]; + + "master-resources" -> "shared filesystem(s)" [dir=none]; + + "dashboard" -> "mysql" [dir=none]; + "client" -> "dashboard", "git" [dir=none]; + } + +For true scalability, each component needs be separated from each other +component, scale up (or down) by itself, and remain available. + +Further, it is recommended to back up the Puppet DB with PostgreSQL for +larger environments (>= 100 nodes). + +.. graphviz:: + + digraph puppet { + rankdir = TB; + splines = true; + overlab = prism; + + edge [color=gray50, fontname=Calibri, fontsize=11]; + node [style=filled, shape=record, fontname=Calibri, fontsize=11]; + + subgraph cluster_puppet { + label = "Puppet Infrastructure"; + + "master #1" [label="master"]; + "dashboard #1" [label="dashboard(report)"]; + "dashboard #3" [label="dashboard(ui)"]; + "db #1" [label="db"]; + "psql #1" [label="psql"]; + "mysql #1" [label="mysql"]; + } + + "git #1" [label="git"]; + + "agent" -> "master #1" [dir=none]; + + "master #1" -> "glusterfs" [dir=none]; + + "master #1" -> "git #1" [dir=none]; + "git #1" -> "glusterfs" [dir=none]; + + "master #1" -> "dashboard #1" [dir=none]; + "dashboard #1" -> "glusterfs" [dir=none]; + "dashboard #1" -> "mysql #1" [dir=none]; + + "master #1" -> "db #1" [dir=none]; + "db #1" -> "psql #1" [dir=none]; + + "client" -> "git #1" [dir=none]; + "client" -> "dashboard #3" [dir=none]; + "dashboard #3" -> "glusterfs" [dir=none]; + "dashboard #3" -> "mysql #1" [dir=none]; + } + +.. graphviz:: + + digraph puppet { + rankdir = TB; + splines = true; + overlab = prism; + + edge [color=gray50, fontname=Calibri, fontsize=11]; + node [style=filled, shape=record, fontname=Calibri, fontsize=11]; + + "load-balancer git" [label="load-balancer"]; + + subgraph cluster_puppet { + label = "Puppet Infrastructure"; + + subgraph cluster_masters { + label = "Puppet Masters"; + + "master #1" [label="master"]; + "master #2" [label="master"]; + } + + subgraph cluster_dashboards { + label = "Puppet Dashboards"; + + "dashboard #1" [label="dashboard(report)"]; + "dashboard #2" [label="dashboard(report)"]; + "dashboard #3" [label="dashboard(ui)"]; + "dashboard #4" [label="dashboard(ui)"]; + } + + subgraph cluster_puppetdb { + label = "Puppet DBs"; + + "db #1" [label="db"]; + "db #2" [label="db"]; + + "load-balancer db-psql" [label="load-balancer"]; + + subgraph cluster_psql { + label = "PostgreSQL Servers"; + + "psql #1" [label="psql"]; + "psql #2" [label="psql"]; + } + } + + subgraph cluster_mysql { + label = "MySQL Servers"; + + "mysql #1" [label="mysql"]; + "mysql #2" [label="mysql"]; + } + + "load-balancer agent-master" [label="load-balancer"]; + + "load-balancer master-db" [label="load-balancer"]; + + "load-balancer master-dashboard" [label="load-balancer"]; + + "load-balancer client-dashboard" [label="load-balancer"]; + + "load-balancer dashboard-mysql" [label="load-balancer"]; + + } + + "git #1" [label="git"]; + "git #2" [label="git"]; + + "agent" -> "load-balancer agent-master" [dir=none]; + "load-balancer agent-master" -> "master #1", "master #2" [dir=none]; + + "master #1", "master #2" -> "glusterfs" [dir=none]; + + "master #1", "master #2" -> "load-balancer git" [dir=none]; + "load-balancer git" -> "git #1", "git #2" [dir=none]; + "git #1", "git #2" -> "glusterfs" [dir=none]; + + "master #1", "master #2" -> "load-balancer master-dashboard" [dir=none]; + "load-balancer master-dashboard" -> "dashboard #1", "dashboard #2" [dir=none]; + "dashboard #1", "dashboard #2" -> "glusterfs" [dir=none]; + "dashboard #1", "dashboard #2" -> "load-balancer dashboard-mysql" [dir=none]; + + "master #1", "master #2" -> "load-balancer master-db" [dir=none]; + "load-balancer master-db" -> "db #1", "db #2" [dir=none]; + "db #1", "db #2" -> "load-balancer db-psql" [dir=none]; + "load-balancer db-psql" -> "psql #1", "psql #2" [dir=none]; + + "client" -> "load-balancer git" [dir=none]; + "client" -> "load-balancer client-dashboard" [dir=none]; + "load-balancer client-dashboard" -> "dashboard #3", "dashboard #4" [dir=none]; + "dashboard #3", "dashboard #4" -> "glusterfs" [dir=none]; + "dashboard #3", "dashboard #4" -> "load-balancer dashboard-mysql" [dir=none]; + + "load-balancer dashboard-mysql" -> "mysql #1", "mysql #2" [dir=none]; + } diff --git a/source/puppet/index.rst b/source/puppet/index.rst index 45009ffd..0466e509 100644 --- a/source/puppet/index.rst +++ b/source/puppet/index.rst @@ -1,36 +1,41 @@ ==================================== Configuration Management with Puppet ==================================== This article describes a scalable Puppet setup that allows serving more than a single security domain from a single Puppet master server infrastructure, in any of three default :term:`staging environments`. .. NOTE:: The packages referred to in this document are available in the Puppet add-on software repository to Kolab Enterprise 14. -.. rubric:: HOWTO Arcticles +.. rubric:: HOWTO Articles .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 howto/bootstrap-puppet-server howto/working-with-staging-environments .. rubric:: Module Documentation .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 module/git module/kolab module/munin module/nagios module/puppet module/puppetdbquery module/selinux module/stdlib module/webserver module/yum + +.. toctree:: + :hidden: + + howto/scale-puppet-environments