diff --git a/source/client-configuration/others.rst b/source/client-configuration/others.rst
index 525aba01..ae7f7fdb 100644
--- a/source/client-configuration/others.rst
+++ b/source/client-configuration/others.rst
@@ -1,123 +1,124 @@
 Other Clients
 As long as your client application is following the standards,
 it can be used to connect to |service_name|.
 Below is an overview of the various protocols we support
 along with the settings you need to enter in your client.
 .. index:: IMAP Server
 .. _settings-clientconfig-imap-generic:
 IMAP Settings
 You can basically connect every standard email application with support for the 
 IMAP protocol to |service_name|. Please use the following settings to connect.
 *Incoming server (IMAP):*
     |**imap_port**| + |**imap_ssl**|
 Please use your **full and primary email address** as username here.
 .. index:: SMTP Server
 .. _settings-clientconfig-smtp-generic:
 SMTP Settings
 *Outgoing server (SMTP):*
     |**smtp_port**| + |**smtp_ssl**|
 Please use your **full and primary email address** as username here.
 .. only:: tls
     .. note::
         We offer TLS  encryption for the connection to these services and 
         advise  to always use it.
 .. only:: dav
     .. index:: CalDAV, CardDAV
     .. _settings-clientconfig-dav-generic:
     CardDAV and CalDAV Settings
     Please point your `CalDAV <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CalDAV>`_ and 
-    `CardDAV <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CardDAV>`_ capable client to either 
-    one of these addresses:
+    `CardDAV <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CardDAV>`_ capable client to these addresses:
     *For CalDAV:*
-    or
+    or if that did not work:
     *For CardDAV:*
-    or
+    or if that did not work:
+    When using the alternative address, please make sure to replace the last part (|**username**| and domain) with your actual username
+    or switch to a client that is able to auto-discover the correct addresses based on the short address.
 .. only:: webdav
     .. index:: WebDAV
     .. _settings-clientconfig-webdav-generic:
     The easiest way to access your files is using the web client. In the top 
     right corner, you can just choose 'Files'.
     You can also use any `WebDAV <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebDAV#Clients>`_ 
     capable client to get access to your files. 
     Just point it to one of the following locations.
         **webdavs://**\ |**webdav_host**|
         **davs://**\ |**webdav_host**|
     The first should work for most people. Try the others only if the first one 
     does not work for you.
 .. only:: activesync
     .. index:: ActiveSync
     .. _settings-clientconfig-activesync-generic:
     Kolab also supports the proprietary ActiveSync protocol.
     In order to connect your client to |service_name| via this protocol,
     please use the following server address.