diff --git a/app/storage/riak_storage.py b/app/storage/riak_storage.py index f3b8c1b..fb884f8 100644 --- a/app/storage/riak_storage.py +++ b/app/storage/riak_storage.py @@ -1,368 +1,371 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2015 Kolab Systems AG (http://www.kolabsys.com) # # Thomas Bruederli # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import logging, datetime, urllib, urlparse from riak import RiakClient from riak.mapreduce import RiakKeyFilter, RiakMapReduce from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_date from flask import current_app from . import AbstractStorage conf = current_app.config log = logging.getLogger('storage') class RiakStorage(AbstractStorage): bucket_types = { 'users': 'egara-lww', 'users-current': 'egara-unique', 'imap-events': 'egara-lww', 'imap-folders': 'egara-lww', 'imap-folders-current': 'egara-unique', 'imap-message-timeline': 'egara-lww' } def __init__(self, *args, **kw): riak_host = 'localhost' riak_port = 8098 self.client = RiakClient( protocol='http', host=conf['STORAGE'].get('riak_host', riak_host), http_port=conf['STORAGE'].get('riak_port', riak_port) ) self.client.set_decoder('application/octet-stream', self._decode_binary) def _decode_binary(self, data): return str(data).encode("utf-8") def _get_bucket(self, bucketname): _type = self.bucket_types.get(bucketname, None) if _type: return self.client.bucket_type(_type).bucket(bucketname) return None def get(self, key, index, doctype=None, fields=None, **kw): """ Standard API for accessing key/value storage """ result = None log.debug("Riak get key %r from %r", key, index) try: bucket = self._get_bucket(index) res = bucket.get(key) if res and res.data: result = res.data except Exception, e: log.warning("Riak exception: %s", str(e)) result = None return result def set(self, key, value, index, doctype=None, **kw): """ Standard API for writing to key/value storage """ return False def select(self, query, index, doctype=None, fields=None, sortby=None, limit=None, **kw): """ Standard API for querying storage """ result = None try: pass except Exception, e: log.warning("Riak exception: %s", str(e)) result = None return result def _get_keyfilter(self, index, starts_with=None, ends_with=None, sortby=None, limit=None): """ Helper function to execute a key filter query """ results = None fs = None fe = None if starts_with is not None: fs = RiakKeyFilter().starts_with(starts_with) if ends_with is not None: fe = RiakKeyFilter().ends_with(ends_with) if fs and fe: keyfilter = fs & fe else: keyfilter = fs or fe return self._mapreduce_keyfilter(index, keyfilter, sortby, limit) def _mapreduce_keyfilter(self, index, keyfilter, sortby=None, limit=None): """ Helper function to execute a map-reduce query using the given key filter """ results = None log.debug("Riak query %r with key filter %r", index, keyfilter) mapred = RiakMapReduce(self.client) mapred.add_bucket(self._get_bucket(index)) mapred.add_key_filters(keyfilter) # custom Riak.mapValuesJson() function that also adds the entry key to the data structure mapred.map(""" function(value, keyData, arg) { if (value.not_found) { return [value]; } var _data, data = value["values"][0]["data"]; if (Riak.getClassName(data) !== "Array") { _data = JSON.parse(data); _data["_key"] = value.key; return [_data]; } else { return data } } """) if sortby is not None: comp = '<' if limit is not None and limit < 0 else '>' mapred.reduce_sort('function(a,b){ return (a.%s || 0) %s (b.%s || 0) ? 1 : 0; }' % (sortby, comp, sortby)) if limit is not None: mapred.reduce_limit(abs(limit)) try: results = mapred.run() except Exception, e: log.warning("Riak MapReduce exception: %s", str(e)) results = None return results def get_user(self, id=None, username=None): """ API for resolving usernames and reading user info """ # search by ID using a key filter if id is not None: results = self._get_keyfilter('users', starts_with=id + '::', limit=1) if results and len(results) > 0: return results[0] elif username is not None: user = self.get(username, 'users-current') if user is not None: return user # TODO: query 'users' bucket with an ends_with key filter # TODO: add a very short-term cache for lookups by ID return None def get_folder(self, mailbox=None, user=None): """ API for finding IMAP folders and their unique identifiers """ folder_id = self.get(mailbox, 'imap-folders-current') if folder_id is not None: return dict(uri=mailbox, id=folder_id) return None def get_events(self, objuid, mailbox, msguid, limit=None): """ API for querying event notifications """ # 1. get timeline entries for current folder folder = self.get_folder(mailbox) if folder is None: log.info("Folder %r not found in storage", mailbox) return None; object_event_keys = self._get_timeline_keys(objuid, folder['id']) # sanity check with msguid if msguid is not None: key_prefix = 'message::%s::%s' % (folder['id'], str(msguid)) if len([k for k in object_event_keys if k.startswith(key_prefix)]) == 0: log.warning("Sanity check failed: requested msguid %r not in timeline keys %r", msguid, object_event_keys) # TODO: abort? # 3. read each corresponding entry from imap-events filters = None for key in object_event_keys: f = RiakKeyFilter().starts_with(key) if filters is None: filters = f else: filters |= f log.debug("Querying imap-events for keys %r", object_event_keys) if filters is not None: # TODO: query directly using key? results = self._mapreduce_keyfilter('imap-events', filters, sortby='timestamp_utc', limit=limit) return [self._transform_result(x, 'imap-events') for x in results if x.has_key('event') and not x['event'] == 'MessageExpunge'] \ if results is not None else results return None def _get_timeline_keys(self, objuid, folder_id, length=3): """ Helper method to fetch timeline keys recursively following moves accross folders """ object_event_keys = [] results = self._get_keyfilter('imap-message-timeline', starts_with='message::' + folder_id + '::', ends_with='::' + objuid) if not results or len(results) == 0: log.info("No timeline entry found for %r in folder %r", objuid, folder_id) return object_event_keys; for rec in results: key = '::'.join(rec['_key'].split('::', 4)[0:length]) object_event_keys.append(key) # follow moves and add more :: tuples to our list if rec.has_key('history') and isinstance(rec['history'], dict) and rec['history'].has_key('imap'): old_folder_id = rec['history']['imap'].get('previous_folder', None) if old_folder_id: object_event_keys += self._get_timeline_keys(objuid, old_folder_id, length) return object_event_keys def get_revision(self, objuid, mailbox, msguid, rev): """ API to get a certain revision of a stored object """ # resolve mailbox first folder = self.get_folder(mailbox) if folder is None: log.info("Folder %r not found in storage", mailbox) return None; # expand revision into the ISO timestamp format try: ts = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(rev), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f") timestamp = ts.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[0:23] except Exception, e: log.warning("Invalid revision %r for object %r: %r", rev, objuid, e) return None # query message-timeline entries starting at peak with current folder (aka mailbox) object_event_keys = self._get_timeline_keys(objuid, folder['id'], length=4) # get the one key matching the revision timestamp keys = [k for k in object_event_keys if '::' + timestamp in k] log.debug("Get revision entry %r from candidates %r", timestamp, object_event_keys) if len(keys) == 1: result = self.get(keys[0], 'imap-events') if result is not None: return self._transform_result(result, 'imap-events') else: log.info("Revision timestamp %r doesn't match a single key from: %r", timestamp, object_event_keys) return None def get_message_data(self, rec): """ Getter for the full IMAP message payload for the given event record as previously fetched with get_events() or get_revision() """ return rec.get('message', None) def _transform_result(self, result, index): """ Turn an imap-event record into a dict to match the storage API """ result['_index'] = index # derrive (numeric) revision from timestamp if result.has_key('timestamp_utc') and result.get('event','') in ['MessageAppend','MessageMove']: try: ts = parse_date(result['timestamp_utc']) result['revision'] = ts.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f")[0:17] except: pass # extract folder name from uri if result.has_key('uri') and not result.has_key('mailbox'): uri = self._parse_imap_uri(result['uri']) username = uri['user'] domain = uri['domain'] folder_name = uri['path'] folder_path = uri['path'] imap_delimiter = '/' if not username == None: if folder_name == "INBOX": folder_path = imap_delimiter.join(['user', '%s@%s' % (username, domain)]) else: folder_path = imap_delimiter.join(['user', username, '%s@%s' % (folder_name, domain)]) result['mailbox'] = folder_path + if not result.has_key('uidset') and uri.has_key('UID'): + result['uidset'] = uri['UID'] + return result def _parse_imap_uri(self, uri): """ Split the given URI string into its components """ split_uri = urlparse.urlsplit(uri) if len(split_uri.netloc.split('@')) == 3: (username, domain, server) = split_uri.netloc.split('@') elif len(split_uri.netloc.split('@')) == 2: (username, server) = split_uri.netloc.split('@') domain = None elif len(split_uri.netloc.split('@')) == 1: username = None domain = None server = split_uri.netloc result = dict(user=username, domain=domain, host=server) # First, .path == '/Calendar/Personal%20Calendar;UIDVALIDITY=$x[/;UID=$y] # Take everything after the first slash, and omit any INBOX/ stuff. path_str = '/'.join([x for x in split_uri.path.split('/') if not x == 'INBOX'][1:]) path_arr = path_str.split(';') result['path'] = urllib.unquote(path_arr[0]) # parse the path/query parameters into a dict param = dict() for p in path_arr[1:]: if '=' in p: (key,val) = p.split('=', 2) result[key] = urllib.unquote(val) return result