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Build 746

Run Command on atomic01

This build step has since been deleted on the build plan. Some information may be omitted.
Completed at Jun 12 2015, 1:35 PM · Built for 9 s

Build Log 2674 (remote - stderr)
25 - 50 - 100 - Unlimited Lines

1+ '[' -z master -a -z '' ']'
2+ '[' -z ssh:// ']'
3+ '[' 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 ']'
4+ test_build=1
5+ test_functional=1
6+ test_integration=1
7+ test_performance=1
8+ test_unit=1
9+ '[' -z git ']'
10+ case ${vcs} in
11++ basename ssh:// .git
12+ package=stick
13++ echo ssh://
14++ sed -e 's|ssh://git@|https://|g'
15+ ro_uri=
16+ case ${package} in
17++ pwd
18+ export TMPDIR=/var/tmp/1001
19+ TMPDIR=/var/tmp/1001
20+ '[' '!' -d stick.git ']'
21+ git clone stick.git
22+ pushd stick.git
23+ git checkout master
24Already on 'master'
25+ popd
26+ '[' stick '!=' stick ']'
27+ export commit
28+ export differential
29+ export id
30+ export package
31+ export phid
32+ export ro_uri
33+ export uri
34+ export vcs
35+ export test_build
36+ export test_functional
37+ export test_integration
38+ export test_performance
39+ export test_unit
40+ '[' -x stick.git/drydocker/stick/ ']'
41+ pushd stick.git
42+ ../stick.git/drydocker/stick/
43Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.12 kB
45Sending build context to Docker daemon
46+ retval=0
47+ popd
48+ cd /var/tmp
49+ rm -rf /var/tmp/1001
50+ exit 0

Build Log 2673 (remote - stdout)
25 - 50 - 100 - Unlimited Lines

4Cloning into '/var/tmp/1001/docker.git'...
5/var/tmp/1001/docker.git /var/tmp/1001/stick.git
6HEAD is now at a10d074 Ensure _shell function uses either a correct git rev-parse or just not at all
7/var/tmp/1001/docker.git/ci /var/tmp/1001/docker.git
8for dist in $(find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec basename {} \; | sort | grep -E '^[a-z]+$'); do \
9 docker build --rm=true --force-rm=true -t kolab/ci-$dist - < $dist ; \
11Step 0 : FROM centos:centos7
12 ---> fd44297e2ddb
13Step 1 : MAINTAINER Kolab Systems <>
14 ---> Using cache
15 ---> d187a5684304
16Step 2 : ADD /etc/yum.repos.d/Kolab:Development.repo
17 ---> Using cache
18 ---> 8ca4fa67c4b6
19Step 3 : RUN rpm --import
20 ---> Using cache
21 ---> 76af01dc84fc
22Step 4 : ADD /etc/yum.repos.d/openSUSE:Tools.repo
23 ---> Using cache
24 ---> 099c69fe79e9
25Step 5 : RUN rpm --import
26 ---> Using cache
27 ---> f420723ac69d
28Step 6 : RUN sed -i -e '/tsflags=nodocs/d' /etc/yum.conf && sed -r -i -e 's/enabled\s*=\s*1/enabled=0/g' /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/fastestmirror.conf
29 ---> Using cache
30 ---> 484577da8f5e
31Step 7 : RUN yum -y reinstall \*
32 ---> Using cache
33 ---> b69e461cafa6
34Step 8 : ENV IMAGE maipo
35 ---> Using cache
36 ---> 7e5211fa8f27
37Step 9 : ADD /etc/systemd/system/dbus.service
38 ---> Using cache
39 ---> 49e0b8d80235
40Step 10 : RUN ln -sf dbus.service /etc/systemd/system/messagebus.service
41 ---> Using cache
42 ---> 3152f48187f6
43Step 11 : ADD /etc/systemd/system/httpd.service
44 ---> Using cache
45 ---> 7188fa33ea90
46Step 12 : ADD /usr/bin/systemctl
47 ---> Using cache
48 ---> 41018f377e39
49Step 13 : ADD /usr/bin/systemctl-socket-daemon
50 ---> Using cache
51 ---> 4e0d12ca2e49
52Step 14 : RUN chmod -v a+rx /usr/bin/systemctl /usr/bin/systemctl-socket-daemon
53 ---> Using cache
54 ---> 0d8ef02fbf66
55Step 15 : ADD /root/.vimrc
56 ---> Using cache
57 ---> 392a53a23335
58Step 16 : RUN yum clean all && yum -y install epel-release && yum -y install --skip-broken ant atk-devel.i686 build cairo-devel.i686 fontconfig-devel.i686 freetype-devel freetype-devel.i686 gcc.i686 gcc-c++.i686 gdk-pixbuf-devel.i686 git glibc-devel glibc-devel.i686 glib2-devel.i686 gperf gtk2-devel gtk2-devel.i686 ibus-devel java-devel osc pango-devel.i686 passwd perl-Digest-MD5 perl-TimeDate php-phpunit-PHPUnit-Selenium python-selenium rpmdevtools ruby screen sudo vim-enhanced yum-utils @development @fedora-packager && yum-builddep -y --skip-broken $(yum -d 0 -e 0 --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=Kolab_Development list available 2>&1 | grep -vE "^(Available Packages|\s+)" | awk '{print $1}' )
59 ---> Using cache
60 ---> 9725f7b78f02
61Step 17 : WORKDIR /srv
62 ---> Using cache
63 ---> 5ec0acfe8207
64Step 18 : RUN git clone closure-compiler.git
65 ---> Using cache
66 ---> d7dd315e9bc0
67Step 19 : WORKDIR /srv/closure-compiler.git
68 ---> Using cache
69 ---> 9bf13945e00e
70Step 20 : RUN ant jar
71 ---> Using cache
72 ---> f6197b948364
73Step 21 : ADD /usr/local/lib/selenium-standalone-server.jar
74 ---> Using cache
75 ---> cb1e2d7d89e6
76Step 22 : ADD /srv/
77 ---> Using cache
78 ---> 6afb08ac89b6
79Step 23 : WORKDIR /srv
80 ---> Using cache
81 ---> d28b9cabe2b4
82Step 24 : RUN tar jxvf phantomjs-1.9.7-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2
83 ---> Using cache
84 ---> 66a26582601f
85Step 25 : RUN cp phantomjs-1.9.7-linux-x86_64/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin/ && rm -rf phantomjs-1.9.7-linux-x86_64*
86 ---> Using cache
87 ---> e05db99a8a56
88Step 26 : ADD /
89 ---> Using cache
90 ---> 680276e6d61f
91Step 27 : ADD /
92 ---> Using cache
93 ---> 9383a6b99c34
94Step 28 : RUN chmod 755 /
95 ---> Using cache
96 ---> 3aa238ff9e9c
97Step 29 : ENTRYPOINT [ "/" ]
98 ---> Using cache
99 ---> 85efb79d1cfc
100Successfully built 85efb79d1cfc

Run Command on atomic02

This build step has since been deleted on the build plan. Some information may be omitted.
Completed at Jun 12 2015, 1:35 PM · Built for 9 s

Build Log 2672 (remote - stderr)
25 - 50 - 100 - Unlimited Lines

1+ '[' -z master -a -z '' ']'
2+ '[' -z ssh:// ']'
3+ '[' 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 ']'
4+ test_build=1
5+ test_functional=1
6+ test_integration=1
7+ test_performance=1
8+ test_unit=1
9+ '[' -z git ']'
10+ case ${vcs} in
11++ basename ssh:// .git
12+ package=stick
13++ echo ssh://
14++ sed -e 's|ssh://git@|https://|g'
15+ ro_uri=
16+ case ${package} in
17++ pwd
18+ export TMPDIR=/var/tmp/1000
19+ TMPDIR=/var/tmp/1000
20+ '[' '!' -d stick.git ']'
21+ git clone stick.git
22+ pushd stick.git
23+ git checkout master
24Already on 'master'
25+ popd
26+ '[' stick '!=' stick ']'
27+ export commit
28+ export differential
29+ export id
30+ export package
31+ export phid
32+ export ro_uri
33+ export uri
34+ export vcs
35+ export test_build
36+ export test_functional
37+ export test_integration
38+ export test_performance
39+ export test_unit
40+ '[' -x stick.git/drydocker/stick/ ']'
41+ pushd stick.git
42+ ../stick.git/drydocker/stick/
43Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.12 kB
45Sending build context to Docker daemon
46+ retval=0
47+ popd
48+ cd /var/tmp
49+ rm -rf /var/tmp/1000
50+ exit 0

Build Log 2671 (remote - stdout)
25 - 50 - 100 - Unlimited Lines

4Cloning into '/var/tmp/1000/docker.git'...
5/var/tmp/1000/docker.git /var/tmp/1000/stick.git
6HEAD is now at a10d074 Ensure _shell function uses either a correct git rev-parse or just not at all
7/var/tmp/1000/docker.git/ci /var/tmp/1000/docker.git
8for dist in $(find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec basename {} \; | sort | grep -E '^[a-z]+$'); do \
9 docker build --rm=true --force-rm=true -t kolab/ci-$dist - < $dist ; \
11Step 0 : FROM centos:centos7
12 ---> fd44297e2ddb
13Step 1 : MAINTAINER Kolab Systems <>
14 ---> Using cache
15 ---> d187a5684304
16Step 2 : ADD /etc/yum.repos.d/Kolab:Development.repo
17 ---> Using cache
18 ---> 8ca4fa67c4b6
19Step 3 : RUN rpm --import
20 ---> Using cache
21 ---> 76af01dc84fc
22Step 4 : ADD /etc/yum.repos.d/openSUSE:Tools.repo
23 ---> Using cache
24 ---> 099c69fe79e9
25Step 5 : RUN rpm --import
26 ---> Using cache
27 ---> f420723ac69d
28Step 6 : RUN sed -i -e '/tsflags=nodocs/d' /etc/yum.conf && sed -r -i -e 's/enabled\s*=\s*1/enabled=0/g' /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/fastestmirror.conf
29 ---> Using cache
30 ---> 484577da8f5e
31Step 7 : RUN yum -y reinstall \*
32 ---> Using cache
33 ---> b69e461cafa6
34Step 8 : ENV IMAGE maipo
35 ---> Using cache
36 ---> 7e5211fa8f27
37Step 9 : ADD /etc/systemd/system/dbus.service
38 ---> Using cache
39 ---> 49e0b8d80235
40Step 10 : RUN ln -sf dbus.service /etc/systemd/system/messagebus.service
41 ---> Using cache
42 ---> 3152f48187f6
43Step 11 : ADD /etc/systemd/system/httpd.service
44 ---> Using cache
45 ---> 7188fa33ea90
46Step 12 : ADD /usr/bin/systemctl
47 ---> Using cache
48 ---> 41018f377e39
49Step 13 : ADD /usr/bin/systemctl-socket-daemon
50 ---> Using cache
51 ---> 4e0d12ca2e49
52Step 14 : RUN chmod -v a+rx /usr/bin/systemctl /usr/bin/systemctl-socket-daemon
53 ---> Using cache
54 ---> 0d8ef02fbf66
55Step 15 : ADD /root/.vimrc
56 ---> Using cache
57 ---> 392a53a23335
58Step 16 : RUN yum clean all && yum -y install epel-release && yum -y install --skip-broken ant atk-devel.i686 build cairo-devel.i686 fontconfig-devel.i686 freetype-devel freetype-devel.i686 gcc.i686 gcc-c++.i686 gdk-pixbuf-devel.i686 git glibc-devel glibc-devel.i686 glib2-devel.i686 gperf gtk2-devel gtk2-devel.i686 ibus-devel java-devel osc pango-devel.i686 passwd perl-Digest-MD5 perl-TimeDate php-phpunit-PHPUnit-Selenium python-selenium rpmdevtools ruby screen sudo vim-enhanced yum-utils @development @fedora-packager && yum-builddep -y --skip-broken $(yum -d 0 -e 0 --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=Kolab_Development list available 2>&1 | grep -vE "^(Available Packages|\s+)" | awk '{print $1}' )
59 ---> Using cache
60 ---> 9725f7b78f02
61Step 17 : WORKDIR /srv
62 ---> Using cache
63 ---> 5ec0acfe8207
64Step 18 : RUN git clone closure-compiler.git
65 ---> Using cache
66 ---> d7dd315e9bc0
67Step 19 : WORKDIR /srv/closure-compiler.git
68 ---> Using cache
69 ---> 9bf13945e00e
70Step 20 : RUN ant jar
71 ---> Using cache
72 ---> f6197b948364
73Step 21 : ADD /usr/local/lib/selenium-standalone-server.jar
74 ---> Using cache
75 ---> cb1e2d7d89e6
76Step 22 : ADD /srv/
77 ---> Using cache
78 ---> 6afb08ac89b6
79Step 23 : WORKDIR /srv
80 ---> Using cache
81 ---> d28b9cabe2b4
82Step 24 : RUN tar jxvf phantomjs-1.9.7-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2
83 ---> Using cache
84 ---> 66a26582601f
85Step 25 : RUN cp phantomjs-1.9.7-linux-x86_64/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin/ && rm -rf phantomjs-1.9.7-linux-x86_64*
86 ---> Using cache
87 ---> e05db99a8a56
88Step 26 : ADD /
89 ---> Using cache
90 ---> 680276e6d61f
91Step 27 : ADD /
92 ---> Using cache
93 ---> 9383a6b99c34
94Step 28 : RUN chmod 755 /
95 ---> Using cache
96 ---> 3aa238ff9e9c
97Step 29 : ENTRYPOINT [ "/" ]
98 ---> Using cache
99 ---> 85efb79d1cfc
100Successfully built 85efb79d1cfc

Lease Host atomic01

This build step has since been deleted on the build plan. Some information may be omitted.
Completed at Jun 12 2015, 1:34 PM · Built for 1 s

Lease Host atomic02

This build step has since been deleted on the build plan. Some information may be omitted.
Completed at Jun 12 2015, 1:34 PM · Built for 1 s

Wait for Previous Commits to Build

This build step has since been deleted on the build plan. Some information may be omitted.
Completed at Jun 12 2015, 1:34 PM · Built instantly
1 empty logs are hidden. Show all logs.

Event Timeline