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Build 3541

Drydock: Run Command

Completed at May 5 2016, 8:56 AM · Built for 5 m, 22 s

Build Log 10632 (remote - stderr)
25 - 50 - 100 - Unlimited Lines

1+ '[' -z 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690 -a -z '' ']'
2+ '[' -z ssh:// ']'
3+ '[' 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 ']'
4+ test_build=1
5+ test_functional=1
6+ test_integration=1
7+ test_performance=1
8+ test_unit=1
9+ test_obs=1
10+ '[' -z git ']'
11+ case ${vcs} in
12++ basename ssh:// .git
13+ package=syncroton
14++ echo ssh://
15++ sed -e 's|ssh://git@|https://|g'
16+ ro_uri=
17+ case ${package} in
18+ package=kolab-syncroton
19++ pwd
20+ export TMPDIR=/var/drydock/workingcopy-54/repo/syncroton
21+ TMPDIR=/var/drydock/workingcopy-54/repo/syncroton
22+ '[' '!' -d kolab-syncroton.git ']'
23+ pushd kolab-syncroton.git
24+ git remote set-url origin
25+ git fetch origin
27 c8544fa..3ecd3f2 master -> origin/master
28+ git reset --hard origin/master
29+ git clean -d -f -x
30+ git checkout 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690
31HEAD is now at 3ecd3f2... Fix detecting S/MIME signed messages
32+ popd
33+ '[' kolab-syncroton '!=' stick ']'
34+ '[' '!' -d stick.git ']'
35+ pushd stick.git
36+ git remote set-url origin
37+ git fetch origin
38+ git reset --hard origin/master
39+ git clean -d -f -x
40+ popd
41+ export commit
42+ export differential
43+ export id
44+ export package
45+ export phid
46+ export ro_uri
47+ export uri
48+ export vcs
49+ export test_build
50+ export test_functional
51+ export test_integration
52+ export test_performance
53+ export test_unit
54+ export test_obs
55+ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache ']'
56+ '[' -x stick.git/drydocker/kolab-syncroton/ ']'
57+ pushd kolab-syncroton.git
58+ ../stick.git/drydocker/kolab-syncroton/
59+ docker run -i --attach=stdout --attach=stderr --detach=false --rm=true --volume=/root/.oscrc:/root/.oscrc --volume=/var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache/:/var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache/ -e ID=3541 -e COMMIT=3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690 -e DIFFERENTIAL= -e PACKAGE=kolab-syncroton -e PHAB_CERT= -e PHAB_USER= -e PHID=PHID-HMBT-hxt6a4sacdjxyz6ezob6 -e URI=ssh:// -e RO_URI= -e VCS=git -e TEST_BUILD=1 -e TEST_FUNCTIONAL=1 -e TEST_INTEGRATION=1 -e TEST_PERFORMANCE=1 -e TEST_UNIT=1 -e TEST_OBS=1 kolab/ci-maipo
60Switched to a new branch 'arcpatch-D147'
61Switched to a new branch 'kolab-syncroton-1.0'
62Switched to a new branch 'kolab-syncroton-2.1'
63Switched to a new branch 'kolab-syncroton-2.2'
64Switched to branch 'master'
65Switched to a new branch 'oracle'
66Note: checking out '3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690'.
68You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
69changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
70state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
72If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
73do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
75 git checkout -b new_branch_name
77HEAD is now at 3ecd3f2... Fix detecting S/MIME signed messages
78+ exit 0
79+ retval=0
80+ popd
81+ exit 0

Build Log 10631 (remote - stdout)
25 - 50 - 100 - Unlimited Lines

3240 logrotate.x86_64 0:3.8.6-7.el7_2
3241 php-ZendFramework.noarch 0:1.12.5-2.4.el7.kolab_wf
3242 php-bcmath.x86_64 0:5.4.16-36.el7_1
3243 php-kolabformat.x86_64 0:1.2-10.1.el7.kolab_wf
3244 xerces-c.x86_64 0:3.1.1-8.el7_2
3247Running yum_install OK (at 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690)
3248Running obs_install_local OK (at 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690)
3250Running ../stick.git/drydocker/kolab-syncroton/ OK (at 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690)
3251Running ../stick.git/drydocker/kolab-syncroton/ ...
3252/srv/kolab-syncroton.git /srv/kolab-syncroton.git
3253Running obs_checkin ...
3254/srv/kolab-syncroton.git /srv/kolab-syncroton.git /srv/kolab-syncroton.git
3255/srv/kolab-syncroton.git /srv/kolab-syncroton.git
3256/srv/kolab-syncroton.git /srv/kolab-syncroton.git /srv/kolab-syncroton.git
3257++++ git branch --contains 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690
3258++++ sed -r -e 's/^\* //g' -e 's/^ //g'
3259++++ grep -E '^(master|kolab-syncroton|[a-z0-9-]+([0-9]+\.?))'
3260++++ sort --version-sort -u
3261+++ branches=master
3262+++ echo 'Branches that contain 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690:'
3263Branches that contain 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690:
3264+++ echo master
3265+++ sed -e 's/\s/\r\n/g'
3267++++ echo master
3268++++ sed -e 's/\s/\r\n/g'
3269++++ grep -E '^master$'
3270+++ '[' '!' -z master ']'
3271+++ branch=master
3272+++ echo 'Branch is '\''master'\'''
3273Branch is 'master'
3274++++ git branch -la
3275++++ sed -r -e 's/^\* //g' -e 's/^ remotes\/origin\///g' -e '/^HEAD/d'
3276++++ sort --version-sort -u
3277++++ grep -E '^(kolab-syncroton|[a-z0-9-]+([0-9]+\.?))'
3278++++ tail -n 1
3279+++ latest_stable_branch=kolab-syncroton-2.2
3280+++ echo 'The latest stable branch is '\''kolab-syncroton-2.2'\'''
3281The latest stable branch is 'kolab-syncroton-2.2'
3282+++ '[' master == master ']'
3283+++ '[' '!' -z kolab-syncroton-2.2 ']'
3284++++ echo kolab-syncroton-2.2
3285++++ sed -r -e 's/^.*([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)+)$/\1/g'
3286++++ awk -F. '{$NF+=1; OFS="."; print $0}'
3287+++ master_version=2.3
3288+++ echo 'This puts the version for master at '\''2.3'\'''
3289This puts the version for master at '2.3'
3290+++ stable_version=0
3291++++ git tag -l
3292++++ grep -E '2.3(\.[0-9]+)+$'
3293++++ sed -r -e 's/^.*([0-9]\.([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)+))$/\1/g'
3294++++ tail -n 1
3295++++ awk -F. '{$NF+=1; OFS="."; print $0}'
3296++++ sed -r -e 's/[^0-9\.]+//g'
3297++++ sort --version-sort -u
3298+++ tag_version=2.3.3
3299+++ '[' -z 2.3.3 -a -z 2.3 ']'
3300++++ echo -e '2.3\n0\n2.3.3'
3301++++ sort --version-sort -u
3302++++ tail -n 1
3303+++ new_version=2.3.3
3304+++ '[' 2.3.3 == 0 ']'
3305+++ echo 'Going with new version: '\''2.3.3'\'''
3306Going with new version: '2.3.3'
3307+++ set - -x
3308/srv/Kolab:Winterfell/kolab-syncroton /srv/kolab-syncroton.git /srv/kolab-syncroton.git
3309Running osc ar ...
3310Running osc ar OK (at 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690)
3311Running osc ci -m kolab-syncroton@3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690-2016-05-05 ...
3312Sending debian.changelog
3313Sending kolab-syncroton-2.3.3.tar.gz
3314Sending kolab-syncroton.dsc
3315Sending kolab-syncroton.spec
3316Transmitting file data ....
3317Committed revision 8.
3318Running osc ci -m kolab-syncroton@3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690-2016-05-05 OK (at 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690)
3319/srv/kolab-syncroton.git /srv/kolab-syncroton.git
3320Running obs_checkin OK (at 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690)
3322Running ../stick.git/drydocker/kolab-syncroton/ OK (at 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690)
3325 Running 'generic_js_lint' FAILED (at c8544fa6f97fa1ef80a6b24639fc49fc46692019)
3326 Running 'generic_js_lint' OK (at 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690)
3327 Running '../stick.git/drydocker/kolab-syncroton/' OK (at 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690)
3328 Running 'obs_build_local' OK (at 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690)
3329 Running 'yum_downgrade' FAILED (at 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690)
3330 Running 'yum_install' OK (at 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690)
3331 Running 'obs_install_local' OK (at 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690)
3332 Running '../stick.git/drydocker/kolab-syncroton/' OK (at 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690)
3333 Running 'osc ar' OK (at 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690)
3334 Running 'osc ci -m kolab-syncroton@3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690-2016-05-05' OK (at 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690)
3335 Running 'obs_checkin' OK (at 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690)
3336 Running '../stick.git/drydocker/kolab-syncroton/' OK (at 3ecd3f2df1b1c9d83c3566dda909de7f10cc3690)

Lease Working Copy

Completed at May 5 2016, 8:50 AM · Built instantly

Wait for Previous Commits to Build

Completed at May 5 2016, 8:50 AM · Built instantly

Event Timeline