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Build 3124

Drydock: Run Command

Completed at Mar 15 2016, 4:16 PM · Built for 4 m, 58 s

Build Log 9938 (remote - stderr)
25 - 50 - 100 - Unlimited Lines

1+ '[' -z f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea -a -z '' ']'
2+ '[' -z ssh:// ']'
3+ '[' 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 ']'
4+ test_build=1
5+ test_functional=1
6+ test_integration=1
7+ test_performance=1
8+ test_unit=1
9+ test_obs=1
10+ '[' -z git ']'
11+ case ${vcs} in
12++ basename ssh:// .git
13+ package=iRony
14++ echo ssh://
15++ sed -e 's|ssh://git@|https://|g'
16+ ro_uri=
17+ case ${package} in
18++ pwd
19+ export TMPDIR=/var/drydock/workingcopy-215931/repo/iRony
20+ TMPDIR=/var/drydock/workingcopy-215931/repo/iRony
21+ '[' '!' -d iRony.git ']'
22+ git clone iRony.git
23+ pushd iRony.git
24+ git checkout f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea
25Note: checking out 'f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea'.
27You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
28changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
29state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
31If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
32do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
34 git checkout -b new_branch_name
36HEAD is now at f46519a... Set vCard PHOTO TYPE and ENCODING according to RFC 2426 (T1082)
37+ popd
38+ '[' iRony '!=' stick ']'
39+ '[' '!' -d stick.git ']'
40+ git clone stick.git
41+ export commit
42+ export differential
43+ export id
44+ export package
45+ export phid
46+ export ro_uri
47+ export uri
48+ export vcs
49+ export test_build
50+ export test_functional
51+ export test_integration
52+ export test_performance
53+ export test_unit
54+ export test_obs
55+ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache ']'
56+ '[' -x stick.git/drydocker/iRony/ ']'
57+ pushd iRony.git
58+ ../stick.git/drydocker/iRony/
59+ docker run -i --attach=stdout --attach=stderr --detach=false --rm=true --volume=/root/.oscrc:/root/.oscrc --volume=/var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache/:/var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache/ -e ID=3124 -e COMMIT=f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea -e DIFFERENTIAL= -e PACKAGE=iRony -e PHAB_CERT= -e PHAB_USER= -e PHID=PHID-HMBT-tgphmv3umx5fsexnshhl -e URI=ssh:// -e RO_URI= -e VCS=git -e TEST_BUILD=1 -e TEST_FUNCTIONAL=1 -e TEST_INTEGRATION=1 -e TEST_PERFORMANCE=1 -e TEST_UNIT=1 -e TEST_OBS=1 kolab/ci-maipo
60Switched to a new branch 'dev/caldav-scheduling'
61Switched to a new branch 'dev/sabredav2'
62Switched to a new branch 'iRony-0.2'
63Switched to a new branch 'iRony-0.3'
64Switched to branch 'master'
65Note: checking out 'f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea'.
67You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
68changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
69state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
71If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
72do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
74 git checkout -b new_branch_name
76HEAD is now at f46519a... Set vCard PHOTO TYPE and ENCODING according to RFC 2426 (T1082)
77+ exit 0
78+ retval=0
79+ popd
80+ exit 0

Build Log 9937 (remote - stdout)
25 - 50 - 100 - Unlimited Lines

2584warning: group apache does not exist - using root
2585 Verifying : iRony-0.4-0.20160315.git.el7.noarch 1/1
2588 iRony.noarch 0:0.4-0.20160315.git.el7
2591Running yum_install OK (at f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea)
2592Running obs_install_local OK (at f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea)
2594Running ../stick.git/drydocker/iRony/ OK (at f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea)
2595Running ../stick.git/drydocker/iRony/ ...
2596/srv/iRony.git /srv/iRony.git
2597Running obs_checkin ...
2598/srv/iRony.git /srv/iRony.git /srv/iRony.git
2599/srv/iRony.git /srv/iRony.git
2600/srv/iRony.git /srv/iRony.git /srv/iRony.git
2601++++ git branch --contains f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea
2602++++ sed -r -e 's/^\* //g' -e 's/^ //g'
2603++++ grep -E '^(master|iRony|[a-z0-9-]+([0-9]+\.?))'
2604++++ sort --version-sort -u
2605+++ branches=master
2606+++ echo 'Branches that contain f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea:'
2607Branches that contain f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea:
2608+++ echo master
2609+++ sed -e 's/\s/\r\n/g'
2611++++ echo master
2612++++ sed -e 's/\s/\r\n/g'
2613++++ grep -E '^master$'
2614+++ '[' '!' -z master ']'
2615+++ branch=master
2616+++ echo 'Branch is '\''master'\'''
2617Branch is 'master'
2618++++ git branch -la
2619++++ sed -r -e 's/^\* //g' -e 's/^ remotes\/origin\///g' -e '/^HEAD/d'
2620++++ tail -n 1
2621++++ sort --version-sort -u
2622++++ grep -E '^(iRony|[a-z0-9-]+([0-9]+\.?))'
2623+++ latest_stable_branch=iRony-0.3
2624+++ echo 'The latest stable branch is '\''iRony-0.3'\'''
2625The latest stable branch is 'iRony-0.3'
2626+++ '[' master == master ']'
2627+++ '[' '!' -z iRony-0.3 ']'
2628++++ echo iRony-0.3
2629++++ sed -r -e 's/^.*([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)+)$/\1/g'
2630++++ awk -F. '{$NF+=1; OFS="."; print $0}'
2631+++ master_version=0.4
2632+++ echo 'This puts the version for master at '\''0.4'\'''
2633This puts the version for master at '0.4'
2634+++ stable_version=0
2635++++ git tag -l
2636++++ grep -E '0.4(\.[0-9]+)+$'
2637++++ sort --version-sort -u
2638++++ awk -F. '{$NF+=1; OFS="."; print $0}'
2639++++ sed -r -e 's/^.*([0-9]\.([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)+))$/\1/g'
2640++++ sed -r -e 's/[^0-9\.]+//g'
2641++++ tail -n 1
2642+++ tag_version=
2643+++ '[' -z '' -a -z 0.4 ']'
2644++++ echo -e '0.4\n0\n'
2645++++ sort --version-sort -u
2646++++ tail -n 1
2647+++ new_version=0.4
2648+++ '[' 0.4 == 0 ']'
2649+++ echo 'Going with new version: '\''0.4'\'''
2650Going with new version: '0.4'
2651+++ set - -x
2652/srv/Kolab:Winterfell/iRony /srv/iRony.git /srv/iRony.git
2653Running osc ar ...
2654Running osc ar OK (at f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea)
2655Running osc ci -m iRony@f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea-2016-03-15 ...
2656Sending debian.changelog
2657Sending iRony-0.4.tar.gz
2658Sending iRony.dsc
2659Sending iRony.spec
2660Transmitting file data ....
2661Committed revision 2.
2662Running osc ci -m iRony@f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea-2016-03-15 OK (at f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea)
2663/srv/iRony.git /srv/iRony.git
2664Running obs_checkin OK (at f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea)
2666Running ../stick.git/drydocker/iRony/ OK (at f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea)
2669 Running 'generic_php_lint' OK (at f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea)
2670 Running 'generic_js_lint' OK (at f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea)
2671 Running '../stick.git/drydocker/iRony/' OK (at f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea)
2672 Running 'obs_build_local' OK (at f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea)
2673 Running 'yum_downgrade' FAILED (at f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea)
2674 Running 'yum_install' OK (at f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea)
2675 Running 'obs_install_local' OK (at f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea)
2676 Running '../stick.git/drydocker/iRony/' OK (at f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea)
2677 Running 'osc ar' OK (at f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea)
2678 Running 'osc ci -m iRony@f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea-2016-03-15' OK (at f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea)
2679 Running 'obs_checkin' OK (at f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea)
2680 Running '../stick.git/drydocker/iRony/' OK (at f46519adef8e09b6cd65135bbc9af43cc9454fea)

Lease Working Copy

Completed at Mar 15 2016, 4:11 PM · Built instantly

Wait for Previous Commits to Build

Completed at Mar 15 2016, 4:11 PM · Built instantly

Event Timeline