- Buildable
- B3146: rDa002e4f4d657: Update
- Build Plan
- Plan 1 Continuous Deployment of
Drydock: Run Command
Drydock: Run Command
- When
- Completed at Mar 15 2016, 8:44 AM · Built for 2 m, 21 s
- Status
266 | /tmp/ WARNING: toctree contains reference to nonexisting document u'developer-guide/troubleshooting-101' |
267 | /tmp/ WARNING: Title overline too short. |
268 | |
269 | =================== |
270 | Nightly builds for Kolab |
271 | =================== |
272 | source/developer-guide/packaging/obs-for-kolab/packages/xapian-core.txt:8: ERROR: Malformed table. |
273 | |
274 | +--------------------+---------------+--------------------------------------+ |
275 | | Kolab Version(s) | Platform(s) | Version | |
276 | +====================+===============+======================================+ |
277 | internal padding after source/developer-guide/packaging/obs-for-kolab/packages/xapian-core.txt:11: WARNING: Blank line required after table. |
278 | source/developer-guide/packaging/obs-for-kolab/packages/xapian-core.txt:6: ERROR: Error parsing content block for the "table" directive: exactly one table expected. |
279 | |
280 | .. table:: Version Table for xapian-core |
281 | |
282 | +--------------------+---------------+--------------------------------------+ |
283 | | Kolab Version(s) | Platform(s) | Version | |
284 | +====================+===============+======================================+ |
285 | /tmp/ SEVERE: Title level inconsistent: |
286 | |
287 | Alias Domain Name Spaces for Hosted Kolab Domains |
288 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
289 | /tmp/ WARNING: toctree contains reference to nonexisting document u'configuration-guide/index' |
290 | /tmp/ WARNING: toctree glob pattern u'architecture-and-design/bonnie-extra' didn't match any documents |
291 | /tmp/ WARNING: toctree contains reference to nonexisting document u'architecture-and-design/calendaring' |
292 | /tmp/ WARNING: toctree contains reference to nonexisting document u'desktop-clients/index' |
293 | /tmp/ WARNING: toctree contains reference to nonexisting document u'howtos/dnssec' |
294 | /tmp/ WARNING: toctree contains reference to nonexisting document u'howtos/freeipa-integration' |
295 | /tmp/ WARNING: toctree contains reference to nonexisting document u'howtos/kerberos-authentication' |
296 | /tmp/ WARNING: toctree contains reference to nonexisting document u'howtos/logstash-and-elasticsearch' |
297 | /tmp/ WARNING: toctree contains reference to nonexisting document u'kolab-enterprise-13' |
298 | /tmp/ WARNING: toctree contains reference to nonexisting document u'kolab-enterprise-14' |
299 | /tmp/ WARNING: toctree contains reference to nonexisting document u'reference-implementation-architecture/index' |
300 | /tmp/ WARNING: Mismatch: both interpreted text role prefix and reference suffix. |
301 | /tmp/ WARNING: Mismatch: both interpreted text role prefix and reference suffix. |
302 | /tmp/ ERROR: Unknown target name: "kolab systems". |
303 | /tmp/ WARNING: Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. |
304 | /tmp/ WARNING: Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. |
305 | /tmp/ WARNING: Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. |
306 | /tmp/ WARNING: Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. |
307 | /tmp/ WARNING: Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. |
308 | /tmp/ WARNING: Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. |
309 | /tmp/ WARNING: Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. |
310 | /tmp/ WARNING: Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. |
311 | /tmp/ WARNING: Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. |
312 | /tmp/ ERROR: Unknown interpreted text role "man". |
313 | /tmp/ WARNING: Inline substitution_reference start-string without end-string. |
314 | /tmp/ WARNING: toctree glob pattern u'roundcubemail/en_US/_plugins/*/index' didn't match any documents |
315 | /tmp/ WARNING: toctree glob pattern u'../_plugins/*/addressbook' didn't match any documents |
316 | /tmp/ WARNING: toctree glob pattern u'_plugins/*/index' didn't match any documents |
317 | /tmp/ WARNING: toctree glob pattern u'../_plugins/*/mail' didn't match any documents |
318 | /tmp/ WARNING: toctree glob pattern u'../_plugins/*/settings' didn't match any documents |
319 | /tmp/ WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree |
320 | /tmp/ WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree |
321 | /tmp/ WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree |
322 | /tmp/ WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree |
323 | /tmp/ WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree |
324 | /tmp/ WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree |
325 | /tmp/ WARNING: Pygments lexer name u'json' is not known |
326 | /tmp/ WARNING: Pygments lexer name u'json' is not known |
327 | /tmp/ WARNING: Pygments lexer name u'json' is not known |
328 | /tmp/ WARNING: Pygments lexer name u'json' is not known |
329 | /tmp/ WARNING: Pygments lexer name u'json' is not known |
330 | /tmp/ WARNING: Pygments lexer name u'json' is not known |
331 | /tmp/ WARNING: Pygments lexer name u'json' is not known |
332 | /tmp/ WARNING: Pygments lexer name u'json' is not known |
333 | /tmp/ WARNING: Pygments lexer name u'json' is not known |
334 | /tmp/ WARNING: Pygments lexer name u'json' is not known |
335 | /tmp/ WARNING: Pygments lexer name u'json' is not known |
336 | source/about/guam/rpm-requires.txt:31: WARNING: undefined label: about-erlang-eimap (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
337 | source/about/guam/rpm-requires.txt:32: WARNING: undefined label: about-erlang-goldrush (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
338 | source/about/guam/rpm-requires.txt:33: WARNING: undefined label: about-erlang-lager (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
339 | source/about/guam/rpm-requires.txt:34: WARNING: undefined label: about-erlang (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
340 | /tmp/ WARNING: undefined label: _admin-securing_kolab-openssl (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
341 | /tmp/ WARNING: undefined label: and_kolab-daemon_kolab-group-deletion (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
342 | /tmp/ WARNING: undefined label: and-kolab-wap-api-users-list-method (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
343 | /tmp/ WARNING: undefined label: and-kolab-wap-api-users-search-method (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
344 | /tmp/ WARNING: undefined label: and-kolab-wap-api-form_value-list_options (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
345 | /tmp/ WARNING: undefined label: contributor-guide-phases-construction (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
346 | /tmp/ WARNING: undefined label: deployment-multi-server-ldap-replication (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
347 | /tmp/ WARNING: undefined label: deployment-multi-server-web-services (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
348 | /tmp/ WARNING: undefined label: deployment-multi-server-mail-exchangers (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
349 | /tmp/ WARNING: undefined label: authors-about-jeroen-van-meeuwen (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
350 | /tmp/ WARNING: term not in glossary: hba |
351 | /tmp/ WARNING: term not in glossary: mtbf |
352 | /tmp/ WARNING: undefined label: installation-centos (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
353 | /tmp/ WARNING: undefined label: installation-debian (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
354 | /tmp/ WARNING: undefined label: installation-debian (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
355 | source/developer-guide/packaging/obs-for-kolab/packages/arcanist.txt:11: WARNING: undefined label: developer-guide-process (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
356 | source/developer-guide/packaging/obs-for-kolab/packages/arcanist.txt:12: WARNING: undefined label: developer-guide-using-arcanist (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
357 | /tmp/ WARNING: undefined label: developer-guide-process (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
358 | /tmp/ WARNING: undefined label: developer-guide-using-arcanist (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
359 | /tmp/ WARNING: undefined label: installation-ucs-enterprise (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
360 | /tmp/ WARNING: undefined label: _settings-clientconfig-kontact (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
361 | /tmp/ WARNING: undefined label: _settings-clientconfig-kontact (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
362 | /tmp/ WARNING: undefined label: _settings-clientconfig-kontact (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
363 | /tmp/ WARNING: undefined label: delegation-for-domain-manifests (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
364 | /tmp/ WARNING: undefined label: hook-the-puppet-master-server-up-to-ldap (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header) |
365 |
543 | copying images... [ 31%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_ios-mail-2.png |
544 | copying images... [ 32%] installation-guide/images/complete-screen.png |
545 | copying images... [ 32%] articles/calendaring-in-large-environments-with-discretionary-access-control/images/calendar_quick_open_with_imap_access.png |
546 | copying images... [ 33%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/rnd_outlook-bynari-OC-6.png |
547 | copying images... [ 34%] installation-guide/images/language-selection.png |
548 | copying images... [ 35%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_android-k9-2.png |
549 | copying images... [ 35%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/rnd_ios-mail-2.png |
550 | copying images... [ 36%] howtos/images/kolab-webadmin-create-user-1.png |
551 | copying images... [ 37%] client-configuration/_static/outlook2010-email-setup-3.png |
552 | copying images... [ 38%] client-configuration/_static/outlook-logo.png |
553 | copying images... [ 39%] developer-guide/bugzilla_workflow.png |
554 | copying images... [ 39%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/rnd_kontact-smtp-1.png |
555 | copying images... [ 40%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/rnd_ios-mail-4.png |
556 | copying images... [ 41%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/rnd_outlook2010-email-setup-4.png |
557 | copying images... [ 42%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_ios-settings-1.png |
558 | copying images... [ 42%] howtos/images/kolab-webadmin-create-user-3.png |
559 | copying images... [ 43%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_ios-settings-2.png |
560 | copying images... [ 44%] webmail-user-guide/roundcubemail/en_US/mail/../_static/_skin/listmode-switch.png |
561 | copying images... [ 45%] client-configuration/_static/kontact-account-wizard-1.png |
562 | copying images... [ 46%] client-configuration/_static/outlook2010-email-setup-6.png |
563 | copying images... [ 46%] client-configuration/_static/android-k9-manual-4.png |
564 | copying images... [ 47%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/rnd_roundcube-calendar-caldav-uri.png |
565 | copying images... [ 48%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/rnd_kontact-account-wizard-2.png |
566 | copying images... [ 49%] client-configuration/_static/android-logo.png |
567 | copying images... [ 50%] webmail-user-guide/roundcubemail/en_US/../_static/_skin/splitter.png |
568 | copying images... [ 50%] webmail-user-guide/roundcubemail/en_US/mail/../../_static/_skin/search-options.png |
569 | copying images... [ 51%] client-configuration/_static/ios-settings-2.png |
570 | copying images... [ 52%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_outlook2010-email-setup-1.png |
571 | copying images... [ 53%] client-configuration/_static/ios-logo.png |
572 | copying images... [ 53%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_roundcube-calendar-caldav-uri.png |
573 | copying images... [ 54%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_outlook2010-email-setup-4.png |
574 | copying images... [ 55%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_osx-applemail-2.png |
575 | copying images... [ 56%] installation-guide/images/first-run.png |
576 | copying images... [ 57%] webmail-user-guide/roundcubemail/en_US/mail/../../_static/_skin/button-extwin.png |
577 | copying images... [ 57%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_android-k9-manual-4.png |
578 | copying images... [ 58%] articles/calendaring-in-large-environments-with-discretionary-access-control/images/calendar_quick_open.png |
579 | copying images... [ 59%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_kontact-smtp-1.png |
580 | copying images... [ 60%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_outlook2010-email-setup-3.png |
581 | copying images... [ 60%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/rnd_osx-applemail-2.png |
582 | copying images... [ 61%] administrator-guide/../howtos/images/kolab-webadmin-objects.png |
583 | copying images... [ 62%] client-configuration/_static/emacs-logo.png |
584 | copying images... [ 63%] client-configuration/_static/outlook2010-email-setup-1.png |
585 | copying images... [ 64%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_osx-applemail-4.png |
586 | copying images... [ 64%] administrator-guide/images/list-domains.png |
587 | copying images... [ 65%] webmail-user-guide/roundcubemail/en_US/mail/../_static/_skin/preview-headers.png |
588 | copying images... [ 66%] howtos/images/kolab-webadmin-create-user-5.png |
589 | copying images... [ 67%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_kontact-smtp-2.png |
590 | copying images... [ 67%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/rnd_android-k9-manual-3.png |
591 | copying images... [ 68%] howtos/images/kolab-webadmin-create-user-6.png |
592 | copying images... [ 69%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/rnd_android-k9-1.png |
593 | copying images... [ 70%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_osx-applemail-1.png |
594 | copying images... [ 71%] howtos/images/kolab-webadmin-login.png |
595 | copying images... [ 71%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_outlook-bynari-OC-3.png |
596 | copying images... [ 72%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_android-k9-manual-3.png |
597 | copying images... [ 73%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_android-k9-1.png |
598 | copying images... [ 74%] client-configuration/_static/osx-logo.png |
599 | copying images... [ 75%] client-configuration/_static/ios-settings-3.png |
600 | copying images... [ 75%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/rnd_android-k9-manual-2.png |
601 | copying images... [ 76%] howtos/images/kolab-webadmin-create-user-4.png |
602 | copying images... [ 77%] installation-guide/images/install-vsredist.png |
603 | copying images... [ 78%] articles/calendaring-in-large-environments-with-discretionary-access-control/images/calendar_quick_actual_availability.png |
604 | copying images... [ 78%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_outlook2010-email-setup-6.png |
605 | copying images... [ 79%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/rnd_ios-mail-3.png |
606 | copying images... [ 80%] client-configuration/_static/android-k9-manual-1.png |
607 | copying images... [ 81%] client-configuration/_static/outlook-bynari-OC-3.png |
608 | copying images... [ 82%] client-configuration/_static/kontact-logo.png |
609 | copying images... [ 82%] webmail-user-guide/roundcubemail/en_US/mail/../../_static/_skin/addcontact.png |
610 | copying images... [ 83%] installation-guide/images/install-gpg4win.png |
611 | copying images... [ 84%] client-configuration/_static/outlook-bynari-OC-2.png |
612 | copying images... [ 85%] articles/calendaring-in-large-environments-with-discretionary-access-control/images/calendaring_schedule_attendee_busy_2.png |
613 | copying images... [ 85%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_outlook-bynari-OC-2.png |
614 | copying images... [ 86%] installation-guide/images/welcome-screen.png |
615 | copying images... [ 87%] howtos/images/kolab-webadmin-create-user-7.png |
616 | copying images... [ 88%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_kontact-account-wizard-1.png |
617 | copying images... [ 89%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/rnd_osx-applemail-3.png |
618 | copying images... [ 89%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_osx-applemail-3.png |
619 | copying images... [ 90%] client-configuration/_static/outlook2010-email-setup-2.png |
620 | copying images... [ 91%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_outlook-bynari-OC-6.png |
621 | copying images... [ 92%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_ios-mail-3.png |
622 | copying images... [ 92%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_thunderbird-autoconfig.png |
623 | copying images... [ 93%] webmail-user-guide/roundcubemail/en_US/addressbook/../../_static/_skin/search-options.png |
624 | copying images... [ 94%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_kontact-imap-2.png |
625 | copying images... [ 95%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_kontact-imap-1.png |
626 | copying images... [ 96%] webmail-user-guide/roundcubemail/en_US/mail/../../_static/_skin/filedrop.png |
627 | copying images... [ 96%] client-configuration/_static/kontact-account-wizard-3.png |
628 | copying images... [ 97%] client-configuration/_static/ios-mail-1.png |
629 | copying images... [ 98%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_outlook-bynari-OC-5.png |
630 | copying images... [ 99%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_ios-mail-4.png |
631 | copying images... [100%] client-configuration/_fancyfigures/tmb_ios-mail-1.png |
632 | |
633 | copying static files... done |
634 | dumping search index... done |
635 | dumping object inventory... done |
636 | build succeeded, 153 warnings. |
637 | |
638 | Build finished. The HTML pages are in build/html. |
639 | /var/drydock/workingcopy-45/repo/docs |
640 | /var/www/ /var/drydock/workingcopy-45/repo/docs |
641 | /var/drydock/workingcopy-45/repo/docs |
642 |
Lease Working Copy
Lease Working Copy
- When
- Completed at Mar 15 2016, 8:42 AM · Built instantly
- Status
Wait for Previous Commits to Build
Wait for Previous Commits to Build
- When
- Completed at Mar 15 2016, 8:42 AM · Built instantly
- Status