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Build 2260

Drydock: Run Command on

Completed at Dec 29 2015, 4:46 PM · Built for 23 m, 56 s

Build Log 7648 (remote - stderr)
25 - 50 - 100 - Unlimited Lines

1+ '[' -z master -a -z '' ']'
2+ '[' -z ssh:// ']'
3+ '[' 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 ']'
4+ test_build=1
5+ test_functional=1
6+ test_integration=1
7+ test_performance=1
8+ test_unit=1
9+ test_obs=1
10+ '[' -z git ']'
11+ case ${vcs} in
12++ basename ssh:// .git
13+ package=docker
14++ echo ssh://
15++ sed -e 's|ssh://git@|https://|g'
16+ ro_uri=
17+ case ${package} in
18++ pwd
19+ export TMPDIR=/var/drydock/workingcopy-60/repo/docker
20+ TMPDIR=/var/drydock/workingcopy-60/repo/docker
21+ '[' '!' -d docker.git ']'
22+ pushd docker.git
23+ git remote set-url origin
24+ git fetch origin
26 ea191b1..a4ccf7b master -> origin/master
27+ git reset --hard origin/master
28+ git clean -d -f -x
29+ git checkout master
30Already on 'master'
31+ popd
32+ '[' docker '!=' stick ']'
33+ '[' '!' -d stick.git ']'
34+ pushd stick.git
35+ git remote set-url origin
36+ git fetch origin
37+ git reset --hard origin/master
38+ git clean -d -f -x
39+ popd
40+ export commit
41+ export differential
42+ export id
43+ export package
44+ export phid
45+ export ro_uri
46+ export uri
47+ export vcs
48+ export test_build
49+ export test_functional
50+ export test_integration
51+ export test_performance
52+ export test_unit
53+ export test_obs
54+ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache ']'
55+ '[' -x stick.git/drydocker/docker/ ']'
56+ pushd docker.git
57+ ../stick.git/drydocker/docker/
58/bin/sh: line 2: kubectl: command not found
59/bin/sh: line 2: kubectl: command not found
60/bin/sh: line 2: kubectl: command not found
61Makefile:12: *** The 'sphinx-build' command was not found. Make sure you have Sphinx installed, then set the SPHINXBUILD environment variable to point to the full path of the 'sphinx-build' executable. Alternatively you can add the directory with the executable to your PATH. If you don't have Sphinx installed, grab it from Stop.
62Got HTTP status code >= 400: 404 Not found
63Error response from daemon: could not find image: no such id: kolab/jmap-proxy:latest
64The command '/bin/sh -c npm install -g grunt-cli phantomjs && rm -rf /root/.npm/' returned a non-zero code: 1
65Error response from daemon: could not find image: no such id: kolab/manticore:latest
66The command '/bin/sh -c dnf clean all && dnf -y install ant bind-utils build git lsof net-tools nmap-ncat openldap-clients osc perl-Data-Dumper perl-Digest-MD5 perl-TimeDate php-phpunit-PHPUnit-Selenium psmisc rpmdevtools screen strace sudo telnet traceroute vim-enhanced wget yum-utils && dnf clean all' returned a non-zero code: 1
67Error response from daemon: could not find image: no such id: kolab/ci-twentythree:latest
68The command '/bin/sh -c dnf clean all && dnf -y install ant bind-utils build git lsof net-tools nmap-ncat openldap-clients osc perl-Data-Dumper perl-Digest-MD5 perl-TimeDate php-phpunit-PHPUnit-Selenium psmisc rpmdevtools screen strace sudo telnet traceroute vim-enhanced wget yum-utils && dnf clean all' returned a non-zero code: 1
69Error response from daemon: could not find image: no such id: kolab/ci-twentytwo:latest
70Error response from daemon: Conflict, cannot delete 94feeb5387ac because the container 7d8a9727e48b is using it, use -f to force
71Error: failed to remove images: [94feeb5387ac]
72Error response from daemon: Conflict, cannot delete 3ff4052763fd because the container 63f649cc50c3 is using it, use -f to force
73Error: failed to remove images: [3ff4052763fd]
74+ retval=0
75+ popd
76+ exit 0

Build Log 7647 (remote - stdout)
25 - 50 - 100 - Unlimited Lines

15492Removing intermediate container d37ed2bba579
15493Step 3 : RUN echo "priority=60" >> /etc/yum.repos.d/Kolab:Development.repo
15494 ---> Running in 82ad9c3075e1
15495 ---> 0acfac386960
15496Removing intermediate container 82ad9c3075e1
15497Step 4 : RUN rpm --import
15498 ---> Running in 63f4d225f1a8
15499 ---> 8f5c0e04d27d
15500Removing intermediate container 63f4d225f1a8
15501Step 5 : ADD /etc/yum.repos.d/openSUSE:Tools.repo
15503 ---> ddd60b0fed16
15504Removing intermediate container 456d884ffae7
15505Step 6 : RUN rpm --import
15506 ---> Running in 1e7cab1bf95a
15507 ---> 797e8df7af3f
15508Removing intermediate container 1e7cab1bf95a
15509Step 7 : RUN sed -i -e '/tsflags=nodocs/d' -e '/override_install_langs/d' /etc/dnf/dnf.conf
15510 ---> Running in 87cefa250526
15511 ---> 363ecdc9a074
15512Removing intermediate container 87cefa250526
15513Step 8 : ENV IMAGE twentytwo
15514 ---> Running in 530bd84a57f8
15515 ---> a648c1402017
15516Removing intermediate container 530bd84a57f8
15517Step 9 : ADD /dbus.service /etc/systemd/system/dbus.service
15518 ---> c1ed1fc91233
15519Removing intermediate container d3976de9c2eb
15520Step 10 : RUN ln -sf dbus.service /etc/systemd/system/messagebus.service
15521 ---> Running in 54883fec1671
15522 ---> 2769d1b298b3
15523Removing intermediate container 54883fec1671
15524Step 11 : ADD /httpd.service /etc/systemd/system/httpd.service
15525 ---> ccf3d5519496
15526Removing intermediate container 6a5a20b7ba82
15527Step 12 : ADD /systemctl /usr/bin/systemctl
15528 ---> 8b4b560d1a73
15529Removing intermediate container 82ff9c1024eb
15530Step 13 : ADD /systemctl-socket-daemon /usr/bin/systemctl-socket-daemon
15531 ---> d4ad4c666318
15532Removing intermediate container 978d8643dafe
15533Step 14 : RUN chmod -v a+rx /usr/bin/systemctl /usr/bin/systemctl-socket-daemon
15534 ---> Running in 993bd30aaf19
15535mode of '/usr/bin/systemctl' changed from 0664 (rw-rw-r--) to 0775 (rwxrwxr-x)
15536mode of '/usr/bin/systemctl-socket-daemon' changed from 0664 (rw-rw-r--) to 0775 (rwxrwxr-x)
15537 ---> 83da45bc4947
15538Removing intermediate container 993bd30aaf19
15539Step 15 : ADD /vimrc /root/.vimrc
15540 ---> 94feeb5387ac
15541Removing intermediate container 152876344fdd
15542Step 16 : RUN dnf clean all && dnf -y install ant bind-utils build git lsof net-tools nmap-ncat openldap-clients osc perl-Data-Dumper perl-Digest-MD5 perl-TimeDate php-phpunit-PHPUnit-Selenium psmisc rpmdevtools screen strace sudo telnet traceroute vim-enhanced wget yum-utils && dnf clean all
15543 ---> Running in 7d8a9727e48b
15544Cleaning repos: fedora updates Kolab_Development openSUSE_Tools
15545Cleaning up Everything
15546Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'openSUSE_Tools' from '': Yum repo downloading error: Downloading error(s): repodata/2628b09658bbc1846bd42d2a58a63cb6a7454cd6fcaac388fd41c45603cfc447-filelists.xml.gz - Cannot download, all mirrors were already tried without success; repodata/142830bd9a9920a4b8c6fda6ac4d41dfcb48f92f5bd3bd4e65783070593bfae6-primary.xml.gz - Cannot download, all mirrors were already tried without success, disabling.
15547Last metadata expiration check performed 0:00:02 ago on Tue Dec 29 15:45:40 2015.
15548No package build available.
15549Error: no package matched: build
15550== ./atomicapp ==
15551Sending build context to Docker daemon 9.216 kB
15552Sending build context to Docker daemon 9.216 kB
15554Step 0 : FROM projectatomic/atomicapp:0.3.0
15555 ---> d31c1e84399e
15556Step 1 : MAINTAINER Kolab Systems <>
15557 ---> Using cache
15558 ---> e3e55df828cd
15559Step 2 : LABEL io.projectatomic.nulecule.providers "kubernetes" io.projectatomic.nulecule.specversion "0.0.2"
15560 ---> Using cache
15561 ---> 280baf68bfaf
15562Step 3 : ADD /Nulecule /Dockerfile /application-entity/
15563 ---> Using cache
15564 ---> 1fb8b161d6be
15565Step 4 : ADD /artifacts /application-entity/artifacts/
15566 ---> Using cache
15567 ---> 00ae2ab07c17
15568Successfully built 00ae2ab07c17
15569Deleted: fdeb440f9c89847d89bd1cece90cb2b079a6f8e1a70716795b1bff18da666e9e
15570Deleted: efb6d09d6b6e67db23641f84850806882aa4bf33d50b59f351688716eee38022
15571Deleted: afe67526d3d316899ac559e442c46da967c0c85ed8c10137f25a033f06deada1
15572Deleted: 9522ac600681bcbeed1ab42bcc9844047812dfb87d6768c82fdfd537b74df0c0
15573Deleted: 2495eb562d8befd31fa003c26821e8d605fec0019f9ee957b662802913465e45
15574Deleted: dbec5575db467332195347882473171e33421d229ab59472a4921062f5d0658d
15575Deleted: c2d22f492674a4eeafc1ef110962439c519dce96792fa040a6a3d25c70284c62
15576Deleted: d1d66b85d516b576c6ac44696319b5931406a1f27ce4e630dbfd105dd2a5732d
15577Deleted: 33d194dd31734ec18781f4aadbfb1840473fcb7aa5202d5b8df65606d12820ba
15578Deleted: 71a2f09fe40440e6843cc6eb91ca5283a4f48516ff51f2c324f5e353f50bbaf4
15579Deleted: db1f3ded6078f5c3801250ef44dd63bd605748f42fc88a25597c79f352e3f2be
15580Deleted: 4b635c76f123ddb29bdf3649b30593afd4b1c2d1cdf5b145ef3e20d8aabb20ac
15581Deleted: ba6f16d00cc1e03f9fed9f7bcc188a5fb90f1e914065bf781b14d6b2cc2130c7
15582Deleted: f361ef3d522b62495a69299d3bb3eeb4e398d751b66f24ed90297d4a75232312
15583Deleted: de1f973b53b1e5bd498bd1a4482a6f5a11211b7146684aa0452b4c7a89b42615
15584Deleted: 3888485e93b03e8d786cc1c83551507cf9f28c0d5869da1e7d5245d8b3a73d48
15585Deleted: c789f2fcd58f9559ac91ac5772c2d5c675aef04fbaf527e0d7387f37b4d0c811
15586Deleted: a0fa0261dc5ec674c5562b4f39b374e4c5ee53630743ae94db2e881aa3d43552
15587Deleted: afcde0aff386e2a00ec6d0acf013b9f2cb61a80c8e5d91966762ec98120ef4c9
15588Deleted: 379ce53cc183d74dd2aabfea34fefb861335e8fe69690c4f6b1bad19cb065f42
15589Deleted: 1a7731ff43f9c4e42087b8321da7699146df752767949dc2cf1e5dc3a95b4020

Lease Working Copy on

Completed at Dec 29 2015, 4:22 PM · Built instantly

Event Timeline