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Build 2250

Drydock: Run Command on

Completed at Dec 28 2015, 10:24 PM · Built for 53 m, 13 s

Build Log 7628 (remote - stderr)
25 - 50 - 100 - Unlimited Lines

1+ '[' -z master -a -z '' ']'
2+ '[' -z ssh:// ']'
3+ '[' 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 ']'
4+ test_build=1
5+ test_functional=1
6+ test_integration=1
7+ test_performance=1
8+ test_unit=1
9+ test_obs=1
10+ '[' -z git ']'
11+ case ${vcs} in
12++ basename ssh:// .git
13+ package=docker
14++ echo ssh://
15++ sed -e 's|ssh://git@|https://|g'
16+ ro_uri=
17+ case ${package} in
18++ pwd
19+ export TMPDIR=/var/drydock/workingcopy-56/repo/docker
20+ TMPDIR=/var/drydock/workingcopy-56/repo/docker
21+ '[' '!' -d docker.git ']'
22+ pushd docker.git
23+ git remote set-url origin
24+ git fetch origin
26 1095f48..4334a6e master -> origin/master
27 86706ec..2f3951e development -> origin/development
28+ git reset --hard origin/master
29+ git clean -d -f -x
30+ git checkout master
31Already on 'master'
32+ popd
33+ '[' docker '!=' stick ']'
34+ '[' '!' -d stick.git ']'
35+ pushd stick.git
36+ git remote set-url origin
37+ git fetch origin
39 13e7fae..8772f5f master -> origin/master
40+ git reset --hard origin/master
41+ git clean -d -f -x
42+ popd
43+ export commit
44+ export differential
45+ export id
46+ export package
47+ export phid
48+ export ro_uri
49+ export uri
50+ export vcs
51+ export test_build
52+ export test_functional
53+ export test_integration
54+ export test_performance
55+ export test_unit
56+ export test_obs
57+ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache ']'
58+ '[' -x stick.git/drydocker/docker/ ']'
59+ pushd docker.git
60+ ../stick.git/drydocker/docker/
61/bin/sh: line 2: kubectl: command not found
62/bin/sh: line 2: kubectl: command not found
63/bin/sh: line 2: kubectl: command not found
64Error response from daemon: No such image: 7545f35b4a34
65Error: failed to remove images: [7545f35b4a34]
66Makefile:12: *** The 'sphinx-build' command was not found. Make sure you have Sphinx installed, then set the SPHINXBUILD environment variable to point to the full path of the 'sphinx-build' executable. Alternatively you can add the directory with the executable to your PATH. If you don't have Sphinx installed, grab it from Stop.
67Got HTTP status code >= 400: 404 Not found
68Error response from daemon: could not find image: no such id: kolab/jmap-proxy:latest
69The command '/bin/sh -c npm install -g grunt-cli phantomjs && rm -rf /root/.npm/' returned a non-zero code: 1
70Error response from daemon: could not find image: no such id: kolab/manticore:latest
71+ retval=0
72+ popd
73+ exit 0

Build Log 7627 (remote - stdout)
25 - 50 - 100 - Unlimited Lines

15735 ---> eb396dc29e88
15736Step 17 : ADD /systemctl-socket-daemon /usr/bin/systemctl-socket-daemon
15737 ---> Using cache
15738 ---> 4355b6619813
15739Step 18 : RUN chmod -v a+rx /usr/bin/systemctl /usr/bin/systemctl-socket-daemon
15740 ---> Using cache
15741 ---> ac4bdc62a125
15742Step 19 : ADD /vimrc /root/.vimrc
15743 ---> Using cache
15744 ---> f8fa6be896ee
15745Step 20 : RUN yum clean all && yum -y install epel-release && sed -i -e 's/#baseurl/baseurl/g' -e '/^mirrorlist/d' /etc/yum.repos.d/epel*.repo && yum -y install ant bind-utils build git lsof net-tools nmap-ncat openldap-clients osc perl-Data-Dumper perl-Digest-MD5 perl-TimeDate php-phpunit-PHPUnit-Selenium psmisc rpmdevtools screen strace sudo telnet traceroute vim-enhanced yum-utils && yum clean all
15746 ---> Using cache
15747 ---> 7809e0dd96f5
15748Step 21 : RUN sed -i -e '/requiretty/d' /etc/sudoers
15749 ---> Using cache
15750 ---> fde6bdf38197
15751Step 22 : WORKDIR /srv
15752 ---> Using cache
15753 ---> 9801ff143deb
15754Step 23 : RUN git clone closure-compiler.git
15755 ---> Using cache
15756 ---> b3ca9972d1b6
15757Step 24 : WORKDIR /srv/closure-compiler.git
15758 ---> Using cache
15759 ---> d4203d6f83fe
15760Step 25 : RUN ant jar
15761 ---> Using cache
15762 ---> 7c9170f1e838
15763Step 26 : ADD /usr/local/lib/selenium-server-standalone.jar
15765 ---> Using cache
15766 ---> f51896def289
15767Step 27 : ADD /srv/
15769 ---> Using cache
15770 ---> 1a07c2fc5627
15771Step 28 : WORKDIR /srv
15772 ---> Using cache
15773 ---> 429967fb9996
15774Step 29 : RUN tar jxvf phantomjs-1.9.7-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2
15775 ---> Using cache
15776 ---> 21dd2945ba84
15777Step 30 : RUN cp phantomjs-1.9.7-linux-x86_64/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin/ && rm -rf phantomjs-1.9.7-linux-x86_64*
15778 ---> Using cache
15779 ---> b12b038b5258
15780Step 31 : ADD / /
15781 ---> Using cache
15782 ---> ae111c0cd120
15783Step 32 : ADD /
15784 ---> Using cache
15785 ---> e2e656c53a24
15786Step 33 : RUN chmod 755 /
15787 ---> Using cache
15788 ---> 09f9218f6d7e
15789Step 34 : ENTRYPOINT /
15790 ---> Using cache
15791 ---> c034d8693ec7
15792Successfully built c034d8693ec7
15793== ./atomicapp ==
15794Sending build context to Docker daemon 9.216 kB
15795Sending build context to Docker daemon 9.216 kB
15797Step 0 : FROM projectatomic/atomicapp:0.3.0
15798 ---> d31c1e84399e
15799Step 1 : MAINTAINER Kolab Systems <>
15800 ---> Using cache
15801 ---> e3e55df828cd
15802Step 2 : LABEL io.projectatomic.nulecule.providers "kubernetes" io.projectatomic.nulecule.specversion "0.0.2"
15803 ---> Using cache
15804 ---> 280baf68bfaf
15805Step 3 : ADD /Nulecule /Dockerfile /application-entity/
15806 ---> Using cache
15807 ---> 1fb8b161d6be
15808Step 4 : ADD /artifacts /application-entity/artifacts/
15809 ---> Using cache
15810 ---> 00ae2ab07c17
15811Successfully built 00ae2ab07c17
15812Deleted: f62ab1be22a467ea44bc2a534594a8137691854601975867c27637348356386e
15813Deleted: d0fb2b43cf9a8db8a2e916ac8e22826a9bf4479e3e90bad0130829c4bd2b1514
15814Deleted: 90b90876bab4aba37e5499b9f8105017d237e860eec5cc6d29e4f24d1fd321fe
15815Deleted: 3431adeac058028d4eb0bb6650fa10346caf07ff59d2349d1b241170d1012b60
15816Deleted: 14bd8e2ddb37c367aa5a846bf6f214bb7749ba4b24d7fd80299a1be25bb2fd92
15817Deleted: fd12242621c040e436344ed374bff7f64878d78259f52dd7cf20fad5156861fe
15818Deleted: fba3d4913b0d6182c0dcc89e8c7537d8dc447eaf6e07e0490ab869bbf69eefc2
15819Deleted: 23d5876ad95de7b7e8eb184cbe7505e055c226a182550c799a3b0e537359cb4a
15820Deleted: 79a60d17bf67679e434fd048bb9330c467365ce46c6c3daadab18f6b01c256fa
15821Deleted: 258ba8de56d852a0ed3aac2b58f5fc48f3db3f97750feee7c56fc6232968cfbc
15822Deleted: 69b60a067ab668514e2be2630db263f239fe65c8982b15a064f198c9fb1cedc0
15823Deleted: 8900fd2bc20186219da6b5f6b5857220aa3f5042f235bc3781abeb60073d5810
15824Deleted: 40e517a14909d9536c0bde44db7038aad4102bcc726c47c64cfacf730714357e
15825Deleted: 4ee89fddba7a2bb9fce85a95f4f678bc1abc69937349f52a55b7ac55f2adbb42
15826Deleted: cf7bedfe75b9ee5273d3487014f0fef222e91b158822a555ffd5bd7933f992af
15827Deleted: d57771aed4462deaeebfc2984f5e0cda772e35b21d9908f09da1f20d880ca9f1
15828Deleted: 1a531e3ad6332cbcc7886c49b588c60f37d3de993f994f2f087afd7f4ba0e48c
15829Deleted: 9f9bea59abb44dbe7a687182aa263db9a7694af314512f47d3457d042ca09154
15830Deleted: df405785728ba7bbe8f76c5200ebb1f7e3152216c675714355ef87fd3ce073e9
15831Deleted: b688fce14a98de8520f6d0c9feff88409d6cdd627be0f89384d1efe60ebe5663
15832Deleted: f4753ef78a4a7ce333a987326d1ad6c5802934d1641af57c1505cb74257c7b1e

Lease Working Copy on

Completed at Dec 28 2015, 9:31 PM · Built instantly

Event Timeline