2016-06-05 18:23:12,268 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: LDAP Search Result Data Entry: 2016-06-05 18:23:12,269 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: DN: 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,269 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry: {'displayName': ['Muster2, Peter2'], 'cn': ['Peter2 Muster2'], 'preferredLanguage': ['en_US'], 'userPassword': ['{SSHA}Co1kzLfv7CAld+y1dtwBn0qX72b2lYrOCiB2mw=='], 'nsuniqueid': ['b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009'], 'objectClass': ['top', 'inetorgperson', 'kolabinetorgperson', 'mailrecipient', 'organizationalperson', 'person'], 'alias': ['p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'], 'sn': ['Muster2'], 'mail': ['muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'], 'givenName': ['Peter2'], 'modifytimestamp': ['20160605162311Z'], 'uid': ['muster2']} 2016-06-05 18:23:12,269 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry Change Notification attributes: 2016-06-05 18:23:12,269 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Change Type: 1 ('add') 2016-06-05 18:23:12,269 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Previous DN: None 2016-06-05 18:23:12,269 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: auth.ldap.LDAP._synchronize_callback(args (), kw {'dn': 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 'change_type': 1, 'primary_domain': None, 'secondary_domains': [], 'entry': {'displayName': ['Muster2, Peter2'], 'cn': ['Peter2 Muster2'], 'preferredLanguage': ['en_US'], 'userPassword': ['{SSHA}Co1kzLfv7CAld+y1dtwBn0qX72b2lYrOCiB2mw=='], 'nsuniqueid': ['b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009'], 'objectClass': ['top', 'inetorgperson', 'kolabinetorgperson', 'mailrecipient', 'organizationalperson', 'person'], 'alias': ['p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'], 'sn': ['Muster2'], 'mail': ['muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'], 'givenName': ['Peter2'], 'modifytimestamp': ['20160605162311Z'], 'uid': ['muster2']}, 'previous_dn': None, 'change_number': None}) 2016-06-05 18:23:12,270 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:12,270 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching root dn for domain 'quetzalsailing.ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,270 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Returning from cache: 'dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,270 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching with filter '(objectclass=kolabinetorgperson)' *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 2, '(objectclass=kolabinetorgperson)', None, 0, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((11, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((11, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((11, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((11, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((11, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((11, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((11, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((11, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((11, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((11, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((11, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((11, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((11, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((11, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((11, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((11, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((11, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:12,273 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry type: user 2016-06-05 18:23:12,273 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:12,274 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry ID: {'dn': 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 'domain': 'quetzalsailing.ch', 'displayname': 'Muster2, Peter2', 'cn': 'Peter2 Muster2', 'alias': ['p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'], 'preferredlanguage': 'en_US', 'userpassword': '{SSHA}Co1kzLfv7CAld+y1dtwBn0qX72b2lYrOCiB2mw==', 'nsuniqueid': 'b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 'id': 'b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 'objectclass': ['top', 'inetorgperson', 'kolabinetorgperson', 'mailrecipient', 'organizationalperson', 'person'], 'sn': 'Muster2', 'mail': 'muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'surname': 'Muster2', 'givenname': 'Peter2', 'type': 'user', 'modifytimestamp': '20160605162311Z', 'uid': 'muster2'} 2016-06-05 18:23:12,274 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry DN: 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,274 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: ldap search: ('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 0, filterstr='(objectclass=*)', attrlist=[ 'dn' ] + ['mailhost'] *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 0, '(objectclass=*)', ['dn', 'mailhost'], 0, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((12, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:12,275 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:12,275 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching root dn for domain 'quetzalsailing.ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,275 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Returning from cache: 'dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,275 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching with filter '(objectclass=kolabinetorgperson)' *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 2, '(objectclass=kolabinetorgperson)', None, 0, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((13, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((13, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((13, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:12,276 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Applying recipient policy to 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,277 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Using mail attributes: ['mail', 'alias'], with primary 'mail' and secondary 'alias' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,277 pykolab.plugins DEBUG [32659]: Executing hook set_primary_mail for plugin recipientpolicy 2016-06-05 18:23:12,277 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Transliterating string 'Muster2@quetzalsailing.ch' with locale 'en_US' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,277 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Attempting to set locale 2016-06-05 18:23:12,277 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Success setting locale 2016-06-05 18:23:12,278 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Executing 'Muster2@quetzalsailing.ch | /usr/bin/iconv -f UTF-8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT -s' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,286 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:12,287 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Finding recipient with filter '(&(|(mail=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,287 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching root dn for domain 'quetzalsailing.ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,287 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Returning from cache: 'dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 2, '(&(|(mail=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))', ['mail', 'alias', 'nsuniqueid'], True, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((14, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:12,288 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: No results for mail address muster2@quetzalsailing.ch found 2016-06-05 18:23:12,289 pykolab.plugins DEBUG [32659]: Executing hook set_secondary_mail for plugin recipientpolicy 2016-06-05 18:23:12,289 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Alternative mail routines: {0: {'{0}.{1}@{2}': "format('%(givenname)s'[0:1].capitalize(), '%(surname)s', '%(domain)s')"}, 1: {'{0}@{1}': "format('%(uid)s', '%(domain)s')"}, 2: {'{0}@{1}': "format('%(givenname)s.%(surname)s', '%(domain)s')"}} 2016-06-05 18:23:12,289 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Alternative mail routines: {0: {'{0}.{1}@{2}': "format('%(givenname)s'[0:1].capitalize(), '%(surname)s', '%(domain)s')"}, 1: {'{0}@{1}': "format('%(uid)s', '%(domain)s')"}, 2: {'{0}@{1}': "format('%(givenname)s.%(surname)s', '%(domain)s')"}} 2016-06-05 18:23:12,289 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Transliterating string 'Peter2' with locale 'en_US' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,290 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Attempting to set locale 2016-06-05 18:23:12,290 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Success setting locale 2016-06-05 18:23:12,290 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Executing 'Peter2 | /usr/bin/iconv -f UTF-8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT -s' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,294 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Transliterating string 'Muster2' with locale 'en_US' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,294 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Attempting to set locale 2016-06-05 18:23:12,294 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Success setting locale 2016-06-05 18:23:12,294 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Executing 'Muster2 | /usr/bin/iconv -f UTF-8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT -s' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,297 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Transliterating string 'Muster2' with locale 'en_US' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,298 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Attempting to set locale 2016-06-05 18:23:12,298 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Success setting locale 2016-06-05 18:23:12,298 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Executing 'Muster2 | /usr/bin/iconv -f UTF-8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT -s' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,301 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Appending additional mail address: P.Muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 2016-06-05 18:23:12,301 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Appending additional mail address: P.Muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 2016-06-05 18:23:12,301 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Appending additional mail address: muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 2016-06-05 18:23:12,301 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Appending additional mail address: muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 2016-06-05 18:23:12,302 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Appending additional mail address: Peter2.Muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 2016-06-05 18:23:12,302 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Appending additional mail address: Peter2.Muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 2016-06-05 18:23:12,302 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:12,303 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Finding recipient with filter '(&(|(mail=peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,303 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching root dn for domain 'quetzalsailing.ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,303 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Returning from cache: 'dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 2, '(&(|(mail=peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))', ['mail', 'alias', 'nsuniqueid'], True, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((15, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:12,305 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: No results for address peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch found 2016-06-05 18:23:12,305 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:12,306 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Finding recipient with filter '(&(|(mail=p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,306 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching root dn for domain 'quetzalsailing.ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,306 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Returning from cache: 'dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 2, '(&(|(mail=p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))', ['mail', 'alias', 'nsuniqueid'], True, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((16, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:12,307 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: No results for address p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch found 2016-06-05 18:23:12,308 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:12,309 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Finding recipient with filter '(&(|(mail=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,309 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching root dn for domain 'quetzalsailing.ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,309 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Returning from cache: 'dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 2, '(&(|(mail=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))', ['mail', 'alias', 'nsuniqueid'], True, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((17, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:12,311 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: No results for address muster2@quetzalsailing.ch found 2016-06-05 18:23:12,311 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Recipient policy composed the following set of secondary email addresses: ['peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:12,311 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Secondary mail addresses that we want is not None: ['peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:12,311 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Avoiding the duplication of the primary mail address 'muster2@quetzalsailing.ch' in the list of secondary mail addresses 2016-06-05 18:23:12,311 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry is getting secondary mail addresses: ['peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:12,312 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: secondary_mail_addresses: ['peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:12,312 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: entry[alias]: ['p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:12,312 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: secondary_mail_addresses: ['p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:12,312 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: entry[alias]: ['p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:12,312 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry modifications list: {} 2016-06-05 18:23:12,315 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO SELECT entry.id AS entry_id, entry.uniqueid AS entry_uniqueid, entry.result_attribute AS entry_result_attribute, entry.last_change AS entry_last_change FROM entry WHERE entry.uniqueid = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? 2016-06-05 18:23:12,315 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO SELECT entry.id AS entry_id, entry.uniqueid AS entry_uniqueid, entry.result_attribute AS entry_result_attribute, entry.last_change AS entry_last_change FROM entry WHERE entry.uniqueid = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? 2016-06-05 18:23:12,315 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO ('b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 1, 0) 2016-06-05 18:23:12,315 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO ('b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 1, 0) 2016-06-05 18:23:12,317 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO SELECT entry.id AS entry_id, entry.uniqueid AS entry_uniqueid, entry.result_attribute AS entry_result_attribute, entry.last_change AS entry_last_change FROM entry WHERE entry.uniqueid = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? 2016-06-05 18:23:12,317 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO SELECT entry.id AS entry_id, entry.uniqueid AS entry_uniqueid, entry.result_attribute AS entry_result_attribute, entry.last_change AS entry_last_change FROM entry WHERE entry.uniqueid = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? 2016-06-05 18:23:12,318 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO ('b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 1, 0) 2016-06-05 18:23:12,318 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO ('b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 1, 0) 2016-06-05 18:23:12,318 pykolab.auth_cache DEBUG [32659]: Inserting cache entry 'b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,324 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO INSERT INTO entry (uniqueid, result_attribute, last_change) VALUES (?, ?, ?) 2016-06-05 18:23:12,324 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO INSERT INTO entry (uniqueid, result_attribute, last_change) VALUES (?, ?, ?) 2016-06-05 18:23:12,324 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO ('b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 'muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', '2016-06-05 16:23:11.000000') 2016-06-05 18:23:12,324 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO ('b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 'muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', '2016-06-05 16:23:11.000000') 2016-06-05 18:23:12,325 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO COMMIT 2016-06-05 18:23:12,325 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO COMMIT 2016-06-05 18:23:12,361 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO BEGIN (implicit) 2016-06-05 18:23:12,361 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO BEGIN (implicit) 2016-06-05 18:23:12,362 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO SELECT entry.id AS entry_id, entry.uniqueid AS entry_uniqueid, entry.result_attribute AS entry_result_attribute, entry.last_change AS entry_last_change FROM entry WHERE entry.uniqueid = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? 2016-06-05 18:23:12,362 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO SELECT entry.id AS entry_id, entry.uniqueid AS entry_uniqueid, entry.result_attribute AS entry_result_attribute, entry.last_change AS entry_last_change FROM entry WHERE entry.uniqueid = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? 2016-06-05 18:23:12,362 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO ('b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 1, 0) 2016-06-05 18:23:12,362 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO ('b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 1, 0) 23:12.36 untagged responses dump: CAPABILITY: "IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ ID ENABLE ACL RIGHTS=kxten QUOTA MAILBOX-REFERRALS NAMESPACE UIDPLUS NO_ATOMIC_RENAME UNSELECT CHILDREN MULTIAPPEND BINARY CATENATE CONDSTORE ESEARCH SORT SORT=MODSEQ SORT=DISPLAY SORT=UID THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES ANNOTATEMORE ANNOTATE-EXPERIMENT-1 METADATA LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LIST-MYRIGHTS WITHIN QRESYNC SCAN XLIST XMOVE MOVE SPECIAL-USE CREATE-SPECIAL-USE URLAUTH URLAUTH=BINARY X-NETSCAPE LOGINDISABLED AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=LOGIN COMPRESS=DEFLATE X-QUOTA=STORAGE X-QUOTA=MESSAGE X-QUOTA=X-ANNOTATION-STORAGE X-QUOTA=X-NUM-FOLDERS IDLE" 23:12.36 > IOJM10 NOOP 23:12.36 < IOJM10 OK Completed 23:12.36 matched r'(?PIOJM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IOJM10', 'OK', 'Completed') 2016-06-05 18:23:12,365 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Reusing existing IMAP server connection to localhost 23:12.36 untagged responses dump: CAPABILITY: "IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ ID ENABLE ACL RIGHTS=kxten QUOTA MAILBOX-REFERRALS NAMESPACE UIDPLUS NO_ATOMIC_RENAME UNSELECT CHILDREN MULTIAPPEND BINARY CATENATE CONDSTORE ESEARCH SORT SORT=MODSEQ SORT=DISPLAY SORT=UID THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES ANNOTATEMORE ANNOTATE-EXPERIMENT-1 METADATA LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LIST-MYRIGHTS WITHIN QRESYNC SCAN XLIST XMOVE MOVE SPECIAL-USE CREATE-SPECIAL-USE URLAUTH URLAUTH=BINARY X-NETSCAPE LOGINDISABLED AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=LOGIN COMPRESS=DEFLATE X-QUOTA=STORAGE X-QUOTA=MESSAGE X-QUOTA=X-ANNOTATION-STORAGE X-QUOTA=X-NUM-FOLDERS IDLE" 23:12.36 > IOJM11 NOOP 23:12.36 < IOJM11 OK Completed 23:12.36 matched r'(?PIOJM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IOJM11', 'OK', 'Completed') 2016-06-05 18:23:12,366 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Reusing existing IMAP server connection to localhost 23:12.36 > IOJM12 LIST "" "user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch" 23:12.36 < IOJM12 OK Completed (0.000 secs) 23:12.36 matched r'(?PIOJM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IOJM12', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs)') [LIST] No results 2016-06-05 18:23:12,368 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Looking for folder 'user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', we found folders: [] 23:12.36 untagged responses dump: CAPABILITY: "IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ ID ENABLE ACL RIGHTS=kxten QUOTA MAILBOX-REFERRALS NAMESPACE UIDPLUS NO_ATOMIC_RENAME UNSELECT CHILDREN MULTIAPPEND BINARY CATENATE CONDSTORE ESEARCH SORT SORT=MODSEQ SORT=DISPLAY SORT=UID THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES ANNOTATEMORE ANNOTATE-EXPERIMENT-1 METADATA LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LIST-MYRIGHTS WITHIN QRESYNC SCAN XLIST XMOVE MOVE SPECIAL-USE CREATE-SPECIAL-USE URLAUTH URLAUTH=BINARY X-NETSCAPE LOGINDISABLED AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=LOGIN COMPRESS=DEFLATE X-QUOTA=STORAGE X-QUOTA=MESSAGE X-QUOTA=X-ANNOTATION-STORAGE X-QUOTA=X-NUM-FOLDERS IDLE" 23:12.36 > IOJM13 NOOP 23:12.36 < IOJM13 OK Completed 23:12.36 matched r'(?PIOJM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IOJM13', 'OK', 'Completed') 2016-06-05 18:23:12,369 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Reusing existing IMAP server connection to localhost 2016-06-05 18:23:12,369 pykolab.imap INFO Creating new mailbox for user muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 23:12.36 > IOJM14 CREATE "user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch" 23:12.45 < IOJM14 OK Completed 23:12.45 matched r'(?PIOJM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IOJM14', 'OK', 'Completed') [CREATE user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch partition=None] OK: Completed 2016-06-05 18:23:12,458 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Called for domain None 2016-06-05 18:23:12,458 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Using section itigo.tech and domain itigo.tech 2016-06-05 18:23:12,458 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Using section itigo.tech and domain itigo.tech 2016-06-05 18:23:12,459 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Connecting to Authentication backend for domain itigo.tech 2016-06-05 18:23:12,459 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Section kolab has auth_mechanism: 'ldap' 2016-06-05 18:23:12,459 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Starting LDAP... 2016-06-05 18:23:12,460 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Connecting to LDAP... 2016-06-05 18:23:12,460 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Attempting to use LDAP URI ldap://localhost:389 *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.set_option ((17, 3), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.set_option ((17, 3), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:12,461 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Called for domain None 2016-06-05 18:23:12,462 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Listing domains... *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.simple_bind (('cn=Directory Manager', '4c4xcjmc7lNALwpRapVd', None, None), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:13,319 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching with filter '(&(objectclass=domainrelatedobject)(associatedDomain=quetzalsailing.ch))' *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('cn=kolab,cn=config', 2, '(&(objectclass=domainrelatedobject)(associatedDomain=quetzalsailing.ch))', ['associateddomain'], 0, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((2, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((2, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((2, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((2, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((2, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((2, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((2, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((2, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((2, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((2, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((2, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((2, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((2, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((2, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((2, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((2, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.unbind_ext ((None, None), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:13,326 pykolab.plugins DEBUG [32659]: Executing hook create_user_folders for plugin defaultfolders 2016-06-05 18:23:13,327 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Creating additional folders for user muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 23:13.40 > KJHM1 AUTHENTICATE PLAIN bXVzdGVyMkBxdWV0emFsc2FpbGluZy5jaABjeXJ1cy1hZG1pbgB2dWRRQ04zazQ3YlZMaVVHcGh1SQ== 23:14.46 < KJHM1 OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ ID ENABLE ACL RIGHTS=kxten QUOTA MAILBOX-REFERRALS NAMESPACE UIDPLUS NO_ATOMIC_RENAME UNSELECT CHILDREN MULTIAPPEND BINARY CATENATE CONDSTORE ESEARCH SORT SORT=MODSEQ SORT=DISPLAY SORT=UID THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES ANNOTATEMORE ANNOTATE-EXPERIMENT-1 METADATA LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LIST-MYRIGHTS WITHIN QRESYNC SCAN XLIST XMOVE MOVE SPECIAL-USE CREATE-SPECIAL-USE URLAUTH URLAUTH=BINARY X-NETSCAPE LOGINDISABLED COMPRESS=DEFLATE X-QUOTA=STORAGE X-QUOTA=MESSAGE X-QUOTA=X-ANNOTATION-STORAGE X-QUOTA=X-NUM-FOLDERS IDLE] Success (tls protection) SESSIONID= 23:14.46 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM1', 'OK', '[CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ ID ENABLE ACL RIGHTS=kxten QUOTA MAILBOX-REFERRALS NAMESPACE UIDPLUS NO_ATOMIC_RENAME UNSELECT CHILDREN MULTIAPPEND BINARY CATENATE CONDSTORE ESEARCH SORT SORT=MODSEQ SORT=DISPLAY SORT=UID THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES ANNOTATEMORE ANNOTATE-EXPERIMENT-1 METADATA LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LIST-MYRIGHTS WITHIN QRESYNC SCAN XLIST XMOVE MOVE SPECIAL-USE CREATE-SPECIAL-USE URLAUTH URLAUTH=BINARY X-NETSCAPE LOGINDISABLED COMPRESS=DEFLATE X-QUOTA=STORAGE X-QUOTA=MESSAGE X-QUOTA=X-ANNOTATION-STORAGE X-QUOTA=X-NUM-FOLDERS IDLE] Success (tls protection) SESSIONID=') 23:14.46 matched r'\[(?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P[^\]]*))?\]' => ('CAPABILITY', ' IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ ID ENABLE ACL RIGHTS=kxten QUOTA MAILBOX-REFERRALS NAMESPACE UIDPLUS NO_ATOMIC_RENAME UNSELECT CHILDREN MULTIAPPEND BINARY CATENATE CONDSTORE ESEARCH SORT SORT=MODSEQ SORT=DISPLAY SORT=UID THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES ANNOTATEMORE ANNOTATE-EXPERIMENT-1 METADATA LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LIST-MYRIGHTS WITHIN QRESYNC SCAN XLIST XMOVE MOVE SPECIAL-USE CREATE-SPECIAL-USE URLAUTH URLAUTH=BINARY X-NETSCAPE LOGINDISABLED COMPRESS=DEFLATE X-QUOTA=STORAGE X-QUOTA=MESSAGE X-QUOTA=X-ANNOTATION-STORAGE X-QUOTA=X-NUM-FOLDERS IDLE', 'IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ ID ENABLE ACL RIGHTS=kxten QUOTA MAILBOX-REFERRALS NAMESPACE UIDPLUS NO_ATOMIC_RENAME UNSELECT CHILDREN MULTIAPPEND BINARY CATENATE CONDSTORE ESEARCH SORT SORT=MODSEQ SORT=DISPLAY SORT=UID THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES ANNOTATEMORE ANNOTATE-EXPERIMENT-1 METADATA LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LIST-MYRIGHTS WITHIN QRESYNC SCAN XLIST XMOVE MOVE SPECIAL-USE CREATE-SPECIAL-USE URLAUTH URLAUTH=BINARY X-NETSCAPE LOGINDISABLED COMPRESS=DEFLATE X-QUOTA=STORAGE X-QUOTA=MESSAGE X-QUOTA=X-ANNOTATION-STORAGE X-QUOTA=X-NUM-FOLDERS IDLE') 23:14.46 untagged_responses[CAPABILITY] 0 += ["IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ ID ENABLE ACL RIGHTS=kxten QUOTA MAILBOX-REFERRALS NAMESPACE UIDPLUS NO_ATOMIC_RENAME UNSELECT CHILDREN MULTIAPPEND BINARY CATENATE CONDSTORE ESEARCH SORT SORT=MODSEQ SORT=DISPLAY SORT=UID THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES ANNOTATEMORE ANNOTATE-EXPERIMENT-1 METADATA LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LIST-MYRIGHTS WITHIN QRESYNC SCAN XLIST XMOVE MOVE SPECIAL-USE CREATE-SPECIAL-USE URLAUTH URLAUTH=BINARY X-NETSCAPE LOGINDISABLED COMPRESS=DEFLATE X-QUOTA=STORAGE X-QUOTA=MESSAGE X-QUOTA=X-ANNOTATION-STORAGE X-QUOTA=X-NUM-FOLDERS IDLE"] [AUTHENTICATE PLAIN cyrus-admin] OK: [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ ID ENABLE ACL RIGHTS=kxten QUOTA MAILBOX-REFERRALS NAMESPACE UIDPLUS NO_ATOMIC_RENAME UNSELECT CHILDREN MULTIAPPEND BINARY CATENATE CONDSTORE ESEARCH SORT SORT=MODSEQ SORT=DISPLAY SORT=UID THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES ANNOTATEMORE ANNOTATE-EXPERIMENT-1 METADATA LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LIST-MYRIGHTS WITHIN QRESYNC SCAN XLIST XMOVE MOVE SPECIAL-USE CREATE-SPECIAL-USE URLAUTH URLAUTH=BINARY X-NETSCAPE LOGINDISABLED COMPRESS=DEFLATE X-QUOTA=STORAGE X-QUOTA=MESSAGE X-QUOTA=X-ANNOTATION-STORAGE X-QUOTA=X-NUM-FOLDERS IDLE] Success (tls protection) SESSIONID= 23:14.46 > KJHM2 LIST "" "" 23:14.46 < * LIST (\Noselect) "/" "" 23:14.46 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\Noselect) "/" ""', '(\\Noselect) "/" ""') 23:14.46 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\Noselect) "/" """] 23:14.46 < KJHM2 OK Completed (0.000 secs) 23:14.46 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM2', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs)') 23:14.46 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\Noselect) "/" ""'] 23:14.46 > KJHM3 NAMESPACE 23:14.46 < * NAMESPACE (("" "/")) (("Other Users/" "/")) (("Shared Folders/" "/")) 23:14.46 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('NAMESPACE', ' (("" "/")) (("Other Users/" "/")) (("Shared Folders/" "/"))', '(("" "/")) (("Other Users/" "/")) (("Shared Folders/" "/"))') 23:14.46 untagged_responses[NAMESPACE] 0 += ["(("" "/")) (("Other Users/" "/")) (("Shared Folders/" "/"))"] 23:14.46 < KJHM3 OK Completed 23:14.46 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM3', 'OK', 'Completed') 23:14.46 untagged_responses[NAMESPACE] => ['(("" "/")) (("Other Users/" "/")) (("Shared Folders/" "/"))'] 23:14.46 > KJHM4 CREATE "Calendar/Personal Calendar" 23:14.55 < KJHM4 OK Completed 23:14.55 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM4', 'OK', 'Completed') [CREATE Calendar/Personal Calendar partition=None] OK: Completed 23:14.55 > KJHM5 LIST "" "Calendar/Personal Calendar" 23:14.55 < * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Calendar/Personal Calendar" 23:14.55 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasNoChildren) "/" "Calendar/Personal Calendar"', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" "Calendar/Personal Calendar"') 23:14.55 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\HasNoChildren) "/" "Calendar/Personal Calendar""] 23:14.55 < KJHM5 OK Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls) 23:14.55 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM5', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls)') 23:14.55 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\HasNoChildren) "/" "Calendar/Personal Calendar"'] 2016-06-05 18:23:14,555 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Looking for folder 'Calendar/Personal Calendar', we found folders: [u'Calendar/Personal Calendar'] 2016-06-05 18:23:14,556 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting annotation /vendor/kolab/folder-type on folder Calendar/Personal Calendar 23:14.55 > KJHM6 SETANNOTATION "Calendar/Personal Calendar" "/vendor/kolab/folder-type" ("value.shared" "event") 23:14.61 < KJHM6 OK Completed 23:14.61 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM6', 'OK', 'Completed') [SETANNOTATION Calendar/Personal Calendar] OK: None 23:14.61 > KJHM7 CREATE Drafts 23:14.68 < KJHM7 OK Completed 23:14.68 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM7', 'OK', 'Completed') [CREATE Drafts partition=None] OK: Completed 23:14.68 > KJHM8 LIST "" Drafts 23:14.68 < * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" Drafts 23:14.68 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasNoChildren) "/" Drafts', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Drafts') 23:14.68 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\HasNoChildren) "/" Drafts"] 23:14.68 < KJHM8 OK Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls) 23:14.68 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM8', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls)') 23:14.68 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Drafts'] 2016-06-05 18:23:14,690 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Looking for folder 'Drafts', we found folders: [u'Drafts'] 2016-06-05 18:23:14,690 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting annotation /vendor/kolab/folder-type on folder Drafts 23:14.69 > KJHM9 SETANNOTATION Drafts "/vendor/kolab/folder-type" ("value.priv" "mail.drafts") 23:14.74 < KJHM9 OK Completed 23:14.74 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM9', 'OK', 'Completed') [SETANNOTATION Drafts] OK: None 23:14.74 > KJHM10 CREATE Contacts 23:14.83 < KJHM10 OK Completed 23:14.83 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM10', 'OK', 'Completed') [CREATE Contacts partition=None] OK: Completed 23:14.83 > KJHM11 LIST "" Contacts 23:14.83 < * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" Contacts 23:14.83 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasNoChildren) "/" Contacts', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Contacts') 23:14.83 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\HasNoChildren) "/" Contacts"] 23:14.83 < KJHM11 OK Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls) 23:14.83 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM11', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls)') 23:14.83 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Contacts'] 2016-06-05 18:23:14,835 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Looking for folder 'Contacts', we found folders: [u'Contacts'] 2016-06-05 18:23:14,836 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting annotation /vendor/kolab/folder-type on folder Contacts 23:14.83 > KJHM12 SETANNOTATION Contacts "/vendor/kolab/folder-type" ("value.priv" "contact.default") 23:14.89 < KJHM12 OK Completed 23:14.89 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM12', 'OK', 'Completed') [SETANNOTATION Contacts] OK: None 2016-06-05 18:23:14,899 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting annotation /vendor/kolab/folder-type on folder Contacts 23:14.89 > KJHM13 SETANNOTATION Contacts "/vendor/kolab/folder-type" ("value.shared" "contact") 23:14.95 < KJHM13 OK Completed 23:14.95 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM13', 'OK', 'Completed') [SETANNOTATION Contacts] OK: None 23:14.95 > KJHM14 CREATE Notes 23:15.04 < KJHM14 OK Completed 23:15.04 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM14', 'OK', 'Completed') [CREATE Notes partition=None] OK: Completed 23:15.04 > KJHM15 LIST "" Notes 23:15.04 < * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" Notes 23:15.04 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasNoChildren) "/" Notes', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Notes') 23:15.04 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\HasNoChildren) "/" Notes"] 23:15.04 < KJHM15 OK Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls) 23:15.04 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM15', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls)') 23:15.04 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Notes'] 2016-06-05 18:23:15,045 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Looking for folder 'Notes', we found folders: [u'Notes'] 2016-06-05 18:23:15,045 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting annotation /vendor/kolab/folder-type on folder Notes 23:15.04 > KJHM16 SETANNOTATION Notes "/vendor/kolab/folder-type" ("value.priv" "note.default") 23:15.09 < KJHM16 OK Completed 23:15.09 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM16', 'OK', 'Completed') [SETANNOTATION Notes] OK: None 2016-06-05 18:23:15,097 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting annotation /vendor/kolab/folder-type on folder Notes 23:15.09 > KJHM17 SETANNOTATION Notes "/vendor/kolab/folder-type" ("value.shared" "note") 23:15.14 < KJHM17 OK Completed 23:15.14 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM17', 'OK', 'Completed') [SETANNOTATION Notes] OK: None 23:15.14 > KJHM18 CREATE "Contacts/Personal Contacts" 23:15.22 < KJHM18 OK Completed 23:15.22 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM18', 'OK', 'Completed') [CREATE Contacts/Personal Contacts partition=None] OK: Completed 23:15.22 > KJHM19 LIST "" "Contacts/Personal Contacts" 23:15.22 < * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Contacts/Personal Contacts" 23:15.22 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasNoChildren) "/" "Contacts/Personal Contacts"', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" "Contacts/Personal Contacts"') 23:15.22 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\HasNoChildren) "/" "Contacts/Personal Contacts""] 23:15.22 < KJHM19 OK Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls) 23:15.22 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM19', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls)') 23:15.22 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\HasNoChildren) "/" "Contacts/Personal Contacts"'] 2016-06-05 18:23:15,226 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Looking for folder 'Contacts/Personal Contacts', we found folders: [u'Contacts/Personal Contacts'] 2016-06-05 18:23:15,226 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting annotation /vendor/kolab/folder-type on folder Contacts/Personal Contacts 23:15.22 > KJHM20 SETANNOTATION "Contacts/Personal Contacts" "/vendor/kolab/folder-type" ("value.shared" "contact") 23:15.27 < KJHM20 OK Completed 23:15.27 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM20', 'OK', 'Completed') [SETANNOTATION Contacts/Personal Contacts] OK: None 23:15.27 > KJHM21 CREATE Trash 23:15.34 < KJHM21 OK Completed 23:15.34 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM21', 'OK', 'Completed') [CREATE Trash partition=None] OK: Completed 23:15.34 > KJHM22 LIST "" Trash 23:15.34 < * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" Trash 23:15.34 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasNoChildren) "/" Trash', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Trash') 23:15.34 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\HasNoChildren) "/" Trash"] 23:15.34 < KJHM22 OK Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls) 23:15.34 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM22', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls)') 23:15.34 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Trash'] 2016-06-05 18:23:15,342 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Looking for folder 'Trash', we found folders: [u'Trash'] 2016-06-05 18:23:15,343 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting annotation /vendor/kolab/folder-type on folder Trash 23:15.34 > KJHM23 SETANNOTATION Trash "/vendor/kolab/folder-type" ("value.priv" "mail.wastebasket") 23:15.38 < KJHM23 OK Completed 23:15.38 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM23', 'OK', 'Completed') [SETANNOTATION Trash] OK: None 23:15.38 > KJHM24 CREATE Sent 23:15.46 < KJHM24 OK Completed 23:15.46 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM24', 'OK', 'Completed') [CREATE Sent partition=None] OK: Completed 23:15.46 > KJHM25 LIST "" Sent 23:15.46 < * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" Sent 23:15.46 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasNoChildren) "/" Sent', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Sent') 23:15.46 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\HasNoChildren) "/" Sent"] 23:15.46 < KJHM25 OK Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls) 23:15.46 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM25', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls)') 23:15.46 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Sent'] 2016-06-05 18:23:15,465 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Looking for folder 'Sent', we found folders: [u'Sent'] 2016-06-05 18:23:15,465 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting annotation /vendor/kolab/folder-type on folder Sent 23:15.46 > KJHM26 SETANNOTATION Sent "/vendor/kolab/folder-type" ("value.priv" "mail.sentitems") 23:15.51 < KJHM26 OK Completed 23:15.51 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM26', 'OK', 'Completed') [SETANNOTATION Sent] OK: None 23:15.51 > KJHM27 CREATE Files 23:15.60 < KJHM27 OK Completed 23:15.60 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM27', 'OK', 'Completed') [CREATE Files partition=None] OK: Completed 23:15.60 > KJHM28 LIST "" Files 23:15.60 < * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" Files 23:15.60 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasNoChildren) "/" Files', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Files') 23:15.60 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\HasNoChildren) "/" Files"] 23:15.60 < KJHM28 OK Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls) 23:15.60 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM28', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls)') 23:15.60 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Files'] 2016-06-05 18:23:15,604 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Looking for folder 'Files', we found folders: [u'Files'] 2016-06-05 18:23:15,604 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting annotation /vendor/kolab/folder-type on folder Files 23:15.60 > KJHM29 SETANNOTATION Files "/vendor/kolab/folder-type" ("value.priv" "file.default") 23:15.65 < KJHM29 OK Completed 23:15.65 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM29', 'OK', 'Completed') [SETANNOTATION Files] OK: None 23:15.65 > KJHM30 CREATE Tasks 23:15.73 < KJHM30 OK Completed 23:15.73 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM30', 'OK', 'Completed') [CREATE Tasks partition=None] OK: Completed 23:15.73 > KJHM31 LIST "" Tasks 23:15.73 < * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" Tasks 23:15.73 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasNoChildren) "/" Tasks', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Tasks') 23:15.73 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\HasNoChildren) "/" Tasks"] 23:15.73 < KJHM31 OK Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls) 23:15.73 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM31', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls)') 23:15.73 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Tasks'] 2016-06-05 18:23:15,733 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Looking for folder 'Tasks', we found folders: [u'Tasks'] 2016-06-05 18:23:15,733 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting annotation /vendor/kolab/folder-type on folder Tasks 23:15.73 > KJHM32 SETANNOTATION Tasks "/vendor/kolab/folder-type" ("value.priv" "task.default") 23:15.78 < KJHM32 OK Completed 23:15.78 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM32', 'OK', 'Completed') [SETANNOTATION Tasks] OK: None 2016-06-05 18:23:15,781 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting annotation /vendor/kolab/folder-type on folder Tasks 23:15.78 > KJHM33 SETANNOTATION Tasks "/vendor/kolab/folder-type" ("value.shared" "task") 23:15.82 < KJHM33 OK Completed 23:15.82 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM33', 'OK', 'Completed') [SETANNOTATION Tasks] OK: None 23:15.82 > KJHM34 CREATE Journal 23:15.89 < KJHM34 OK Completed 23:15.89 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM34', 'OK', 'Completed') [CREATE Journal partition=None] OK: Completed 23:15.89 > KJHM35 LIST "" Journal 23:15.89 < * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" Journal 23:15.89 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasNoChildren) "/" Journal', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Journal') 23:15.89 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\HasNoChildren) "/" Journal"] 23:15.89 < KJHM35 OK Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls) 23:15.89 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM35', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls)') 23:15.89 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Journal'] 2016-06-05 18:23:15,897 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Looking for folder 'Journal', we found folders: [u'Journal'] 2016-06-05 18:23:15,897 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting annotation /vendor/kolab/folder-type on folder Journal 23:15.89 > KJHM36 SETANNOTATION Journal "/vendor/kolab/folder-type" ("value.priv" "journal.default") 23:15.94 < KJHM36 OK Completed 23:15.94 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM36', 'OK', 'Completed') [SETANNOTATION Journal] OK: None 2016-06-05 18:23:15,941 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting annotation /vendor/kolab/folder-type on folder Journal 23:15.94 > KJHM37 SETANNOTATION Journal "/vendor/kolab/folder-type" ("value.shared" "journal") 23:15.98 < KJHM37 OK Completed 23:15.98 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM37', 'OK', 'Completed') [SETANNOTATION Journal] OK: None 23:15.98 > KJHM38 CREATE Spam 23:16.06 < KJHM38 OK Completed 23:16.06 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM38', 'OK', 'Completed') [CREATE Spam partition=None] OK: Completed 23:16.06 > KJHM39 LIST "" Spam 23:16.06 < * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" Spam 23:16.06 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasNoChildren) "/" Spam', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Spam') 23:16.06 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\HasNoChildren) "/" Spam"] 23:16.06 < KJHM39 OK Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls) 23:16.06 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM39', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls)') 23:16.06 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Spam'] 2016-06-05 18:23:16,067 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Looking for folder 'Spam', we found folders: [u'Spam'] 2016-06-05 18:23:16,068 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting annotation /vendor/kolab/folder-type on folder Spam 23:16.06 > KJHM40 SETANNOTATION Spam "/vendor/kolab/folder-type" ("value.priv" "mail.junkemail") 23:16.11 < KJHM40 OK Completed 23:16.11 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM40', 'OK', 'Completed') [SETANNOTATION Spam] OK: None 23:16.11 > KJHM41 CREATE Calendar 23:16.20 < KJHM41 OK Completed 23:16.20 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM41', 'OK', 'Completed') [CREATE Calendar partition=None] OK: Completed 23:16.20 > KJHM42 LIST "" Calendar 23:16.20 < * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" Calendar 23:16.20 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasChildren) "/" Calendar', '(\\HasChildren) "/" Calendar') 23:16.20 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\HasChildren) "/" Calendar"] 23:16.20 < KJHM42 OK Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls) 23:16.20 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM42', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls)') 23:16.20 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\HasChildren) "/" Calendar'] 2016-06-05 18:23:16,207 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Looking for folder 'Calendar', we found folders: [u'Calendar'] 2016-06-05 18:23:16,208 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting annotation /vendor/kolab/folder-type on folder Calendar 23:16.20 > KJHM43 SETANNOTATION Calendar "/vendor/kolab/folder-type" ("value.priv" "event.default") 23:16.26 < KJHM43 OK Completed 23:16.26 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM43', 'OK', 'Completed') [SETANNOTATION Calendar] OK: None 2016-06-05 18:23:16,264 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting annotation /vendor/kolab/folder-type on folder Calendar 23:16.26 > KJHM44 SETANNOTATION Calendar "/vendor/kolab/folder-type" ("value.shared" "event") 23:16.31 < KJHM44 OK Completed 23:16.31 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM44', 'OK', 'Completed') [SETANNOTATION Calendar] OK: None 23:16.31 > KJHM45 CREATE Configuration 23:16.40 < KJHM45 OK Completed 23:16.40 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM45', 'OK', 'Completed') [CREATE Configuration partition=None] OK: Completed 23:16.40 > KJHM46 LIST "" Configuration 23:16.40 < * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" Configuration 23:16.40 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasNoChildren) "/" Configuration', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Configuration') 23:16.40 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\HasNoChildren) "/" Configuration"] 23:16.40 < KJHM46 OK Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls) 23:16.40 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM46', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls)') 23:16.40 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Configuration'] 2016-06-05 18:23:16,408 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Looking for folder 'Configuration', we found folders: [u'Configuration'] 2016-06-05 18:23:16,408 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting annotation /vendor/kolab/folder-type on folder Configuration 23:16.40 > KJHM47 SETANNOTATION Configuration "/vendor/kolab/folder-type" ("value.priv" "configuration.default") 23:16.45 < KJHM47 OK Completed 23:16.45 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM47', 'OK', 'Completed') [SETANNOTATION Configuration] OK: None 2016-06-05 18:23:16,460 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting annotation /vendor/kolab/folder-type on folder Configuration 23:16.46 > KJHM48 SETANNOTATION Configuration "/vendor/kolab/folder-type" ("value.shared" "configuration.default") 23:16.50 < KJHM48 OK Completed 23:16.50 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM48', 'OK', 'Completed') [SETANNOTATION Configuration] OK: None 23:16.50 > KJHM49 CREATE Archive 23:16.58 < KJHM49 OK Completed 23:16.58 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM49', 'OK', 'Completed') [CREATE Archive partition=None] OK: Completed 23:16.58 > KJHM50 LIST "" Archive 23:16.58 < * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" Archive 23:16.58 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasNoChildren) "/" Archive', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Archive') 23:16.58 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\HasNoChildren) "/" Archive"] 23:16.58 < KJHM50 OK Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls) 23:16.58 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM50', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls)') 23:16.58 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Archive'] 2016-06-05 18:23:16,586 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Looking for folder 'Archive', we found folders: [u'Archive'] 2016-06-05 18:23:16,586 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Subscribing user to the additional folders 23:16.58 > KJHM51 NAMESPACE 23:16.58 < * NAMESPACE (("" "/")) (("Other Users/" "/")) (("Shared Folders/" "/")) 23:16.58 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('NAMESPACE', ' (("" "/")) (("Other Users/" "/")) (("Shared Folders/" "/"))', '(("" "/")) (("Other Users/" "/")) (("Shared Folders/" "/"))') 23:16.58 untagged_responses[NAMESPACE] 0 += ["(("" "/")) (("Other Users/" "/")) (("Shared Folders/" "/"))"] 23:16.58 < KJHM51 OK Completed 23:16.58 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM51', 'OK', 'Completed') 23:16.58 untagged_responses[NAMESPACE] => ['(("" "/")) (("Other Users/" "/")) (("Shared Folders/" "/"))'] 2016-06-05 18:23:16,587 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Using the following tests for folder subscriptions: 2016-06-05 18:23:16,588 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: 'Other Users/' 2016-06-05 18:23:16,588 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: 'Shared Folders/' 23:16.58 > KJHM52 LIST "" * 23:16.59 < * LIST (\Noinferiors \HasNoChildren) "/" INBOX 23:16.59 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\Noinferiors \\HasNoChildren) "/" INBOX', '(\\Noinferiors \\HasNoChildren) "/" INBOX') 23:16.59 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\Noinferiors \HasNoChildren) "/" INBOX"] 23:16.59 < * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" Archive 23:16.59 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasNoChildren) "/" Archive', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Archive') 23:16.59 untagged_responses[LIST] 1 += ["(\HasNoChildren) "/" Archive"] 23:16.59 < * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" Drafts 23:16.59 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasNoChildren) "/" Drafts', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Drafts') 23:16.59 untagged_responses[LIST] 2 += ["(\HasNoChildren) "/" Drafts"] 23:16.59 < * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" Files 23:16.59 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasNoChildren) "/" Files', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Files') 23:16.59 untagged_responses[LIST] 3 += ["(\HasNoChildren) "/" Files"] 23:16.59 < * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" Sent 23:16.59 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasNoChildren) "/" Sent', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Sent') 23:16.59 untagged_responses[LIST] 4 += ["(\HasNoChildren) "/" Sent"] 23:16.59 < * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" Spam 23:16.59 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasNoChildren) "/" Spam', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Spam') 23:16.59 untagged_responses[LIST] 5 += ["(\HasNoChildren) "/" Spam"] 23:16.59 < * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" Trash 23:16.59 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasNoChildren) "/" Trash', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Trash') 23:16.59 untagged_responses[LIST] 6 += ["(\HasNoChildren) "/" Trash"] 23:16.59 < * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Other Users/muster/info" 23:16.59 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasNoChildren) "/" "Other Users/muster/info"', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" "Other Users/muster/info"') 23:16.59 untagged_responses[LIST] 7 += ["(\HasNoChildren) "/" "Other Users/muster/info""] 23:16.59 < * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Shared Folders/shared/info" 23:16.59 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasNoChildren) "/" "Shared Folders/shared/info"', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" "Shared Folders/shared/info"') 23:16.59 untagged_responses[LIST] 8 += ["(\HasNoChildren) "/" "Shared Folders/shared/info""] 23:16.59 < KJHM52 OK Completed (0.000 secs 25 calls) 23:16.59 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM52', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 25 calls)') 23:16.59 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\Noinferiors \\HasNoChildren) "/" INBOX', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Archive', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Drafts', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Files', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Sent', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Spam', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" Trash', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" "Other Users/muster/info"', '(\\HasNoChildren) "/" "Shared Folders/shared/info"'] 2016-06-05 18:23:16,597 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Folder INBOX 2016-06-05 18:23:16,597 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Subscribing muster2@quetzalsailing.ch to folder INBOX 23:16.59 > KJHM53 SUBSCRIBE INBOX 23:16.61 < KJHM53 OK Completed 23:16.61 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM53', 'OK', 'Completed') [SUBSCRIBE INBOX] OK: Completed 2016-06-05 18:23:16,610 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Folder Archive 2016-06-05 18:23:16,610 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Subscribing muster2@quetzalsailing.ch to folder Archive 23:16.61 > KJHM54 SUBSCRIBE Archive 23:16.62 < KJHM54 OK Completed 23:16.62 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM54', 'OK', 'Completed') [SUBSCRIBE Archive] OK: Completed 2016-06-05 18:23:16,621 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Folder Drafts 2016-06-05 18:23:16,621 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Subscribing muster2@quetzalsailing.ch to folder Drafts 23:16.62 > KJHM55 SUBSCRIBE Drafts 23:16.63 < KJHM55 OK Completed 23:16.63 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM55', 'OK', 'Completed') [SUBSCRIBE Drafts] OK: Completed 2016-06-05 18:23:16,633 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Folder Files 2016-06-05 18:23:16,633 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Subscribing muster2@quetzalsailing.ch to folder Files 23:16.63 > KJHM56 SUBSCRIBE Files 23:16.64 < KJHM56 OK Completed 23:16.64 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM56', 'OK', 'Completed') [SUBSCRIBE Files] OK: Completed 2016-06-05 18:23:16,644 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Folder Sent 2016-06-05 18:23:16,644 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Subscribing muster2@quetzalsailing.ch to folder Sent 23:16.64 > KJHM57 SUBSCRIBE Sent 23:16.65 < KJHM57 OK Completed 23:16.65 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM57', 'OK', 'Completed') [SUBSCRIBE Sent] OK: Completed 2016-06-05 18:23:16,654 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Folder Spam 2016-06-05 18:23:16,654 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Subscribing muster2@quetzalsailing.ch to folder Spam 23:16.65 > KJHM58 SUBSCRIBE Spam 23:16.66 < KJHM58 OK Completed 23:16.66 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM58', 'OK', 'Completed') [SUBSCRIBE Spam] OK: Completed 2016-06-05 18:23:16,666 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Folder Trash 2016-06-05 18:23:16,666 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Subscribing muster2@quetzalsailing.ch to folder Trash 23:16.66 > KJHM59 SUBSCRIBE Trash 23:16.67 < KJHM59 OK Completed 23:16.67 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM59', 'OK', 'Completed') [SUBSCRIBE Trash] OK: Completed 2016-06-05 18:23:16,678 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Folder Other Users/muster/info 2016-06-05 18:23:16,678 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Folder Shared Folders/shared/info 23:16.67 > KJHM60 LOGOUT 23:16.68 < * BYE LOGOUT received 23:16.68 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('BYE', ' LOGOUT received', 'LOGOUT received') 23:16.68 untagged_responses[BYE] 0 += ["LOGOUT received"] 23:16.68 BYE response: LOGOUT received 23:16.68 < KJHM60 OK Completed 23:16.68 matched r'(?PKJHM\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('KJHM60', 'OK', 'Completed') [LOGOUT] BYE: LOGOUT received 2016-06-05 18:23:16,748 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Logging on to Cyrus IMAP server localhost 23:16.74 > IAAB1 LOGIN cyrus-admin "vudQCN3k47bVLiUGphuI" 23:16.79 < IAAB1 OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ ID ENABLE ACL RIGHTS=kxten QUOTA MAILBOX-REFERRALS NAMESPACE UIDPLUS NO_ATOMIC_RENAME UNSELECT CHILDREN MULTIAPPEND BINARY CATENATE CONDSTORE ESEARCH SORT SORT=MODSEQ SORT=DISPLAY SORT=UID THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES ANNOTATEMORE ANNOTATE-EXPERIMENT-1 METADATA LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LIST-MYRIGHTS WITHIN QRESYNC SCAN XLIST XMOVE MOVE SPECIAL-USE CREATE-SPECIAL-USE URLAUTH URLAUTH=BINARY X-NETSCAPE LOGINDISABLED AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=LOGIN COMPRESS=DEFLATE X-QUOTA=STORAGE X-QUOTA=MESSAGE X-QUOTA=X-ANNOTATION-STORAGE X-QUOTA=X-NUM-FOLDERS IDLE] User logged in SESSIONID= 23:16.79 matched r'(?PIAAB\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IAAB1', 'OK', '[CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ ID ENABLE ACL RIGHTS=kxten QUOTA MAILBOX-REFERRALS NAMESPACE UIDPLUS NO_ATOMIC_RENAME UNSELECT CHILDREN MULTIAPPEND BINARY CATENATE CONDSTORE ESEARCH SORT SORT=MODSEQ SORT=DISPLAY SORT=UID THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES ANNOTATEMORE ANNOTATE-EXPERIMENT-1 METADATA LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LIST-MYRIGHTS WITHIN QRESYNC SCAN XLIST XMOVE MOVE SPECIAL-USE CREATE-SPECIAL-USE URLAUTH URLAUTH=BINARY X-NETSCAPE LOGINDISABLED AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=LOGIN COMPRESS=DEFLATE X-QUOTA=STORAGE X-QUOTA=MESSAGE X-QUOTA=X-ANNOTATION-STORAGE X-QUOTA=X-NUM-FOLDERS IDLE] User logged in SESSIONID=') 23:16.79 matched r'\[(?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P[^\]]*))?\]' => ('CAPABILITY', ' IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ ID ENABLE ACL RIGHTS=kxten QUOTA MAILBOX-REFERRALS NAMESPACE UIDPLUS NO_ATOMIC_RENAME UNSELECT CHILDREN MULTIAPPEND BINARY CATENATE CONDSTORE ESEARCH SORT SORT=MODSEQ SORT=DISPLAY SORT=UID THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES ANNOTATEMORE ANNOTATE-EXPERIMENT-1 METADATA LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LIST-MYRIGHTS WITHIN QRESYNC SCAN XLIST XMOVE MOVE SPECIAL-USE CREATE-SPECIAL-USE URLAUTH URLAUTH=BINARY X-NETSCAPE LOGINDISABLED AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=LOGIN COMPRESS=DEFLATE X-QUOTA=STORAGE X-QUOTA=MESSAGE X-QUOTA=X-ANNOTATION-STORAGE X-QUOTA=X-NUM-FOLDERS IDLE', 'IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ ID ENABLE ACL RIGHTS=kxten QUOTA MAILBOX-REFERRALS NAMESPACE UIDPLUS NO_ATOMIC_RENAME UNSELECT CHILDREN MULTIAPPEND BINARY CATENATE CONDSTORE ESEARCH SORT SORT=MODSEQ SORT=DISPLAY SORT=UID THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES ANNOTATEMORE ANNOTATE-EXPERIMENT-1 METADATA LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LIST-MYRIGHTS WITHIN QRESYNC SCAN XLIST XMOVE MOVE SPECIAL-USE CREATE-SPECIAL-USE URLAUTH URLAUTH=BINARY X-NETSCAPE LOGINDISABLED AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=LOGIN COMPRESS=DEFLATE X-QUOTA=STORAGE X-QUOTA=MESSAGE X-QUOTA=X-ANNOTATION-STORAGE X-QUOTA=X-NUM-FOLDERS IDLE') 23:16.79 untagged_responses[CAPABILITY] 0 += ["IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ ID ENABLE ACL RIGHTS=kxten QUOTA MAILBOX-REFERRALS NAMESPACE UIDPLUS NO_ATOMIC_RENAME UNSELECT CHILDREN MULTIAPPEND BINARY CATENATE CONDSTORE ESEARCH SORT SORT=MODSEQ SORT=DISPLAY SORT=UID THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES ANNOTATEMORE ANNOTATE-EXPERIMENT-1 METADATA LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LIST-MYRIGHTS WITHIN QRESYNC SCAN XLIST XMOVE MOVE SPECIAL-USE CREATE-SPECIAL-USE URLAUTH URLAUTH=BINARY X-NETSCAPE LOGINDISABLED AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=LOGIN COMPRESS=DEFLATE X-QUOTA=STORAGE X-QUOTA=MESSAGE X-QUOTA=X-ANNOTATION-STORAGE X-QUOTA=X-NUM-FOLDERS IDLE"] 23:16.80 > IAAB2 DUMP NIL 23:16.80 < IAAB2 NO Mailbox does not exist 23:16.80 matched r'(?PIAAB\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IAAB2', 'NO', 'Mailbox does not exist') 23:16.80 NO response: Mailbox does not exist 23:16.80 > IAAB3 LIST "" "" 23:16.80 < * LIST (\Noselect) "/" "" 23:16.80 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\Noselect) "/" ""', '(\\Noselect) "/" ""') 23:16.80 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\Noselect) "/" """] 23:16.80 < IAAB3 OK Completed (0.000 secs) 23:16.80 matched r'(?PIAAB\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IAAB3', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs)') 23:16.80 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\Noselect) "/" ""'] [LOGIN cyrus-admin] OK: [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ ID ENABLE ACL RIGHTS=kxten QUOTA MAILBOX-REFERRALS NAMESPACE UIDPLUS NO_ATOMIC_RENAME UNSELECT CHILDREN MULTIAPPEND BINARY CATENATE CONDSTORE ESEARCH SORT SORT=MODSEQ SORT=DISPLAY SORT=UID THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES ANNOTATEMORE ANNOTATE-EXPERIMENT-1 METADATA LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LIST-MYRIGHTS WITHIN QRESYNC SCAN XLIST XMOVE MOVE SPECIAL-USE CREATE-SPECIAL-USE URLAUTH URLAUTH=BINARY X-NETSCAPE LOGINDISABLED AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=LOGIN COMPRESS=DEFLATE X-QUOTA=STORAGE X-QUOTA=MESSAGE X-QUOTA=X-ANNOTATION-STORAGE X-QUOTA=X-NUM-FOLDERS IDLE] User logged in SESSIONID= 2016-06-05 18:23:16,802 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Continuing with separator: '/' 2016-06-05 18:23:16,802 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: This system is not part of a murder topology 23:16.80 > IAAB4 SETQUOTA "user/muster2/Archive@quetzalsailing.ch" () 23:16.86 < IAAB4 OK Completed 23:16.86 matched r'(?PIAAB\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IAAB4', 'OK', 'Completed') [SETQUOTA user/muster2/Archive@quetzalsailing.ch 0] OK: Completed 23:16.86 > IAAB5 LIST "" "user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch" 23:16.86 < * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 23:16.86 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', '(\\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch') 23:16.86 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch"] 23:16.86 < IAAB5 OK Completed (0.000 secs 15 calls) 23:16.86 matched r'(?PIAAB\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IAAB5', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 15 calls)') 23:16.86 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:16,869 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Moving INBOX folder user/muster2/Archive@quetzalsailing.ch to user/muster2/Archive@quetzalsailing.ch on partition archive 23:16.87 > IAAB6 RENAME "user/muster2/Archive@quetzalsailing.ch" "user/muster2/Archive@quetzalsailing.ch" "archive" 23:16.87 < IAAB6 BAD Invalid partition name in Rename 23:16.87 matched r'(?PIAAB\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IAAB6', 'BAD', 'Invalid partition name in Rename') 23:16.87 BAD response: Invalid partition name in Rename 2016-06-05 18:23:16,871 pykolab.imap ERROR Could not rename user/muster2/Archive@quetzalsailing.ch to reside on partition archive 23:16.87 > IAAB7 LIST "" "user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch" 23:16.87 < * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 23:16.87 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', '(\\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch') 23:16.87 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch"] 23:16.87 < IAAB7 OK Completed (0.000 secs 15 calls) 23:16.87 matched r'(?PIAAB\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IAAB7', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 15 calls)') 23:16.87 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:16,872 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Server for mailbox 'user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch' is 'localhost' 2016-06-05 18:23:16,872 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry mailhost attribute value: None 2016-06-05 18:23:16,872 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: imap.user_mailbox_server('user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch') result: 'localhost' 2016-06-05 18:23:16,873 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Setting entry attribute 'mailhost' to 'localhost' for {'dn': 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 'domain': 'quetzalsailing.ch', 'displayname': 'Muster2, Peter2', 'cn': 'Peter2 Muster2', 'alias': ['p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'], 'preferredlanguage': 'en_US', 'userpassword': '{SSHA}Co1kzLfv7CAld+y1dtwBn0qX72b2lYrOCiB2mw==', 'nsuniqueid': 'b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 'id': 'b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 'objectclass': ['top', 'inetorgperson', 'kolabinetorgperson', 'mailrecipient', 'organizationalperson', 'person'], 'mailhost': None, 'sn': 'Muster2', 'mail': 'muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'surname': 'Muster2', 'givenname': 'Peter2', 'type': 'user', 'modifytimestamp': '20160605162311Z', 'uid': 'muster2'} 2016-06-05 18:23:16,873 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:16,873 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:16,873 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry ID: 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:16,873 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry DN: 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:16,873 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: ldap search: ('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 0, filterstr='(objectclass=*)', attrlist=[ 'dn' ] + ['*'] *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 0, '(objectclass=*)', ['dn', '*'], 0, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((18, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:16,874 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:16,875 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry ID: {'dn': 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 'domain': 'quetzalsailing.ch', 'displayname': 'Muster2, Peter2', 'cn': 'Peter2 Muster2', 'alias': ['p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'], 'preferredlanguage': 'en_US', 'userpassword': '{SSHA}Co1kzLfv7CAld+y1dtwBn0qX72b2lYrOCiB2mw==', 'nsuniqueid': 'b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 'id': 'b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 'objectclass': ['top', 'inetorgperson', 'kolabinetorgperson', 'mailrecipient', 'organizationalperson', 'person'], 'mailhost': None, 'sn': 'Muster2', 'mail': 'muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'surname': 'Muster2', 'givenname': 'Peter2', 'type': 'user', 'modifytimestamp': '20160605162311Z', 'uid': 'muster2'} 2016-06-05 18:23:16,875 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry DN: 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:16,875 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: ldap search: ('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 0, filterstr='(objectclass=*)', attrlist=[ 'dn' ] + ['mailhost'] *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 0, '(objectclass=*)', ['dn', 'mailhost'], 0, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((19, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.modify_ext (('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', [(0, 'mailhost', 'localhost')], None, None), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((20, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:16,891 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:16,891 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:16,891 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry ID: 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:16,892 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry DN: 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:16,892 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: ldap search: ('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 0, filterstr='(objectclass=*)', attrlist=[ 'dn' ] + ['mailquota'] *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 0, '(objectclass=*)', ['dn', 'mailquota'], 0, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((21, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) 23:16.93 > IAAB8 GETQUOTA "user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch" 23:16.93 < IAAB8 NO Quota root does not exist 23:16.93 matched r'(?PIAAB\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IAAB8', 'NO', 'Quota root does not exist') 23:16.93 NO response: Quota root does not exist [GETQUOTA user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch] BAD: Quota root does not exist 2016-06-05 18:23:16,934 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: About to consider the user quota for 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' (used: None, imap: None, ldap: None, default: 0 2016-06-05 18:23:16,934 pykolab.plugins DEBUG [32659]: Executing hook set_user_folder_quota for plugin dynamicquota 2016-06-05 18:23:16,934 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Setting entry attribute 'mailquota' to '0' for 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:16,934 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:16,935 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:16,935 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry ID: 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:16,935 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry DN: 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:16,935 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: ldap search: ('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 0, filterstr='(objectclass=*)', attrlist=[ 'dn' ] + ['*'] *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 0, '(objectclass=*)', ['dn', '*'], 0, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((22, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:16,936 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:16,937 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry ID: 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:16,937 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry DN: 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:16,937 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: ldap search: ('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 0, filterstr='(objectclass=*)', attrlist=[ 'dn' ] + ['mailquota'] *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 0, '(objectclass=*)', ['dn', 'mailquota'], 0, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((23, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.modify_ext (('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', [(0, 'mailquota', '0')], None, None), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((24, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) 23:16.95 > IAAB9 LIST "" "user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch" 23:16.95 < * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 23:16.95 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', '(\\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch') 23:16.95 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch"] 23:16.95 < IAAB9 OK Completed (0.000 secs 15 calls) 23:16.95 matched r'(?PIAAB\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IAAB9', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 15 calls)') 23:16.95 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:16,956 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting quota for folder user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch to 0 23:16.95 > IAAB10 SETQUOTA "user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch" () 23:17.54 < IAAB10 OK Completed 23:17.54 matched r'(?PIAAB\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IAAB10', 'OK', 'Completed') *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((3, 0, -1, 1, 1, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,546 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: LDAP Search Result Data Entry: 2016-06-05 18:23:17,546 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: DN: 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,546 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry: {'displayName': ['Muster2, Peter2'], 'cn': ['Peter2 Muster2'], 'preferredLanguage': ['en_US'], 'userPassword': ['{SSHA}Co1kzLfv7CAld+y1dtwBn0qX72b2lYrOCiB2mw=='], 'nsuniqueid': ['b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009'], 'objectClass': ['top', 'inetorgperson', 'kolabinetorgperson', 'mailrecipient', 'organizationalperson', 'person'], 'alias': ['p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'], 'mailHost': ['localhost'], 'sn': ['Muster2'], 'mail': ['muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'], 'givenName': ['Peter2'], 'modifytimestamp': ['20160605162316Z'], 'uid': ['muster2']} 2016-06-05 18:23:17,546 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry Change Notification attributes: 2016-06-05 18:23:17,546 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Change Type: 4 ('modify') 2016-06-05 18:23:17,546 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Previous DN: None 2016-06-05 18:23:17,547 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: auth.ldap.LDAP._synchronize_callback(args (), kw {'dn': 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 'change_type': 4, 'primary_domain': None, 'secondary_domains': [], 'entry': {'displayName': ['Muster2, Peter2'], 'cn': ['Peter2 Muster2'], 'preferredLanguage': ['en_US'], 'userPassword': ['{SSHA}Co1kzLfv7CAld+y1dtwBn0qX72b2lYrOCiB2mw=='], 'nsuniqueid': ['b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009'], 'objectClass': ['top', 'inetorgperson', 'kolabinetorgperson', 'mailrecipient', 'organizationalperson', 'person'], 'alias': ['p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'], 'mailHost': ['localhost'], 'sn': ['Muster2'], 'mail': ['muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'], 'givenName': ['Peter2'], 'modifytimestamp': ['20160605162316Z'], 'uid': ['muster2']}, 'previous_dn': None, 'change_number': None}) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,547 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:17,547 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching root dn for domain 'quetzalsailing.ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,547 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Returning from cache: 'dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,547 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching with filter '(objectclass=kolabinetorgperson)' *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 2, '(objectclass=kolabinetorgperson)', None, 0, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((25, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((25, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((25, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((25, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,548 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry type: user 2016-06-05 18:23:17,550 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO SELECT entry.id AS entry_id, entry.uniqueid AS entry_uniqueid, entry.result_attribute AS entry_result_attribute, entry.last_change AS entry_last_change FROM entry WHERE entry.uniqueid = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? 2016-06-05 18:23:17,550 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO SELECT entry.id AS entry_id, entry.uniqueid AS entry_uniqueid, entry.result_attribute AS entry_result_attribute, entry.last_change AS entry_last_change FROM entry WHERE entry.uniqueid = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? 2016-06-05 18:23:17,550 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO ('b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 1, 0) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,550 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO ('b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 1, 0) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,552 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO SELECT entry.id AS entry_id, entry.uniqueid AS entry_uniqueid, entry.result_attribute AS entry_result_attribute, entry.last_change AS entry_last_change FROM entry WHERE entry.uniqueid = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? 2016-06-05 18:23:17,552 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO SELECT entry.id AS entry_id, entry.uniqueid AS entry_uniqueid, entry.result_attribute AS entry_result_attribute, entry.last_change AS entry_last_change FROM entry WHERE entry.uniqueid = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? 2016-06-05 18:23:17,552 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO ('b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 1, 0) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,552 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO ('b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 1, 0) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,553 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:17,553 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching root dn for domain 'quetzalsailing.ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,553 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Returning from cache: 'dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,553 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching with filter '(objectclass=kolabinetorgperson)' *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 2, '(objectclass=kolabinetorgperson)', None, 0, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((26, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((26, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((26, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,554 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Applying recipient policy to 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,555 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Using mail attributes: ['mail', 'alias'], with primary 'mail' and secondary 'alias' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,555 pykolab.plugins DEBUG [32659]: Executing hook set_primary_mail for plugin recipientpolicy 2016-06-05 18:23:17,555 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Transliterating string 'Muster2@quetzalsailing.ch' with locale 'en_US' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,555 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Attempting to set locale 2016-06-05 18:23:17,555 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Success setting locale 2016-06-05 18:23:17,555 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Executing 'Muster2@quetzalsailing.ch | /usr/bin/iconv -f UTF-8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT -s' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,560 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:17,560 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Finding recipient with filter '(&(|(mail=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,560 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching root dn for domain 'quetzalsailing.ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,560 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Returning from cache: 'dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 2, '(&(|(mail=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))', ['mail', 'alias', 'nsuniqueid'], True, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((27, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,562 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: No results for mail address muster2@quetzalsailing.ch found 2016-06-05 18:23:17,562 pykolab.plugins DEBUG [32659]: Executing hook set_secondary_mail for plugin recipientpolicy 2016-06-05 18:23:17,562 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Alternative mail routines: {0: {'{0}.{1}@{2}': "format('%(givenname)s'[0:1].capitalize(), '%(surname)s', '%(domain)s')"}, 1: {'{0}@{1}': "format('%(uid)s', '%(domain)s')"}, 2: {'{0}@{1}': "format('%(givenname)s.%(surname)s', '%(domain)s')"}} 2016-06-05 18:23:17,562 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Alternative mail routines: {0: {'{0}.{1}@{2}': "format('%(givenname)s'[0:1].capitalize(), '%(surname)s', '%(domain)s')"}, 1: {'{0}@{1}': "format('%(uid)s', '%(domain)s')"}, 2: {'{0}@{1}': "format('%(givenname)s.%(surname)s', '%(domain)s')"}} 2016-06-05 18:23:17,563 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Transliterating string 'Peter2' with locale 'en_US' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,563 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Attempting to set locale 2016-06-05 18:23:17,563 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Success setting locale 2016-06-05 18:23:17,563 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Executing 'Peter2 | /usr/bin/iconv -f UTF-8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT -s' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,567 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Transliterating string 'Muster2' with locale 'en_US' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,567 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Attempting to set locale 2016-06-05 18:23:17,567 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Success setting locale 2016-06-05 18:23:17,567 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Executing 'Muster2 | /usr/bin/iconv -f UTF-8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT -s' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,570 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Transliterating string 'Muster2' with locale 'en_US' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,571 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Attempting to set locale 2016-06-05 18:23:17,571 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Success setting locale 2016-06-05 18:23:17,571 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Executing 'Muster2 | /usr/bin/iconv -f UTF-8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT -s' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,574 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Appending additional mail address: P.Muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 2016-06-05 18:23:17,574 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Appending additional mail address: P.Muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 2016-06-05 18:23:17,574 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Appending additional mail address: muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 2016-06-05 18:23:17,574 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Appending additional mail address: muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 2016-06-05 18:23:17,575 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Appending additional mail address: Peter2.Muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 2016-06-05 18:23:17,575 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Appending additional mail address: Peter2.Muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 2016-06-05 18:23:17,575 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:17,575 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Finding recipient with filter '(&(|(mail=peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,576 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching root dn for domain 'quetzalsailing.ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,576 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Returning from cache: 'dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 2, '(&(|(mail=peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))', ['mail', 'alias', 'nsuniqueid'], True, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((28, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,577 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: No results for address peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch found 2016-06-05 18:23:17,577 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:17,578 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Finding recipient with filter '(&(|(mail=p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,578 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching root dn for domain 'quetzalsailing.ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,578 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Returning from cache: 'dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 2, '(&(|(mail=p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))', ['mail', 'alias', 'nsuniqueid'], True, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((29, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,579 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: No results for address p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch found 2016-06-05 18:23:17,580 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:17,580 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Finding recipient with filter '(&(|(mail=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,580 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching root dn for domain 'quetzalsailing.ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,580 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Returning from cache: 'dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 2, '(&(|(mail=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))', ['mail', 'alias', 'nsuniqueid'], True, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((30, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,581 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: No results for address muster2@quetzalsailing.ch found 2016-06-05 18:23:17,581 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Recipient policy composed the following set of secondary email addresses: ['peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:17,582 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Secondary mail addresses that we want is not None: ['peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:17,582 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Avoiding the duplication of the primary mail address 'muster2@quetzalsailing.ch' in the list of secondary mail addresses 2016-06-05 18:23:17,582 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry is getting secondary mail addresses: ['peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:17,582 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: secondary_mail_addresses: ['peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:17,582 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: entry[alias]: ['p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:17,582 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: secondary_mail_addresses: ['p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:17,582 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: entry[alias]: ['p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:17,583 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry modifications list: {} 2016-06-05 18:23:17,583 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Result from recipient policy: {} 23:17.58 > IAAB11 LIST "" "user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch" 23:17.58 < * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 23:17.58 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', '(\\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch') 23:17.58 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch"] 23:17.58 < IAAB11 OK Completed (0.000 secs 15 calls) 23:17.58 matched r'(?PIAAB\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IAAB11', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 15 calls)') 23:17.58 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:17,585 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Looking for folder 'user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', we found folders: [u'user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:17,585 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:17,585 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:17,585 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry ID: 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,585 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry DN: 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,586 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: ldap search: ('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 0, filterstr='(objectclass=*)', attrlist=[ 'dn' ] + ['mailquota'] *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 0, '(objectclass=*)', ['dn', 'mailquota'], 0, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((31, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) 23:17.58 > IAAB12 GETQUOTA "user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch" 23:17.58 < * QUOTA user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch () 23:17.58 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('QUOTA', ' user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch ()', 'user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch ()') 23:17.58 untagged_responses[QUOTA] 0 += ["user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch ()"] 23:17.58 < IAAB12 OK Completed 23:17.58 matched r'(?PIAAB\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IAAB12', 'OK', 'Completed') 23:17.58 untagged_responses[QUOTA] => ['user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch ()'] [GETQUOTA user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch] QUOTA (Unlimited) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,588 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: About to consider the user quota for 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' (used: None, imap: None, ldap: '0', default: 0 2016-06-05 18:23:17,588 pykolab.plugins DEBUG [32659]: Executing hook set_user_folder_quota for plugin dynamicquota 23:17.58 > IAAB13 LIST "" "user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch" 23:17.58 < * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 23:17.58 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', '(\\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch') 23:17.58 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch"] 23:17.58 < IAAB13 OK Completed (0.000 secs 15 calls) 23:17.58 matched r'(?PIAAB\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IAAB13', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 15 calls)') 23:17.58 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:17,589 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting quota for folder user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch to 0 23:17.59 > IAAB14 SETQUOTA "user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch" () 23:17.59 < IAAB14 OK Completed 23:17.59 matched r'(?PIAAB\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IAAB14', 'OK', 'Completed') *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((3, 0, -1, 1, 1, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,591 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: LDAP Search Result Data Entry: 2016-06-05 18:23:17,591 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: DN: 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,591 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry: {'displayName': ['Muster2, Peter2'], 'cn': ['Peter2 Muster2'], 'mailQuota': ['0'], 'preferredLanguage': ['en_US'], 'userPassword': ['{SSHA}Co1kzLfv7CAld+y1dtwBn0qX72b2lYrOCiB2mw=='], 'nsuniqueid': ['b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009'], 'objectClass': ['top', 'inetorgperson', 'kolabinetorgperson', 'mailrecipient', 'organizationalperson', 'person'], 'alias': ['p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'], 'mailHost': ['localhost'], 'sn': ['Muster2'], 'mail': ['muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'], 'givenName': ['Peter2'], 'modifytimestamp': ['20160605162316Z'], 'uid': ['muster2']} 2016-06-05 18:23:17,592 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry Change Notification attributes: 2016-06-05 18:23:17,592 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Change Type: 4 ('modify') 2016-06-05 18:23:17,592 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Previous DN: None 2016-06-05 18:23:17,592 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: auth.ldap.LDAP._synchronize_callback(args (), kw {'dn': 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 'change_type': 4, 'primary_domain': None, 'secondary_domains': [], 'entry': {'displayName': ['Muster2, Peter2'], 'cn': ['Peter2 Muster2'], 'mailQuota': ['0'], 'preferredLanguage': ['en_US'], 'userPassword': ['{SSHA}Co1kzLfv7CAld+y1dtwBn0qX72b2lYrOCiB2mw=='], 'nsuniqueid': ['b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009'], 'objectClass': ['top', 'inetorgperson', 'kolabinetorgperson', 'mailrecipient', 'organizationalperson', 'person'], 'alias': ['p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'], 'mailHost': ['localhost'], 'sn': ['Muster2'], 'mail': ['muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'], 'givenName': ['Peter2'], 'modifytimestamp': ['20160605162316Z'], 'uid': ['muster2']}, 'previous_dn': None, 'change_number': None}) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,592 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:17,592 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching root dn for domain 'quetzalsailing.ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,592 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Returning from cache: 'dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,593 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching with filter '(objectclass=kolabinetorgperson)' *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 2, '(objectclass=kolabinetorgperson)', None, 0, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((32, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((32, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((32, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,594 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry type: user 2016-06-05 18:23:17,595 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO SELECT entry.id AS entry_id, entry.uniqueid AS entry_uniqueid, entry.result_attribute AS entry_result_attribute, entry.last_change AS entry_last_change FROM entry WHERE entry.uniqueid = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? 2016-06-05 18:23:17,595 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO SELECT entry.id AS entry_id, entry.uniqueid AS entry_uniqueid, entry.result_attribute AS entry_result_attribute, entry.last_change AS entry_last_change FROM entry WHERE entry.uniqueid = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? 2016-06-05 18:23:17,596 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO ('b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 1, 0) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,596 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO ('b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 1, 0) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,597 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO SELECT entry.id AS entry_id, entry.uniqueid AS entry_uniqueid, entry.result_attribute AS entry_result_attribute, entry.last_change AS entry_last_change FROM entry WHERE entry.uniqueid = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? 2016-06-05 18:23:17,597 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO SELECT entry.id AS entry_id, entry.uniqueid AS entry_uniqueid, entry.result_attribute AS entry_result_attribute, entry.last_change AS entry_last_change FROM entry WHERE entry.uniqueid = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? 2016-06-05 18:23:17,597 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO ('b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 1, 0) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,597 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INFO ('b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009', 1, 0) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,598 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:17,598 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching root dn for domain 'quetzalsailing.ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,598 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Returning from cache: 'dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,598 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching with filter '(objectclass=kolabinetorgperson)' *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 2, '(objectclass=kolabinetorgperson)', None, 0, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((33, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((33, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((33, False, 0, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,599 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Applying recipient policy to 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,600 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Using mail attributes: ['mail', 'alias'], with primary 'mail' and secondary 'alias' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,600 pykolab.plugins DEBUG [32659]: Executing hook set_primary_mail for plugin recipientpolicy 2016-06-05 18:23:17,600 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Transliterating string 'Muster2@quetzalsailing.ch' with locale 'en_US' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,600 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Attempting to set locale 2016-06-05 18:23:17,600 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Success setting locale 2016-06-05 18:23:17,600 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Executing 'Muster2@quetzalsailing.ch | /usr/bin/iconv -f UTF-8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT -s' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,604 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:17,605 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Finding recipient with filter '(&(|(mail=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,605 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching root dn for domain 'quetzalsailing.ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,605 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Returning from cache: 'dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 2, '(&(|(mail=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))', ['mail', 'alias', 'nsuniqueid'], True, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((34, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,606 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: No results for mail address muster2@quetzalsailing.ch found 2016-06-05 18:23:17,607 pykolab.plugins DEBUG [32659]: Executing hook set_secondary_mail for plugin recipientpolicy 2016-06-05 18:23:17,607 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Alternative mail routines: {0: {'{0}.{1}@{2}': "format('%(givenname)s'[0:1].capitalize(), '%(surname)s', '%(domain)s')"}, 1: {'{0}@{1}': "format('%(uid)s', '%(domain)s')"}, 2: {'{0}@{1}': "format('%(givenname)s.%(surname)s', '%(domain)s')"}} 2016-06-05 18:23:17,607 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Alternative mail routines: {0: {'{0}.{1}@{2}': "format('%(givenname)s'[0:1].capitalize(), '%(surname)s', '%(domain)s')"}, 1: {'{0}@{1}': "format('%(uid)s', '%(domain)s')"}, 2: {'{0}@{1}': "format('%(givenname)s.%(surname)s', '%(domain)s')"}} 2016-06-05 18:23:17,607 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Transliterating string 'Peter2' with locale 'en_US' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,607 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Attempting to set locale 2016-06-05 18:23:17,607 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Success setting locale 2016-06-05 18:23:17,608 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Executing 'Peter2 | /usr/bin/iconv -f UTF-8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT -s' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,610 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Transliterating string 'Muster2' with locale 'en_US' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,611 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Attempting to set locale 2016-06-05 18:23:17,611 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Success setting locale 2016-06-05 18:23:17,611 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Executing 'Muster2 | /usr/bin/iconv -f UTF-8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT -s' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,614 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Transliterating string 'Muster2' with locale 'en_US' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,614 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Attempting to set locale 2016-06-05 18:23:17,614 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Success setting locale 2016-06-05 18:23:17,614 pykolab.utils DEBUG [32659]: Executing 'Muster2 | /usr/bin/iconv -f UTF-8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT -s' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,617 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Appending additional mail address: P.Muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 2016-06-05 18:23:17,617 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Appending additional mail address: P.Muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 2016-06-05 18:23:17,618 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Appending additional mail address: muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 2016-06-05 18:23:17,618 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Appending additional mail address: muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 2016-06-05 18:23:17,618 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Appending additional mail address: Peter2.Muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 2016-06-05 18:23:17,618 pykolab.plugins.recipientpolicy DEBUG [32659]: Appending additional mail address: Peter2.Muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 2016-06-05 18:23:17,618 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:17,619 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Finding recipient with filter '(&(|(mail=peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,619 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching root dn for domain 'quetzalsailing.ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,619 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Returning from cache: 'dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 2, '(&(|(mail=peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))', ['mail', 'alias', 'nsuniqueid'], True, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((35, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,620 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: No results for address peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch found 2016-06-05 18:23:17,621 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:17,621 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Finding recipient with filter '(&(|(mail=p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,621 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching root dn for domain 'quetzalsailing.ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,621 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Returning from cache: 'dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 2, '(&(|(mail=p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))', ['mail', 'alias', 'nsuniqueid'], True, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((36, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,623 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: No results for address p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch found 2016-06-05 18:23:17,623 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:17,623 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Finding recipient with filter '(&(|(mail=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,623 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Searching root dn for domain 'quetzalsailing.ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,623 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Returning from cache: 'dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 2, '(&(|(mail=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch)(alias=muster2@quetzalsailing.ch))(!(nsuniqueid=b8817181-2b3911e6-b4b7ab7b-af958009)))', ['mail', 'alias', 'nsuniqueid'], True, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((37, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,625 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: No results for address muster2@quetzalsailing.ch found 2016-06-05 18:23:17,625 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Recipient policy composed the following set of secondary email addresses: ['peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:17,625 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Secondary mail addresses that we want is not None: ['peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:17,625 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Avoiding the duplication of the primary mail address 'muster2@quetzalsailing.ch' in the list of secondary mail addresses 2016-06-05 18:23:17,625 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry is getting secondary mail addresses: ['peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:17,625 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: secondary_mail_addresses: ['peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:17,625 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: entry[alias]: ['p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:17,626 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: secondary_mail_addresses: ['p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:17,626 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: entry[alias]: ['p.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', 'peter2.muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:17,626 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry modifications list: {} 2016-06-05 18:23:17,626 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Result from recipient policy: {} 23:17.62 > IAAB15 LIST "" "user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch" 23:17.62 < * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 23:17.62 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', '(\\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch') 23:17.62 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch"] 23:17.62 < IAAB15 OK Completed (0.000 secs 15 calls) 23:17.62 matched r'(?PIAAB\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IAAB15', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 15 calls)') 23:17.62 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:17,628 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Looking for folder 'user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', we found folders: [u'user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:17,628 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:17,628 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: _bind called, but already bound 2016-06-05 18:23:17,628 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry ID: 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,628 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: Entry DN: 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' 2016-06-05 18:23:17,629 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: ldap search: ('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 0, filterstr='(objectclass=*)', attrlist=[ 'dn' ] + ['mailquota'] *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.search_ext (('uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch', 0, '(objectclass=*)', ['dn', 'mailquota'], 0, None, None, -1, 0), {}) *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((38, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), {}) 23:17.63 > IAAB16 GETQUOTA "user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch" 23:17.63 < * QUOTA user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch () 23:17.63 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('QUOTA', ' user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch ()', 'user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch ()') 23:17.63 untagged_responses[QUOTA] 0 += ["user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch ()"] 23:17.63 < IAAB16 OK Completed 23:17.63 matched r'(?PIAAB\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IAAB16', 'OK', 'Completed') 23:17.63 untagged_responses[QUOTA] => ['user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch ()'] [GETQUOTA user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch] QUOTA (Unlimited) 2016-06-05 18:23:17,631 pykolab.auth DEBUG [32659]: About to consider the user quota for 'uid=muster2,ou=People,dc=quetzalsailing,dc=ch' (used: None, imap: None, ldap: '0', default: 0 2016-06-05 18:23:17,631 pykolab.plugins DEBUG [32659]: Executing hook set_user_folder_quota for plugin dynamicquota 23:17.63 > IAAB17 LIST "" "user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch" 23:17.63 < * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch 23:17.63 matched r'\* (?P[A-Z-]+)( (?P.*))?' => ('LIST', ' (\\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch', '(\\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch') 23:17.63 untagged_responses[LIST] 0 += ["(\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch"] 23:17.63 < IAAB17 OK Completed (0.000 secs 15 calls) 23:17.63 matched r'(?PIAAB\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IAAB17', 'OK', 'Completed (0.000 secs 15 calls)') 23:17.63 untagged_responses[LIST] => ['(\\HasChildren) "/" user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch'] 2016-06-05 18:23:17,632 pykolab.imap DEBUG [32659]: Setting quota for folder user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch to 0 23:17.63 > IAAB18 SETQUOTA "user/muster2@quetzalsailing.ch" () 23:17.63 < IAAB18 OK Completed 23:17.63 matched r'(?PIAAB\d+) (?P[A-Z]+) (?P.*)' => ('IAAB18', 'OK', 'Completed') *** ldap://localhost:389 - ReconnectLDAPObject.result4 ((3, 0, -1, 1, 1, 0), {})