diff --git a/src/app/Backends/DAV/Vtodo.php b/src/app/Backends/DAV/Vtodo.php
index 9ae1bfc6..760fa559 100644
--- a/src/app/Backends/DAV/Vtodo.php
+++ b/src/app/Backends/DAV/Vtodo.php
@@ -1,53 +1,42 @@
{$prop})) {
- $key = Str::camel(strtolower($prop));
- $this->{$key} = (string) $vobject->{$prop};
- }
- }
// map other properties
foreach ($vobject->children() as $prop) {
if (!($prop instanceof Property)) {
switch ($prop->name) {
case 'DUE':
// This is of type Sabre\VObject\Property\ICalendar\DateTime
$this->due = $prop;
$this->percentComplete = $prop->getValue();
diff --git a/src/app/DataMigrator/EWS/Task.php b/src/app/DataMigrator/EWS/Task.php
index 33b2a7a6..76dc6b4a 100644
--- a/src/app/DataMigrator/EWS/Task.php
+++ b/src/app/DataMigrator/EWS/Task.php
@@ -1,319 +1,319 @@
'DTSTAMP' => [$this->formatDate($item->getLastModifiedTime()), ['VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME']],
'CREATED' => [$this->formatDate($item->getDateTimeCreated()), ['VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME']],
'SEQUENCE' => [intval($item->getChangeCount())],
'SUMMARY' => [$item->getSubject()],
'DESCRIPTION' => [(string) $item->getBody()],
'PERCENT-COMPLETE' => [intval($item->getPercentComplete())],
'X-MS-ID' => [$this->itemId],
if ($dueDate = $item->getDueDate()) {
$data['DUE'] = [$this->formatDate($dueDate), ['VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME']];
if ($startDate = $item->getStartDate()) {
$data['DTSTART'] = [$this->formatDate($startDate), ['VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME']];
if ($status = $item->getStatus()) {
$status = strtoupper($status);
$status_map = [
if (isset($status_map[$status])) {
$data['STATUS'] = [$status_map[$status]];
if (($categories = $item->getCategories()) && $categories->String) {
$data['CATEGORIES'] = [$categories->String];
if ($sensitivity = $item->getSensitivity()) {
$sensitivity_map = [
$data['CLASS'] = [$sensitivity_map[strtoupper($sensitivity)] ?? 'PUBLIC'];
if ($importance = $item->getImportance()) {
$importance_map = [
'HIGH' => '9',
'NORMAL' => '5',
'LOW' => '1',
$data['PRIORITY'] = [$importance_map[strtoupper($importance)] ?? '0'];
$this->setTaskOrganizer($data, $item);
$this->setTaskRecurrence($data, $item);
$ical = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\nMETHOD:PUBLISH\r\nVERSION:2.0\r\nPRODID:Kolab EWS Data Migrator\r\nBEGIN:VTODO\r\n";
foreach ($data as $key => $prop) {
$ical .= $this->formatProp($key, $prop[0], isset($prop[1]) ? $prop[1] : []);
// Attachments
if ($item->getHasAttachments()) {
foreach ((array) $item->getAttachments()->getFileAttachment() as $attachment) {
$_attachment = $this->getAttachment($attachment);
$ctype = $_attachment->getContentType();
$body = $_attachment->getContent();
// It looks like Exchange may have an issue with plain text files.
// We'll skip empty files
if (!strlen($body)) {
// FIXME: This is imo inconsistence on php-ews side that MimeContent
// is base64 encoded, but Content isn't
// TODO: We should not do it in memory to not exceed the memory limit
$body = base64_encode($body);
$body = rtrim(chunk_split($body, 74, "\r\n "), ' ');
// Inject the attachment at the end of the VTODO block
// TODO: We should not do it in memory to not exceed the memory limit
$ical .= "ATTACH;VALUE=BINARY;ENCODING=BASE64;FMTTYPE={$ctype}:\r\n {$body}";
$ical .= $this->getVAlarm($item);
$ical .= "END:VTODO\r\n";
$ical .= "END:VCALENDAR\r\n";
return $ical;
* Set task organizer/attendee
protected function setTaskOrganizer(array &$data, Type $task)
// FIXME: Looks like the owner might be an email address or just a full user name
$owner = $task->getOwner();
$source = $this->driver->getSourceAccount();
$destination = $this->driver->getDestinationAccount();
if (strpos($owner, '@') && $owner != $source->email) {
// Task owned by another person
$data['ORGANIZER'] = ["mailto:{$owner}"];
// FIXME: Because attendees are not specified in EWS, assume the user is an attendee
if ($destination->email) {
$data['ATTENDEE'] = ["mailto:{$destination->email}", $params];
// Otherwise it must be owned by the user
if ($destination->email) {
$data['ORGANIZER'] = ["mailto:{$destination->email}"];
* Set task recurrence rule
protected function setTaskRecurrence(array &$data, Type $task)
if (empty($task->getIsRecurring()) || empty($task->getRecurrence())) {
$r = $task->getRecurrence();
$rrule = [];
if ($recurrence = $r->getDailyRecurrence()) {
$rrule['FREQ'] = 'DAILY';
$rrule['INTERVAL'] = $recurrence->getInterval() ?: 1;
} elseif ($recurrence = $r->getWeeklyRecurrence()) {
$rrule['FREQ'] = 'WEEKLY';
$rrule['INTERVAL'] = $recurrence->getInterval() ?: 1;
$rrule['BYDAY'] = $this->mapDays($recurrence->getDaysOfWeek());
$rrule['WKST'] = $this->mapDays($recurrence->getFirstDayOfWeek());
} elseif ($recurrence = $r->getAbsoluteMonthlyRecurrence()) {
$rrule['FREQ'] = 'MONTHLY';
$rrule['INTERVAL'] = $recurrence->getInterval() ?: 1;
$rrule['BYMONTHDAY'] = $recurrence->getDayOfMonth();
} elseif ($recurrence = $r->getRelativeMonthlyRecurrence()) {
$rrule['FREQ'] = 'MONTHLY';
$rrule['INTERVAL'] = $recurrence->getInterval() ?: 1;
$rrule['BYDAY'] = $this->mapDays($recurrence->getDaysOfWeek(), $recurrence->getDayOfWeekIndex());
} elseif ($recurrence = $r->getAbsoluteYearlyRecurrence()) {
$rrule['FREQ'] = 'YEARLY';
$rrule['BYMONTH'] = $this->mapMonths($recurrence->getMonth());
$rrule['BYMONTHDAY'] = $recurrence->getDayOfMonth();
} elseif ($recurrence = $r->getRelativeYearlyRecurrence()) {
$rrule['FREQ'] = 'YEARLY';
$rrule['BYMONTH'] = $this->mapMonths($recurrence->getMonth());
$rrule['BYDAY'] = $this->mapDays($recurrence->getDaysOfWeek(), $recurrence->getDayOfWeekIndex());
} else {
// There might be *Regeneration rules that we don't support
\Log::debug("[EWS] Unsupported Recurrence property value. Ignored.");
if (!empty($rrule)) {
if ($recurrence = $r->getNumberedRecurrence()) {
$rrule['COUNT'] = $recurrence->getNumberOfOccurrences();
} elseif ($recurrence = $r->getEndDateRecurrence()) {
$rrule['UNTIL'] = $this->formatDate($recurrence->getEndDate());
$rrule = array_filter($rrule);
$rrule = trim(array_reduce(
function ($carry, $key) use ($rrule) {
return $carry . ';' . $key . '=' . $rrule[$key];
), ';');
$data['RRULE'] = [$rrule];
* Get VALARM block for the task Reminder
protected function getVAlarm(Type $task): string
// FIXME: To me it looks like ReminderMinutesBeforeStart property is not used
$date = $this->formatDate($task->getReminderDueBy());
if (empty($task->getReminderIsSet()) || empty($date)) {
return '';
- . "TRIGGER;VALUE=DATE-TIME:{$date}\r\n"
+ return "BEGIN:VALARM\r\n"
. "END:VALARM\r\n";
* Convert EWS representation of recurrence days to iCal
protected function mapDays(string $days, string $index = ''): string
if (preg_match('/(Day|Weekday|WeekendDay)/', $days)) {
// not supported
return '';
$days_map = [
'Sunday' => 'SU',
'Monday' => 'MO',
'Tuesday' => 'TU',
'Wednesday' => 'WE',
'Thursday' => 'TH',
'Friday' => 'FR',
'Saturday' => 'SA',
$index_map = [
'First' => 1,
'Second' => 2,
'Third' => 3,
'Fourth' => 4,
'Last' => -1,
$days = explode(' ', $days);
$days = array_map(
function ($day) use ($days_map, $index_map, $index) {
return ($index ? $index_map[$index] : '') . $days_map[$day];
return implode(',', $days);
* Convert EWS representation of recurrence month to iCal
protected function mapMonths(string $months): string
$months_map = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];
$months = explode(' ', $months);
$months = array_map(
function ($month) use ($months_map) {
return array_search($month, $months_map) + 1;
return implode(',', $months);
* Format EWS date-time into a iCalendar date-time
protected function formatDate($datetime)
if (empty($datetime)) {
return null;
return str_replace(['Z', '-', ':'], '', $datetime);
diff --git a/src/tests/Unit/Backends/DAV/VeventTest.php b/src/tests/Unit/Backends/DAV/VeventTest.php
index 1548945b..5ad3c585 100644
--- a/src/tests/Unit/Backends/DAV/VeventTest.php
+++ b/src/tests/Unit/Backends/DAV/VeventTest.php
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@