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[mobile] [bug?] Strange displaying of informations when opening a contact
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Steps to reproduce:
In main menu, click on "Contacts", then click one one contact to open it.

Actual results:
Below the "normal" UI (see screenshot 1) including a bar to edit the contact, informations are displayed in some strange-looking way, which cannot be edited and in my opinion doesn't have any sense (see screenshot 2)
--> Bug?

IMG_4553.PNG (1×640 px, 61 KB)

IMG_4547.PNG (1×640 px, 68 KB)

Expected results:
The screen should "end" with the bar at the lower side (including "previous", "edit", "QR Code", and "next").


Ticket Type

Event Timeline

Laura updated the task description. (Show Details)

@bohlender Ist da ein bug? Oder liegt es evtl an meinem Handy?