diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL index 6a0061104..2e0649a81 100644 --- a/INSTALL +++ b/INSTALL @@ -1,310 +1,311 @@ INTRODUCTION ============ This file describes the basic steps to install Roundcube Webmail on your web server. For additional information, please also consult the project's wiki page at https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/wiki REQUIREMENTS ============ * An IMAP, HTTP and SMTP server * .htaccess support allowing overrides for DirectoryIndex * PHP Version 5.5 or greater including: - PCRE, DOM, JSON, Session, Sockets, OpenSSL, Mbstring, Filter, Ctype, Intl (required) - - PHP PDO with driver for either MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle or SQLite (required) + - PHP PDO with driver for either MySQL (MariaDB), PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle or + SQLite (required) - Iconv, Zip, Fileinfo, Exif (recommended) - LDAP for LDAP addressbook support (optional) - GD, Imagick (optional thumbnails generation, QR-code) * PEAR and PEAR packages distributed with Roundcube or external. See composer.json-dist for the list of required packages. * php.ini options: - error_reporting E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT - memory_limit > 16MB - file_uploads enabled (for uploading attachments and import files) - session.auto_start disabled - suhosin.session.encrypt disabled - mbstring.func_overload disabled - pcre.backtrack_limit >= 100000 -* A MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server (2005 or newer), Oracle database +* A MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server (2005 or newer), Oracle database or SQLite v3 support in PHP - with permission to create tables * Composer installed either locally or globally (https://getcomposer.org) INSTALLATION ============ 1. Decompress and put this folder somewhere inside your document root. Note: Make sure files have proper owner/group for your setup. If you use tar command `--no-same-owner` option might be helpful. 2. In case you don't use the so-called "complete" release package, you have to install PHP and javascript dependencies. 2.1. Install PHP dependencies using composer: - get composer from https://getcomposer.org/download/ - rename the composer.json-dist file into composer.json - if you want to use LDAP address books, enable the LDAP libraries in your composer.json file by moving the items from "suggest" to the "require" section (remove the explanation texts after the version!). - run `php composer.phar install --no-dev` 2.2. Install Javascript dependencies by executing `bin/install-jsdeps.sh` script. 3. Make sure that the following directories (and the files within) are writable by the webserver - /temp - /logs 4. Create a new database and a database user for Roundcube (see DATABASE SETUP) 5. Point your browser to http://url-to-roundcube/installer/ 6. Follow the instructions of the install script (or see MANUAL CONFIGURATION) 7. After creating and testing the configuration, remove the installer directory ------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT: REMOVE THE INSTALLER DIRECTORY! ------------------------------------------ 8. If you use git sources compile css files for the Elastic skin (required lessc >= 2.5.2): $ cd skins/elastic $ lessc --clean-css="--s1 --advanced" styles/styles.less > styles/styles.min.css $ lessc --clean-css="--s1 --advanced" styles/print.less > styles/print.min.css $ lessc --clean-css="--s1 --advanced" styles/embed.less > styles/embed.min.css 9. Check Known Issues section of this file CONFIGURATION HINTS =================== IMPORTANT! Read all comments in defaults.inc.php, understand them and configure your installation to be not surprised by default behaviour. Roundcube writes internal errors to the 'errors.log' log file located in the logs directory which can be configured in config/config.inc.php. If you want ordinary PHP errors to be logged there as well, set error_log in php.ini or .htaccess file. Roundcube forces display_errors=Off and log_errors=On. By default the session cookie settings of PHP are not modified by Roundcube. However if you want to limit the session cookies to the directory where Roundcube resides you can set session.cookie_path in the php.ini or .htaccess file. More about PHP settings: https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/wiki/Installation#php-configuration DATABASE SETUP ============== Note: Database for Roundcube must use UTF-8 character set. Note: See defaults.inc.php file for examples of DSN configuration. -* MySQL +* MariaDB / MySQL ------- -Setting up the mysql database can be done by creating an empty database, +Setting up the mariadb / mysql database can be done by creating an empty database, importing the table layout and granting the proper permissions to the roundcube user. Here is an example of that procedure: -# mysql +# mariadb / mysql > CREATE DATABASE roundcubemail CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; > CREATE USER roundcube@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; > GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON roundcubemail.* TO roundcube@localhost; > quit Note 1: 'password' is the master password for the roundcube user. It is strongly recommended you replace this with a more secure password. Please keep in mind that you must specify this password later in 'config/config.inc.php'. Note 2: When using MySQL < 5.7.7 or MariaDB < 10.2.2 it is required to configure the database engine with: innodb_large_prefix=1 innodb_file_per_table=1 innodb_file_format=Barracuda Now you can run the Installer or configure the database access options in 'config/config.inc.php' and run: `bin/initdb.sh --dir=SQL`. * SQLite -------- Versions of sqlite database engine older than 3.0 aren't supported. Database file and structure is created automatically by Roundcube. Make sure your configuration points to some file location and that the webserver can write to the file and the directory containing the file. * PostgreSQL ------------ To use Roundcube with PostgreSQL support you have to follow these simple steps, which have to be done as the postgres system user (or which ever is the database superuser): $ createuser -P roundcube $ createdb -O roundcube -E UNICODE roundcubemail Note: in some system configurations you might need to add '-U postgres' to createuser and createdb commands. Now you can run the Installer or configure the database access options in 'config/config.inc.php' and run: `bin/initdb.sh --dir=SQL`. * Microsoft SQL Server ---------------------- Language/locale of the database must be set to us_english (1033). More info on this at https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/issues/4078. Database cleaning ----------------- To keep your database slick and clean we recommend to periodically execute bin/cleandb.sh which finally removes all records that are marked as deleted. Best solution is to install a cronjob running this script daily. MANUAL CONFIGURATION ==================== First of all, copy the sample configuration file config/config.inc.php.sample to config/config.inc.php and make the necessary adjustments according to your environment and your needs. More configuration options can be copied from the config/defaults.inc.php file into your local config.inc.php file as needed. Read the comments above the individual configuration options to find out what they do or read https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/wiki/Installation for even more guidance. The maximum size of email attachments and other file uploads is controlled by PHP settings: upload_max_filesize and post_max_size. Read more about PHP settings at https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/wiki/Installation#php-configuration. SECURE YOUR INSTALLATION ======================== Access through the webserver to the following directories should be denied: /config /temp /logs Roundcube uses .htaccess files to protect these directories, so be sure to allow override of the Limit directives to get them taken into account. The package also ships a .htaccess file in the root directory which defines some rewrite rules. In order to properly secure your installation, please enable mod_rewrite for Apache webserver and double check access to the above listed directories and their contents is denied. NOTE: In Apache 2.4, support for .htaccess files has been disabled by default. Therefore you first need to enable this in your Apache main or virtual host config by with: AllowOverride all For non-apache web servers add equivalent configuration parameters to deny direct access to these private resources. It is also recommended to change the document root to /public_html after installation if Roundcube runs at root of a dedicated virtual host. This will automatically keep sensitive files out of reach for http requests. UPGRADING ========= If you already have a previous version of Roundcube installed, please refer to the instructions in UPGRADING guide. OPTIMISING ========== There are two forms of optimization here, compression and caching, both aimed at increasing an end user's experience using Roundcube Webmail. Compression allows the static web pages to be delivered with less bandwidth. The index.php of Roundcube Webmail already enables compression on its output. The settings below allow compression to occur for all static files. Caching sets HTTP response headers that enable a user's web client to understand what is static and how to cache it. The caching directives used are: * Etags - sets at tag so the client can request is the page has changed * Cache-control - defines the age of the page and that the page is 'public' This enables clients to cache javascript files that don't have private information between sessions even if using HTTPS. It also allows proxies to share the same cached page between users. * Expires - provides another hint to increase the lifetime of static pages. For more information refer to RFC 2616. Side effects: ------------- These directives are designed for production use. If you are using this in a development environment you may get horribly confused if your webclient is caching stuff that you changed on the server. Disabling the expires parts below should save you some grief. If you are changing the skins, it is recommended that you copy content to a different directory apart from 'default'. Apache: ------- To enable these features in apache the following modules need to be enabled: * mod_deflate * mod_expires * mod_headers The optimization is already included in the .htaccess file in the top directory of your installation. Lighttpd: --------- With Lighttpd the addition of Expire: tags by mod_expire is incompatible with the addition of "Cache-control: public". Using Cache-control 'public' is used below as it is assumed to give a better caching result. Enable modules in server.modules: "mod_setenv" "mod_compress" Mod_compress is a server side cache of compressed files to improve its performance. $HTTP["host"] == "www.example.com" { static-file.etags = "enable" # http://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/lighttpd/wiki/Etag.use-mtimeDetails etag.use-mtime = "enable" # http://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/lighttpd/wiki/Docs:ModSetEnv $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/roundcubemail/(plugins|skins|program)" { setenv.add-response-header = ( "Cache-Control" => "public, max-age=2592000") } # http://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/lighttpd/wiki/Docs:ModCompress # set compress.cache-dir to somewhere outside the docroot. compress.cache-dir = var.statedir + "/cache/compress" compress.filetype = ("text/plain", "text/html", "text/javascript", "text/css", "text/xml", "image/gif", "image/png") } KNOWN ISSUES ============ Installations with uw-imap server should set imap_disabled_caps = array('ESEARCH') in main configuration file. ESEARCH implementation in this server is broken (#1489184). PHP >= 5.6 validates the ssl certificates by default. It means that if IMAP/SMTP certificates are self-signed or use wrong host name you'll get connection errors. A solution in such cases is to set imap_conn_options, smtp_conn_options and managesieve_conn_options in a way described in config/defaults.inc.php. If you have problems with temp files or non-working logs make sure temp and logs folders are writeable to the user used by http server. Access to them may also be blocked by SELINUX. Here's some sample commands for SELINUX: $ semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "/path_to_roundcube/logs(/.*)?" $ semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "/path_to_roundcube/temp(/.*)?" $ restorecon -Rv /path_to_roundcube/ Microsoft IIS Server by default does not support WOFF fonts used in Elastic skin. It might be needed to add following MIME Types definitions (via web.config or IIS Manager): .woff application/font-woff .woff2 application/font-woff2 When installing on Windows be aware we're using symbolic links which may need an additional attention. See https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/issues/7151.