diff --git a/lib/api/document.php b/lib/api/document.php index b740dea..8b96fd0 100644 --- a/lib/api/document.php +++ b/lib/api/document.php @@ -1,345 +1,350 @@ | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Aleksander Machniak | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ class file_api_document extends file_api_common { /** * Request handler */ public function handle() { $method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; $this->args = $_GET; if ($method == 'POST' && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD'])) { $method = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD']; } // Invitation notifications if ($this->args['method'] == 'invitations') { return $this->invitations(); } // Sessions list if ($this->args['method'] == 'sessions') { return $this->sessions(); } // Session and invitations management if (strpos($this->args['method'], 'document_') === 0) { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $post = file_get_contents('php://input'); $this->args += (array) json_decode($post, true); unset($post); } if (empty($this->args['id'])) { throw new Exception("Missing document ID.", file_api_core::ERROR_CODE); } switch ($this->args['method']) { case 'document_delete': case 'document_invite': case 'document_request': case 'document_decline': case 'document_accept': case 'document_cancel': case 'document_info': return $this->{$this->args['method']}($this->args['id']); } } // Document content actions for Manticore else if ($method == 'PUT' || $method == 'GET') { if (empty($this->args['id'])) { throw new Exception("Missing document ID.", file_api_core::ERROR_CODE); } return $this->{'document_' . strtolower($method)}($this->args['id']); } throw new Exception("Unknown method", file_api_core::ERROR_INVALID); } /** * Get file path from manticore session identifier */ protected function get_file_path($id) { $document = new file_document($this->api); $file = $document->session_file($id); return $file['file']; } /** * Get invitations list */ protected function invitations() { $timestamp = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $timestamp = $timestamp->format('U'); // Initial tracking request, return just the current timestamp if ($this->args['timestamp'] == -1) { return array('timestamp' => $timestamp); // @TODO: in this mode we should likely return all invitations // that require user action, otherwise we may skip some unintentionally } $document = new file_document($this->api); $filter = array(); if ($this->args['timestamp']) { $filter['timestamp'] = $this->args['timestamp']; } $list = $document->invitations_list($filter); return array( 'list' => $list, 'timestamp' => $timestamp, ); } /** * Get sessions list */ protected function sessions() { $document = new file_document($this->api); $params = array( 'reverse' => rcube_utils::get_boolean((string) ($this->args['reverse'] ?? '')), ); if (!empty($this->args['sort'])) { $params['sort'] = strtolower($this->args['sort']); } return $document->sessions_list($params); } /** * Close (delete) manticore session */ protected function document_delete($id) { $document = file_document::get_handler($this->api, $id); if (!$document->session_delete($id)) { throw new Exception("Failed deleting the document session.", file_api_core::ERROR_CODE); } } /** * Invite/add a session participant(s) */ protected function document_invite($id) { $document = file_document::get_handler($this->api, $id); $users = $this->args['users']; $comment = $this->args['comment']; if (empty($users)) { throw new Exception("Invalid arguments.", file_api_core::ERROR_CODE); } foreach ((array) $users as $user) { if (!empty($user['user'])) { $document->invitation_create($id, $user['user'], file_document::STATUS_INVITED, $comment, $user['name']); $result[] = array( 'session_id' => $id, 'user' => $user['user'], 'user_name' => $user['name'], 'status' => file_document::STATUS_INVITED, ); } } return array( 'list' => $result, ); } /** * Request an invitation to a session */ protected function document_request($id) { $document = file_document::get_handler($this->api, $id); $document->invitation_create($id, null, file_document::STATUS_REQUESTED, $this->args['comment']); } /** * Decline an invitation to a session */ protected function document_decline($id) { $document = file_document::get_handler($this->api, $id); $document->invitation_update($id, $this->args['user'], file_document::STATUS_DECLINED, $this->args['comment']); } /** * Accept an invitation to a session */ protected function document_accept($id) { $document = file_document::get_handler($this->api, $id); $document->invitation_update($id, $this->args['user'], file_document::STATUS_ACCEPTED, $this->args['comment']); } /** * Remove a session participant(s) - cancel invitations */ protected function document_cancel($id) { $document = file_document::get_handler($this->api, $id); $users = $this->args['users']; if (empty($users)) { throw new Exception("Invalid arguments.", file_api_core::ERROR_CODE); } foreach ((array) $users as $user) { $document->invitation_delete($id, $user); $result[] = $user; } return array( 'list' => $result, ); } /** * Return document informations */ protected function document_info($id, $extended = true) { $document = file_document::get_handler($this->api, $id); $file = $document->session_file($id, true); $rcube = rcube::get_instance(); try { list($driver, $path) = $this->api->get_driver($file['file']); $result = $driver->file_info($path); } catch (Exception $e) { // invited users may have no permission, // use file data from the session $result = array( 'size' => $file['size'], 'name' => $file['name'], 'modified' => $file['modified'], 'type' => $file['type'], ); } if ($extended) { $session = $document->session_info($id); $result['owner'] = $session['owner']; $result['owner_name'] = $session['owner_name']; - $result['user'] = $rcube->user->get_username(); + if ($rcube && $rcube->user) { + $result['user'] = $rcube->user->get_username(); + } else { + //Fall back to the owner if we don't have the rcube user initialized (wopi with kolabfiles) + $result['user'] = $session['owner']; + } $result['readonly'] = !empty($session['readonly']); $result['origin'] = $session['origin']; if ($result['owner'] == $result['user']) { $result['user_name'] = $result['owner_name']; } else { $result['user_name'] = $this->api->resolve_user($result['user']) ?: ''; } } return $result; } /** * Update document file content */ protected function document_put($id) { $file = $this->get_file_path($id); list($driver, $path) = $this->api->get_driver($file); $length = rcube_utils::request_header('Content-Length'); $tmp_dir = unslashify($this->api->config->get('temp_dir')); $tmp_path = tempnam($tmp_dir, 'chwalaUpload'); // Create stream to copy input into a temp file $input = fopen('php://input', 'r'); $tmp_file = fopen($tmp_path, 'w'); if (!$input || !$tmp_file) { throw new Exception("Failed opening input or temp file stream.", file_api_core::ERROR_CODE); } // Create temp file from the input $copied = stream_copy_to_stream($input, $tmp_file); fclose($input); fclose($tmp_file); if ($copied < $length) { throw new Exception("Failed writing to temp file.", file_api_core::ERROR_CODE); } $file_data = array( 'path' => $tmp_path, 'type' => rcube_mime::file_content_type($tmp_path, $file), ); $driver->file_update($path, $file_data); // remove the temp file unlink($tmp_path); // Update the file metadata in session $file_data = $driver->file_info($path); $document = file_document::get_handler($this->api, $this->args['id']); $document->session_update($this->args['id'], $file_data); } /** * Return document file content */ protected function document_get($id) { $file = $this->get_file_path($id); list($driver, $path) = $this->api->get_driver($file); try { $params = array('force-type' => 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text'); $driver->file_get($path, $params); } catch (Exception $e) { header("HTTP/1.0 " . file_api_core::ERROR_CODE . " " . $e->getMessage()); } $this->api->output_send(); } }