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cyrus-imapd-2.5.17-34-3e2a85d6e breaks multiple domain
Open, NormalPublic


 984                 if ((entry = ldap_first_entry(ptsm->ld, res)) != NULL) {
 985                     if ((vals = ldap_get_values(ptsm->ld, entry, ptsm->domain_result_attribute)) != NULL) {
 986                         syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Root DN for domain %s is %s", domain, vals[0]);
 987                         base_dn = vals[0]; // < here you set base to the found ROOT DN
 988                         rc = PTSM_OK;
 989                     } else if ((vals = ldap_get_values(ptsm->ld, entry, ptsm->domain_name_attribute)) != NULL) {
 990                         syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Domain %s is an alias domain for parent domain %s", domain, vals[0]);
 991                         rc = ptsmodule_standard_root_dn(vals[0], &base_dn);
 992                     } else {
 993                         rc = ptsmodule_standard_root_dn(domain, &base_dn);
 994                     }
 996                     if (rc != PTSM_OK) {
 997                         goto done;
 998                     } else {
 999                         // base_dn = xstrdup(ptsm->base); << - HERE YOU RESET IT TO THE DEFAULT VALUE FROM CONFIG
1000                         syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Continuing with base_dn: %s", base_dn);
1001                     }
1002                 }


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there is also a similar issue with group_base around line 1483
while the multidomain support is non-existent for "ldap_member_base"

bluca triaged this task as Needs Triage priority.Aug 19 2021, 8:03 PM
bluca added a project: Bug Reports.
machniak lowered the priority of this task from Needs Triage to Normal.Sep 27 2023, 11:20 AM
machniak subscribed.

Anything different with Cyrus IMAP v3?